Southern Nursing Research Society

Spring Board of Directors Meeting

February 1, 2006

Peabody Hotel

Memphis, Tennessee


Pre-Conference Board Minutes

February 1, 2006

200 – 8:00 pm

Call to Order:

President Donna Hathaway called the meeting to order at approximately 2:05 pm, Central Standard Time. Introductions were made and the newly elected members of the Board, Elaine Amella, and Patricia Crane were congratulated for their election to the Board and welcomed to their first meeting. David Stumph from The Resource Center for Associations (RC) was welcomed as well.

Roll Call:

Those present were Donna Hathaway, President; Patty Gray, President-elect; Darlene Gilcreast, Secretary; Marti Rice, Treasurer; Linda Freeman, Vice President; and Board members Cara Krulewitch, Kathy Jo Ellison, Barbara Habermann, and Judy Martin. Also present were newly elected Board members, Patricia Crane and Elaine Amella, David Stumph, Executive Director; and guests Demetrius Porch, New Orleans LPC Chair; Cindy Russell, Memphis Local Planning Committee (LPC) Chair; Judy Drew and Nancy Busen, representing the Galveston LPC; and Tanya Truitt, UTA meeting manager.

Overview of 2006 Annual Conference:

Tanya Truitt noted that there were 553 pre-registered for the meeting. Onsite registration is expected and it was noted that SNRS would attain a record attendance with only ten additional registrations. Tanya reviewed logistics for exhibits, the poster sessions, food and beverage in the exhibit hall noting that, while the space might not be the best, the exhibits will be in the center of activity. It was noted that about 20 one-day registrations were received and that there are 105 student posters and 68 general posters. Decorations will be used for door prizes for the 20th Anniversary Celebration Reception, which include top hats, feather masks, and other items. It was reported that the opening session will be theater style and that the other general sessions will be in a classroom setup. Breakouts will be classroom for the most part, combined with theater setup at the back of the rooms. AV services are provided by an outside company. Due to a lack of space, there is no speaker ready room available but the staff office can be used for this purpose if needed.

The Board congratulated the conference planning committee for doing a commendable job in dealing with the change of location and providing an excellent program. The collaboration between the New Orleans and the Memphis LPC was outstanding.

One issue that was discussed dealt with some difficulties in matching the abstracts with specialty areas and the themes for the meeting. Matching with reviewers was difficult as well. It is hoped that the new online abstract submission program will streamline these processes.

Anniversary Celebration:

It was noted that a jazz band will play during the event and a PowerPoint presentation a continuous run with a historical review of SNRS will run throughout the evening. A poster prepared by Patrick Heyman with historical information about SNRS will also be posted at registration.

Friday Business Meeting:

Following the general business meeting, there will be a series of breakout sessions on the topics of membership services, financial viability/sustainability, membership profile for the future, leadership development and mentoring, engaging mid-career and senior scientists, and members in non-academic settings. In addition, a Deans/Associate Deans forum will be held. There will be no reading of reports to the general assembly and board members assigned to facilitate each session were asked to be sure that notes are kept (1). The Nominations committee report will be read to the assembly with a call for a motion to destroy the ballots after the election is formally ratified. Outgoing members of the board will be recognized and the annual Treasurer’s report will be presented, as well as a report from the change in management task force. It was agreed that the rest of the reports can be distributed. David will check to see if the reports can be placed on the website (2).

Saturday Board Meeting:

The agenda for the Saturday afternoon Board meeting was reviewed. The Board discussed the need to have good feedback recorded from the discussion groups so that items raised in the sessions can be included in a member assessment survey.


The Board discussed future directions for the Southern Online Journal of Nursing Research (SOJNR). Posting the journal on the web is a productive means of leading people to the SNRS website.

MSC the journal editors will be directed to include the abstracts approved for presentation in all formats (oral presentations, symposiums, and posters) for the annual meeting in a special issue or a supplement of SOJNR (3).

Strategic Planning:

It was noted that the feedback from the business meeting breakout session and the subsequent member needs assessment survey will form the basis for an updated strategic plan. Patty Gray suggested that it may be necessary to conduct monthly conference calls as a way of changing the way that SNRS does business. The agenda can be developed based on the strategic plan to be sure that planning items are addressed and updated regularly (4). It was further suggested that a standard template for Board and committee reports be develop using formats used by other RC clients (5).

Criteria for Selection of Host Schools:

Linda presented a draft of the host schools selection criteria with suggested changes. Review and action were deferred to the post-conference board meeting.

Luncheon Meeting:

Installation of new officers and presentation of awards will be conducted during the luncheon meeting.

Approval of previous minutes:

Dr. Gilcreast noted that the minutes of all previous meeting or conference calls have been approved by email accept those of the December 10, 2005 conference call.

MSC the minutes of the December 10, 2005 conference call were approved as presented.

Treasurer’s Report:

Dr. Rice distributed the report that would be presented to the membership meeting. A budget for 2006 needs to be established. The management transition has delayed the budget due to questions related to budget categories that may change as a result of new structure. 2004 and 2005 data were reviewed. It was noted that membership is up and the increased revenue is reflected in the 2005 financial statement. In 2003, membership was at its highest point but that was when the dues were increased. The Board is looking for the consolidated approach to management provided by RC to be more efficient in follow-up and, subsequently, in the growth of the Society. It was agreed that approval of mailing list sales and other similar issues can be handled by staff rather that requiring the approval of the president (6). During the business meeting discussion group, Marti’s intent is to address other sources of revenue for such items as the Research Interest Groups (RIGs), pre-conference meetings, web casts, instituting an “Honor a Nurse” gala, and other options. It was noted that earlier promotion for exhibitors may impact growth in the exhibit program. The Board also discussed offering more incentives to exhibitors and sponsors, including posting their logos on the SNRS website (7). Another option discussed was the use of bingo cards for each exhibitor to stamp and then conduct a drawing at the end of the meeting of those cards with all exhibitors stamped (8).

David Stumph agreed to prepare a draft of the budget consolidating all operations of the organization including the general operations and that annual meeting. Expense items to be considered include the election process for which cost went up in 2005 in spite of the online process. They are expected to go down for this year. Other items discussed include the need to match the strategic plan and the budget for the future. It was noted that the budget for small grants was to be increased. David was also instructed to include the cost of Directors & Officers liability insurance (9). In addition, it was agreed to allocate funding for the RIGs to pay a speaker if needed for their sessions (10).

The Board needs to evaluate how its financial reserve accounts are managed with an understanding of cash flow and liquidity needs. Staff will prepare a budget that lays out the cash flow needs of the organization so that the Board can review its investment strategies for the future (11).

The Board discussed the question of how Board members should be compensated for the Annual Meeting. It was agreed that the current requirement that Board members share a room be eliminated.

Member Service Survey:

The Board discussed the need to conduct a member needs assessment survey. The intent of the survey will be to assess the perceived value of the current member services and to evaluate potential new services. The SOJNR readership will be included in the survey. Other questions to be included may evolve from the business meeting breakout sessions.

Dates and Location for the 2008 Annual Meeting – Birmingham, AL:

There is currently no hotel agreement finalized for the 2008 meeting to be held in Birmingham, Alabama. Staff will review options with the local members and gather information on various options (12). It was noted that we need to be aware of conflicting meetings close to the usual dates for SNRS. Staff was requested to prepare a spreadsheet of conflicting meetings (13). By consensus, the dates selected for the 2008 Annual Meeting was the last week in February depending on availability and other conflicting meetings.

Bylaws Committee:

There were no proposed changes to present.

Research Interest Groups:

Finding leaders for the RIGs has been difficult. The plan for the RIGs meeting to be held at the conference is to set up a rotating schedule for program content for the annual meeting. Two symposiums will be rotated among the RIGs each year at the annual conference. If there is a revenue generating activity, the Board discussed the option of sharing a portion of the proceeds to support the RIG activities. Listservs need to be setup for each RIG as a means of enhancing networking among RIG members (14).

Awards Committee:

A question was raise as to the need to update the award guidelines and the processes for selecting and granting the awards. Such issues as providing complimentary registration for award winners were considered. Current information is in the newsletter. Concern was expressed about the criteria for selection and the potential to undermine the credibility of the awards. How do we increase the number of nominations to improve the quality of the awards presented? Do we not give an award if we don’t have adequate responses or quality nominations? Awards are highly visible. Donna suggested that the committee be charged with more actively soliciting and seeking award nominees (15). It was noted that if awards are not to be given, the policies need to reflect that option. The bylaws committee was charge with developing a recommendation to better define this process and to include a requirement that nominees be presented to the board.

Previously there was a recommendation that there be two levels of awards for the Hartford Award, an emerging (developing) researcher and an established award. The selection criteria needs better definition as well and should require that articles are actually published rather than submitted for publication (16).

Communications Committee:

The website was redesigned and is operational. Contributions to RINAH need to be developed so that it advertises SNRS events, awards, and activities (17). It was suggested that outstanding abstracts, funded abstracts, grant recipients, and/or student poster awards be included in the publication. It was further suggested that the Distinguished Research Award winner’s abstract and the SNRS membership application be included. An ad could be used to draw individuals to the website. Posting of the material online can now be coordinated with staff. Should the newsletter, journal, web, etc. all fall under the responsibility of the Communications Committee? There needs to be coordination with staff, the SOJNR editor, the newsletter editor, and the communications committee. The bylaws committee was charge with preparing a draft change to coordinate the communications functions as noted above (18).

Membership and State Liaison Report

Membership is up 19% over last year, with a total of 1,042 members as of December 31, 2005. Student membership makes up about 30% of the total. A better renewal process and follow-up system was established, which is believed to account for the improved position. The Board congratulated Kathy Jo Ellison on her achievements in raising membership.

The state liaison group is not currently active. Only three state liaisons will be coming to the meeting. It was suggested that the role of the state liaisons be that of welcoming new members and encouraging membership renewals. They can also stimulate more interest in SNRS by presenting at state or local area meetings on the benefits and activities of SNRS. It was suggested that a reception for new members could be arranged with the state liaisons. Can there be a way of honoring and/or recognizing the liaisons? There has not been good communication from the organization in the past regarding membership renewals. The list has not been accurate and people have remained on the list after they have dropped their membership. This is expected to be resolved with the new management service (19). Could the state liaisons also provide a report for the newsletter on activities at the area? Information could be acquired from the marketing offices at the various schools that could be included in the newsletters. Another option discussed was the possibility of assigning an editor for the newsletter to address this section.