Cranbourne/Vyne/Costello Local Children’s Partnership
CVC LCP News and Information – December 2013
The aim of the Newsletter is to share information/news relevant to all members
and other interested partners, avoid duplication and where to go for information/
courses/services. If you would like anything included in the Newsletter please email Margaret Cox on: ; Telephone Number: 01256 868620. Working days: Monday and Wednesday, 8.00am-4.00 pm, term time. (Note: Days may vary due to attendance at meetings, etc).
The information in this Newsletter is correct at the time of printing and is subject to change.
Page One: Diary Dates; CVC LCP Action Plan 2012-13 and 2013-14 Update;
Page Two: Funding News
Page Three: Funding News (continued); Other Information; Support for Young People
Page Four: Support for Young People (continued); Childcare/Activities; Support for Parents.
DIARY DATES: 2014 CVC LCP MEETING SCHEDULE: Next meeting: 7th January 2014. Future Meetings: 18th March and 17th June 2014. All meetings held on Tuesday and start at 9.30 am (new start time). Venue: Cranbourne Business & Enterprise College, Wessex Close, Basingstoke RG21 3NP. School Telephone Number: 01256 868600.
NEET Working Party Members: Ed Ives Ware (BVS), Nikki Coleman (Educational Inclusion), Dawn Absalom (CBEC), John Peters (Costello), Clare Wolf (YOT), Amy Johnson (The Vyne) and Margaret Cox.
Update: Membership of Working Party increased. Agreed focus for 2013-14: Increase mobility and affordable transport for young people; increase the opportunities available to pre-NEETs and NEETs through partnership working and meeting the RPA target.
Teenage Pregnancy Working party Members: Sally Clark, June Balcombe and Margaret Cox.
Update: Girl Talk/Boy Talk sessions have taken place at the three CVC secondary schools. ‘Train the Teacher’ project will be run out at the secondary schools in the next few months. Partner agencies will be invited to participate in the programme.
Young People Attendance & Engagement Working Party Members: Tracy McCarley, Bob Denham, Karen Crichton (CBEC), Penny Conduct (The Vyne) and Margaret Cox.
Update: Working Party membership increased to include representative from each cluster. In order to demonstrate impact on attendance levels, the WP will compare year on year data for the past three years based on the information supplied by schools. The WP is also looking at a common structure and traffic lighting system across the three clusters and revising the CVC Cluster Request for Absence form.
Parental Attendance/Engagement Working Party Members: Working Party Members: Wendy Lee, Anwen Foy and Margaret Cox.
Update: CVC LCP funded crèche to support ‘Incredible Years’ course. The outcome of the twelve week programme held at the Octopus Children’s Centre was presented to CVC LCP on 1st October.
CVC LCP Priorities 2013-14
Following the Basingstoke & Deane Joint LCP Conference held in June, the Chairs of the four Basingstoke & Deane LCPs discussed the findings of the identified three top priorities with their LCP members. It was agreed that working groups will be formed to focus on: Basingstoke Directory (June Balcombe and Margaret Cox); Anti-Bullying (Steve Willis) and Obesity.
In addition to the Basingstoke & Deane identified priorities, the CVC LCP will be asked to approve the following priorities for 2013-14 at the CVC LCP meeting scheduled for 7th January 2014: Attendance (Tracey McCarley); NEETs (Nikki Coleman and Ed Ives Wara); Boys’ Attainment (Paul Hemmings).
Funding for Breakfast Clubs (established or new) - Kellogg’s have joined up with Forever Manchester, a UK charity to deliver the Help Give a Child a Breakfast campaign in the UK. Through the campaign, schools can apply for funding to support their Breakfast Clubs.
Established Breakfast Clubs can apply for £200 plus £100 of Kellogg’s Cereal Vouchers and a further £100 of Kellogg’s Cereal Vouchers upon completion of a satisfactory feedback form. Schools wanting to start a new Kellogg’s Breakfast Club will receive £400 and will be required to attend a Kellogg’s Breakfast Club Information Day where they will receive advice, support, handy tips and techniques to running their club. There are no restrictions set on how breakfast clubs can use the money. It can pay for food, equipment, games, materials and staff time. Any items which would help support the running of the breakfast club.
To be eligible for funding, at least 40% of the pupils at the school should be eligible to claim free school meals and the school should be based within the 0 – 40% most disadvantaged communities as ranked by the country’s Indices of Multiple Deprivation. Schools can apply for funding up to 28th February 2014. See website for more details: .
Foyle Foundation Schools Library Programme (UK) - State funded secondary and primary schools as well as dedicated schools catering for those with Special Educational Needs (SEN) that do not have or want to improve their libraries can apply for funding through the Foyles Foundation Schools Library Programme. This programme recognises that there is no statutory requirement for schools to have a library and that many school libraries are in a desperate situation through underfunding and underdevelopment. Encouraging children to read widely from an early age will provide a major boost to improving literacy levels, which is a current key educational objective.
Priority will be given to funding library books. The Foundation will also consider contributions towards library software, necessary IT equipment and specialist seating/desks. Preference will be given to schools which can clearly demonstrate that their library can be maintained and renewed in the future. The average grant made under this programme is between £3,000 and £10,000. (Past projects include: £20,000 towards improving and extending learning facilities; another school received £10,000 towards equipping the newly built school library). Applications can be submitted at any time. See website for more details: .
Henry Smith’s Charity – Holiday Grants for Children (UK) - has announced that it will start accepting applications through its Holiday Grant for Children Programme from the 1st November 2013 onwards.
Applications can be made by schools, youth groups, not for profit organisations and charities for grants towards holidays or outings within the UK for children aged 13 and under who are from areas of high deprivation, are experiencing disadvantage, or those who have a disability. Applications can be considered for holidays or outings that have the objective of providing children with a break they would not otherwise have the opportunity to experience. The maximum grant available is £2,500 for any one trip. Grants are normally limited to a maximum of two-thirds of the total cost of a trip as there is an expectation for some local partnership funding to be in place. The closing date for applications is 31st March 2014. See website for more details: .
Tesco Charity Community Awards (UK) - grants for children’s welfare and/or children’s educations (including special needs schools) re-opened for applications on 1st December 2013. Through the Awards, one-off donations of between £500 and £4,000 are available to local projects that support children and their education and welfare. Previous projects supported have included sensory garden or room projects; outdoor classrooms; breakfast and after school clubs; holiday play-schemes; and part funding to purchase minibuses.
The Tesco Charity Trust has been in existence since 1987 and aims to provide approximately £600,000 in grants each year. The Tesco Charity Trust Trustees also consider grant applications at their tri-annual meetings. These grants range between £4,000 and £25,000 and are to support local, national or international projects in areas where Tesco operate. The closing date for applications is 30th January 2014. See website for more details: (Tesco & Society – Community Awards).
For more funding information see Basingstoke Voluntary Services monthly Newsletter - email to request a copy.
Basingstoke & District Learning Partnership - Purple Book – the Basingstoke & District Learning Partnership Community Learning Programme offers a range of learning opportunities (including recognised National qualifications). For information on courses available from January – August 2014 or for an application form contact Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council on 01256 845622 or email: . Costs per training courses, unless otherwise stated, are: Voluntary/community organizations within Basingstoke & Deane- £5; Partnership members/staff - £5; Basingstoke & Dane Councillors/Parish Councillors – Free; All others £25.
Hampshire Apprenticeship Information Event, Basingstoke – Tuesday, 14th January 2014 from 4.00-6.00 pm at the Basingstoke Discovery Centre, Festival Place Shopping Centre. Drop in to find out more information from the National Apprenticeship Service and Local Training Providers about the Apprenticeship opportunities in the Basingstoke area.
For information about the event in Basingstoke and/or events in other areas, please email: . Anyone who cannot attend the event in Basingstoke and/or other areas but would like more information on Apprenticeships, visit: .
BVS NEET Drop In Clubs - Supporting young people with job searching, CV writing, apprenticeship referrals (in partnership with Basingstoke Consortium and HCC Youth Support Service Team), careers advice and guidance or exploring ways of getting back into education, employment or training. The sessions are also a drop in for any other concerns or issue a young person may be experiencing.
NEET Daytime Drop In Hub – Tuesday, 12.00-4.00 pm at The Orchard, White Hart Lane, Basingstoke RG21 4AF.
NEET Evening Drop In Club - has moved to Brookvale Village Hall (Lower Brook Street, Basingstoke) with effect from Wednesday 27th November 2013, 6.30-8.30pm. For more details please contact Vince Parkes on 01256 423813.
Enham, Basingstoke – Enham is running the Skills2Achieve (S2A) programme that helps and supports young people aged 16-18 (NEETs) to enter employment, apprenticeships or full-time education at The Orchard. For more details contact the tutor Dave How on 07545 503438.
MEND (Mind, Exercise, Nutrition…Do it!) programme, Basingstoke - is a Public Health funded support programme for families of children who are overweight or obese. MEND aims to empower children and adults to reach or maintain a healthier weight. It is foremost a weight management service designed to help families with a child who is overweight or obese. The child must be resident in or attend a school within Hampshire. The MEND family weight management programme is split into: MEND 5-7 for children aged 5-7; MEND 7-13 for children aged 7-13.
The MEND programme helps parents and children to take action to encourage healthy behavior, take early action to avoid later problems with a child’s weight and develop healthy habits together. The Basingstoke 5-7 programme will be starting on Tuesday, 21st January 2014 4-6 pm at the Basingstoke Sports Centre. If you would like to refer a family please complete and return the referral form which is available on line: . Please note there are a limited number of places.
Four Lanes ‘Planet Holiday Club’ - Four Lanes Junior Community School, Chineham RG24 8PQ. Tel: 01256 810499. Open: 30th & 31st December and 2nd & 3rd January from 8.30am-5.30 pm. 8.30-4pm £14.75; 8.30am-5.30pm £18.
Fun House Holiday Club – Daneshill Industrial Estate, Basingstoke RG24 8NS. Tel: 01256 471066. Open: 23rd December; 24th December*; Closed: 25th- 29th December; Open: 30th & 31st December; Closed 1st January; Open 2nd & 3rd January; Opening hours: 8.00 am – 6.00 pm. *Christmas Eve: Close at 4.00 pm. £24 per day; 9-3.30 pm £18.50 per day; lunch £3 per day, per child.
RCS Play Services in conjunction with BDBC - Saturday, 21st December – Children only - drop off your children at one of RCS Christmas Activity sessions at: Chute House, Church Street and Hatch Warren Community Centre. £2 per child from 10.00-11.55 am.
Saturday, 21st December – Parents and Children – craft activities for parents and children at Rooksdown Community Centre. £2 per child (adults go free) from 11.30-2.30 pm.
Monday, 23rd December – Drop and Shop – drop off your children at Viable’s Play Session while you do your last minute shopping. Suitable for children aged 3-11 years (bring your own lunch). £2.50 per hour, per child – booking is essential. To book a place contact Viables on 01256 473634.
Triple P Primary (daytime) – will be held at Castle Hill Infant School, starting Wednesday, 5th March from 9.15 - 11.15 am. Facilitators: Kathy Gare and Carol Robertson. Contact details: ; )
Triple P Primary (evening) – will be held at CBEC, starting Wednesday, 26th March from 7-9 pm. Facilitators: Kathy Gare and Rachel Thomas. Contact details: Email Kathy Gare (see above); Rachel Thomas on 07887 983365; email: .
Next issue: 10th February 2014– email information for inclusion by 12 noon 10th February 2014.
Email: . Tel: 01256 868620.
Wishing everyone a very Happy Christmas and New Year
Next CVC LCP Meeting: Tuesday, 7th January 2014 at 9.30 am.
Venue: Cranbourne Business & Enterprise College, Wessex Close, Basingstoke RG21 3NP.