Wakari Hospital
10:30am to 12:15pm
18Dec 2015
- Attendees
SPG Members / Initials
Andrew Blair / AB / Chair, Southern Partnership Group
Richard Thomson / RT / Southern Partnership Group
Mr Andrew Connolly / AC / Southern Partnership Group
Tony Lanigan / TL / Southern Partnership Group
Margaret Wilsher / MW / Southern Partnership Group
Ex officio / Initials
John Hazeldine / JH / Acting Director, DHB Performance, Ministry of Health
Other Attendees / Initials
Kathy Grant / KG / Southern DHB Commissioner
Carole Heatly / CH / Southern DHB CEO
Mhairi McHugh / MM / Manager, Capital and Operating, MoH
Peter Beirne / PB / Executive Director Infrastructure and Strategic Projects, SDHB
Lexie O’Shea (by videoconference) / LO / Executive Director Patient Services/Deputy CEO, SDHB
Sandra Boardman (by videoconference) / SB / Executive Director Planning and Funding, SDHB
Secretariat / Initials
Kieran Reilly / KR / Senior Project Manager, MoH
Apologies / Initials
Davin Hall / DH / Senior Analyst, Treasury
- Minutes
Item / Topic
1&2 / Welcome and Action Points
a)Welcomed members and other attendees, including the DHB Commissioner and DHB CEO.
b)Noted Davin Hall, Treasury, as an apology for this meeting.
c)Noted the updated Register of Interests. Confirmed there are no conflicts of interest for membersin respect of the agenda items.
d)In respect of the Southern Partnership Group’sTerms of Reference Tony Lanigan and Margaret Wilsher;
i)Acknowledged the standards of conduct required (clause 12).
ii)Agreed members had an ongoing responsibility to identify any actual or potential conflicts of interest (clause 12.2)
iii)Acknowledged the Chair as the lead for external communications (Clause 16).
iv)Acknowledged the confidentiality requirements that apply to attendees at these meetings (clause 17).
e)Reviewed the action points. Open action points from the last meeting are listed below.
f)Noted MoH has submitted a Risk Profile Assessment for the project to Treasury which confirmed the project’s high risk rating. The assurance requirements for the project will involve undergoingthe full Gateway process managed by Treasury as well as some internal quality assurance. John Hazeldine, MoH is the designated Senior Responsible Owner (SRO) for the purpose of Gateway Reviews. The first Gateway Review will be undertaken when the Strategic Assessment business case is prepared.
g)Noted Nigel Millar has been appointed the new Chief Medical Officer for Southern DHB. A CFO appointment is expected shortly and interviews are soon to be held for the senior and head of communications roles at Southern DHB.
Open Action / Whom / Date Assigned / Completion date / Status
Confirm whether any amendments are required to the SPG ToR after Treasury and the Ministry of Health meet with the State Services Commission. / JH/DH / 10/11/2015 / 09/02/2015 / Open
Draft quarterly report to Ministers - the first will be prepared in February 2016. / KR / 10/11/2015 / 9/02/2016 / Ongoing
Southern DHB and MoH to formally advise SPG of any gaps or concerns with resources / MM/CH / 10/11/2015 / - / Ongoing
Arrange meeting between SPG and Southern DHB’s clinical council / PB/KR / 18/12/2015 / ASAP
Item / Topic
3 / Southern DHB presentations
a)Received a presentation on Southern DHBService Planning (SB/LO)
b)Discussed the roadmap that had been prepared to support implementation of the Strategic Health Plan
c)Discussed the role and membership of the Alliance South Leadership Team.
d)Noted Southern DHB only has one PHO – Wellsouth.
e)Discussed the work on service alignment that is being undertaken by Southern DHB.
Action / Whom / Date Assigned / Completion date / Status
Distribute an organisational chart of Southern DHB to SPG members / CH/PB / 18/12/2015 / ASAP / Open
Item / Topic
4 / Communications
a)Discussed the draft communications plan
b)Approved the plan, subject to adding vocational colleges and private providers into the list of stakeholders.
c)Approved the draft questions and answers and material for release onto the MoH website subject to some minor wording changes on page 10(KR/AC)
d)Noted meetings would be set up between the Chair, the University, Polytechnic and City Council in 2016.
e)Requested officials provide advice to SPG on what risks and opportunities would ariseif the overall project timelines were shortened.
f)Agreed to hold the April SPG meeting in Invercargill.
Action / Whom / Date Assigned / Completion date / Status
Write to the University, Polytechnic and City Council to arrange meetings in 2016. / AB/KR / 10/11/2015 / ASAP / Open
Report back on the risks and opportunities arising if the overall timeframes were shortened. / JH/MM / 18/12/2015 / 09/02/2016 / Open
Arrangements for April SPG meeting in Invercargill / KR/PB/LO / 18/12/2015 / 09/02/2016 / Open
MoH website to go live with approved material / KR / 18/12/2015 / ASAP / Open
Item / Topic
5 / RFP
a)Noted the procurement process followed.
b)Discussed how the evaluation panel had assessed the respondents in accordance with the evaluation plan.
c)Noted the interim probity report provided by PwC did not identify any probity risks.
d)Approved the evaluation teams’ unanimous recommendation to award a services contract to Sapere noting that they:
- clearly recognised the issues facing SDHB.
- have put forward a team with experience and credibility in the health sector.
- the proposed team members’ allocation of time to work on the contract is relatively high and includes a significant amount of face to face consultation time.
- have an excellent track record.
Action / Whom / Date Assigned / Completion date / Status
Arrange for the Chair to sign report on behalf of SPG and email Michael Hundleby, Director,National HealthBoard, as required / KR/AB / 18/12/2015 / ASAP / Closed
Media Release when contract confirmed / JH/KR / 18/12/2015 / ASAP / Open
Arrange Sapere to attend February SPG meeting. / KR / 18/12/2015 / 21/01/2016 / Open
Item / Topic
6 / Other Business
a)Received and noted the report on the urgent interim works. Requested as part of its next report advice on the overall level ofrisk related to the deferred replacement of clinical equipment.
b)Discussed the advice on indemnity and insurance. The group is indemnified under section 90(4) of the NZ Public Health and Disability Act 2000. It is the Group acting as a whole that is indemnified for its collective advice. The Ministry does not provide insurance.
c)Discussedthedraft media release.
d)Discussed the report of the Office of Auditor General on three projects in Christchurch including Christchurch Hospital’s Acute Services Building. The SPG Chair had been approached for comment on the report.
e)Noted a 2nd generation district plan is currently being consulted on in Dunedin. It includes a campus zone that includes a major facility zone for Wakari and Dunedin campuses. It was noted that RT has a declared interest as a Dunedin City Councillor.
Action / Whom / Date Assigned / Completion date / Status
Urgent interim works report– provide advice on the level of risk related to deferred replacement of clinical equipment in the next update / PB / 18/12/2015 / 09/02/2016 / Open
Revise media release and circulate OAG report / KR / 18/12/2015 / ASAP / Closed
Southern Partnership Group Meeting Minutes