Southrop Parish Council
Minutes of the Meeting of Southrop Parish Council held at 7.30pm on Monday 16th May 2016 in The Village Hall
Councillors: Chairman Beccle, Cllr. Hibbert, Cllr. Guest, Cllr. Jones, Cllr. Gowland and The Clerk
Members of the public: Rhona Reid, Hillary Ockendon, Kathy Pettifer, Matthew Harvey and Charles Hansard.
1. Apologies for Absence. There were none.
2. Declaration of Interest in becoming Chairman and Vice-Chairman. Abagail Beccle declared an interest in becoming Chairman and Jerry Hibbert declared an interest in the role of Vice-Chairman. There were no other declarations of interest.
3. Appointment of (a) Chairman and Acceptance of Office and (b) Vice Chairman and Acceptance of Office. The appointment of Cllr. Beccle to the role of Chairman was proposed by Cllr. Jones, seconded by Cllr. Guest and approved by the remaining Cllrs. The appointment of Cllr. Hibbert as Vice-Chairman was proposed by Cllr. Jones seconded by Cllr. Guest and approved by the remaining Cllrs. The declaration of acceptance of office was signed by the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman.
4. Signing of Acceptance of Office forms by remaining Councillors. Councillors Guest, Jones and Gowland duly signed their acceptance of office forms.
5. Appointment of Responsible Financial Officer and Acceptance of Office. Chairman Beccle proposed The Clerk, Karen Benbow and this was seconded by Cllr. Hibbert.
6. Open Public Session
Southrop Parish Council
16th May 2016: this meeting immediately followed Council’s Annual Council Meeting (see above) and was held in the Village Hall
1. Apologies for Absence. There were none.
2. To Approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 28th April 2016. The minutes were approved and signed off by The Chairman.
3. Declaration of Interest in Items on the Agenda. Cllr. Guest and Cllr. Jones in item 8bi. Cllr. Hibbert in item 8bii.
4. Changes to declaration of members’ interests. There were none.
5. Review of standing orders. It was decided that these would remain the same.
6. Open Public Session
7. Finance:
a. To approve the financial statement. Council approved the financial statement.
b. To approve the expenditure since the last Meeting. Council approved the following financial expenditure:
i. £216.72 Chairman Beccle’s expenses (food & drink for the APM)
ii. £52.00 AMM bookkeeping
iii. £67.31 GAPTC membership
iv. £2140.00 Notice boards
v. £95.89 Clerk’s expenses (postage, printing, binding, photocopying & waitresses)
vi. £25.90 website hosting April & May
vii.£293.12 SPC insurance
viii.£676.97 JC insurance
c. To sign-off cheques and Cheque book transaction record. The Chairman signed off the cheque transaction record in the cheque book.
d. 2015-16 Annual Return (Audit process update). The Clerk confirmed that the process was underway but that the documents had not been returned so the return could not yet be approved.
e. Review Council’s financial arrangements. It was decided that these would stay as they are.
f. Confirmation of appointment of Internal, Internal Auditor (Cllr Tim Guest). Propsed by Chairman Beccle and seconded by Cllr. Gowland.
g. Reappointment of authority of the Clerk for appropriate spending in emergencies. The Clerk confirmed she is happy for this to continue. Propsed by Chairman Beccle and seconded by Cllr. Jones.
h. Approve checklist for Risk Assessment. The Clerk confirmed that this is the same as last year but it was decided that Chairman Beccle and The Clerk would revisit it. All Cllrs. agreed to email Chairman Beccle with their ideas.
8. Planning:
a. New applications received since the last meeting:
b. i. 16/01602/FUL – full application for alterations and extensions to existing dwelling together with erection to outbuilding and other associated ancillary development at Doyles Close, Southrop GL7 3NU. A general discussion took place and it was decided that it is necessary to object due to several material planning issues, namely, the effect on several nearby listed buildings within the curtilage, loss of amenity to neighbouring gardens, the impact on the public rights of way and the fact that the size and design is not appropriate for the setting.
ii. 15/04754/FUL Full application and change of use of The Granary, Ox Barn, Lambing Sheds and Pigsties, haybarn and associated land from past agricultural equestrian, D1 and D2 and B1 use classes to a composite use comprising A3 (food and drink), C1 (hotel), D1 (treatment and wellbeing/lectures/courses) and D2 (social events) use classes. Replacement of former barns to provide guest bedrooms. Construction of treatment and wellbeing buildings and the change of use of equestrian riding arena and other land, part to include overflow car parking, associated landscaping and all other associated works at Manor Farm Barns, Southrop, Glos. New details have been received for the above application which relate primarily to: Ecological mitigation measures. Decision: No objection.
9. Matters pertaining to Jubilee Close. Chairman Beccle is aware that the next meeting is on Sunday and was wondering if there is anything on the agenda that Southrop Parish Council could help with? Chairman Beccle is aware that the hedgerow needs attention and will get a quote for this as CDC will pay for it. JH undertook to keep her updated.
10. 20mph zone signs. After a discussion it was decided to purchase 2 portable signs for now and see how we get on. More volunteers are needed. Chairman Beccle pointed out that the junction with Lechlade Road is terrible and that a roundabout has been suggested. Cllr. Hibbert advised that this has been tried before and wasn’t successful. Chairman Beccle undertook to make more enquiries and report back.
11. Noticeboards. These are now up and huge thanks go to Cllr. Guest for organizing them and also to Cllr. Gowland and Roger Burton for helping him install them.
12. Bin at Quarry View. Chairman Beccle advised that this has now been replaced for free and she has thanked UBICO. The bus shelter bin now needs replacing too and she will contact UBICO in this regard. All Cllrs. agreed that if this needs paying for then that is acceptable.
13. Bus shelter. After discussion it was agreed that Colin Medley should go ahead with the work at a cost of £5000. Chairman Beccle undertook to speak to him about smartwater.
14. AOB. Hillary Ockendon has unfortunately been flooded in the recent heavy rains. A flood drainage expert was on the scene very quickly who advised that the water needs diverting and that the drains have collapsed. Chairman Beccle will contact Sue Coakley, the cabinet member for the environment, highways, CDC and Ray Theodoulou and put a report together. Rhona Reid pointed out that the documents are not on the village website and after a discussion it was decided that The Clerk will contact the chap who helps with the shoot website with a view to him hopefully being able to help with the village website too.
15. Date of the next Meeting. Thursday 30th June at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.
16. Close. There being no further business the meeting closed at 20.52.