Southern Boone Elementary

PBS Eagle Pride

School Wide

Positive Behavior Support



Table of Contents


Guiding Principles (What is PBS?)...... 4

Implementation Plan...... 7

Behavior Expectation Matrix (Safe, Respectful, Responsible Learner)...8

Recognition Matrix...... 9

Discipline Matrix...... 10

Staff Responsibilities...... 17

Teaching Social Skills/ Expectations Tip Sheet...... 18

Monthly Character Traits...... 20

Biking and Walking Expectations...... 21

Discipline Referral Process and Flow Chart...... 22

Behavior Data Sheet...... 23

Behavior Definitions...... 24

Think Sheet...... 26

Minors Form…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..28

Dear Southern Boone Staff,

We are excited to be a Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBS) school. Behavior and school climate is a priority at Southern Boone Elementary; it is one of the top goals of our school district as outlined in our Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP). In this handbook you’ll find information about our school-wide climate and discipline plan.

What is PBS? Put simply, it is a proactive approach to school-wide discipline. This initiative is meant to reinforce the positive behaviors of students doing what is expected of them as well as supporting students who need extra assistance to reach the school wide expectations of being Safe, Respectful, and Responsible Learners. Since beginning the PBS initiative, we’ve been able to keep our referrals down on average to less than 1 per day, which has increased the amount of instructional time our students receive. We’re consistently defining, teaching, reinforcing, and monitoring positive behaviors.

Within your handbook you will find:

Our School-wide Climate plan

Southern Boone Elementary Behavioral Expectations

PBS Tickets and Principal Pride Procedures (w/ samples)

Expectations, Discipline, and Rewards Matrices

Minor Behavior Procedures and flow chart (w/samples and definitions)

Office Referral Procedures and Behavior Data Sheet (w/samples and definitions)

PBS is truly a win-win initiative for our students, our staff, and our school. Our expectation is that we keep the excitement going throughout the year and truly impact student achievement through the use of Positive Behavior Support.

Thank you,

Positive Behavior Support Team

The PBS Team

Sharon Horton and Brigid Flynn –Co-Coaches / Brooke Kline - Special Education
Janelle Palmer- 3rd grade / Sharon Horton- Counselor
Carol Bange- 4th grade / Brittany Shay-Specials Teacher
Brigid Flynn – 4th grade / Amy James- Principal
Lizzie Thomas- 5th grade

What is Positive Behavior Support?

Positive Behavior Support (PBS) is a general term that refers to the application of positive interventions and system changes to achieve socially important behavior change.

PBS was developed initially as an alternative to aversive interventions used for students with significant disabilities who engaged in extreme forms of self-injury and aggression.

More recently, the technology has been applied successfully with a wide range of students, in a wide range of contexts, and extended from an intervention approach for individual students to an intervention approach for entire schools (School-wide).

The focus is on creating and sustaining school environments that improve lifestyle results (personal, health, social, academic, work, etc.) for all students by making problem behavior less effective, efficient, and relevant, while making desired behavior more functional. In addition, the use of culturally appropriate interventions is emphasized.

What is the Purpose of PBS?

The purpose is to establish a comprehensive, data-driven system that gives schools the capability of identifying and treating building-wide behavior problems using empirically supported Technology (School Wide Information Systems (SWIS). (Sugai & Horner, 2001).

Components of School-Wide Positive Behavior Support

Foundation for Collaboration

Build Faculty Involvement

Identify Problems

Brainstorm & Select Strategies

Implement Program

Monitor, Evaluate, & Modify

What is School-Wide Support?

Procedures and processes intended for
all students, staff, and settings

 Includes a building-wide team, which
• Development
• Implementation
• Modification
• Evaluation activities

What systems are problematic?

For PBS to be successful, we need to look at our referrals by:
– problem behavior?
– location?
– time of day?
– student?
• Are there many students receiving referrals or only a
small number of students with many referrals?
• Data should assist with: Parent meetings, development of IEP’s, Tier 2 Meetings, evaluation,and professional development.

To look at behavior data we use SWIS.

SWIS: School Wide Information System is a web-based informationsystem for gathering, entering,summarizing, reporting and using officediscipline referral information.

Purpose: To improve the ability ofschool personnel to develop safe andeffective educational environments. It is only useful if behavior data sheets are completed efficiently and consistently. This is an expectation of every staff member. Minor behaviors should be documented onthe minors form. Teachers should use these sheets to create a dialogue during their weekly team meetings. Then they should turn in these forms into the office to be entered into SWIS. Major behaviors should be documented on Behavior Data Sheets and sent to the office with the student for disciplinary action to follow. Behavior Data Sheets can be found in this handbook on p. 24 and also in the teacher work room.

The Behavior Expectations Matrix

We have created a behavior expectation Matrix that should govern all areas of the school. The language on the matrix is important. By using the language on the matrix, students will hear consistent vocabulary from all adults in the school setting. This consistency will allow students to be familiar and understand the expectations for their behavior in all settings of the school, no matter which adult is monitoring behavior. Creating an environment where all adults are using the same, common language will make expectations clear to students. The matrix is found on the page 8.

The Recognition Matrix

We have created a recognition Matrix to help teachers and staff remember the positive reinforcements and incentives available to increase student awareness and incidence of positive behavior. The matrix can be found on page 9.

The Discipline Matrix

The discipline matrix has been created by the district leadership team to guide administration and staff toward consistent discipline procedures. These discipline procedures have been developed district-wide and are followed in each building at a developmentally appropriate level for students being served. The matrix can be found on pages 10-16.

Southern Boone Elementary

School-Wide Positive Behavior Support

Implementation Plan

Be Safe, Respectful, and Responsible Learners

This plan is designed to implement the school-wide positive behavior support system in the most efficient manner at Southern Boone Elementary. Each topic is clearly defined and support materials are provided. Teaching responsibilities are assigned to the most appropriate school staff members. Our specific goals are as follows:

I. Teach classroom expectations and school universal expectations to all students and staff.

II. Introduce behavior expectations and provide specific behavior examples for each

Expectation by using the “tell, model, practice” sequence.

III. Teach expectations through the “tell-model-practice” sequence (Tell students expectations, Model expectations, and have students practice appropriate behaviors).

IV. Prompt students and use pre-corrects to use specific behaviors prior to “problem spots”.


1. “Someone tell me how we show respect when we walk down the hall.”

2. “Remember to be safe by using the playground equipment for intended uses.”

V. Provide specific and public positive feedback to students who display critical skills. Be sure to let students know what rule he/she followed and the specific behavior he/she displaced.

Example: “Lawrence, you did a great job being responsible when you turned in yourhomework on time!”

VI. Celebrate student achievement through school-wide monthly assemblies and classroom incentive programs.


Southern Boone Elementary PBS Expectations Matrix

I am… / All Settings / Classroom / Hallways / Cafeteria / Bathrooms / Assemblies / Playground / Bus
Keep all hands, feet, and other objects to yourself.
Ask permission to leave any setting. / KAHFOOTY
Maintain personal space.
Follow safety procedures. / KAHFOOTY
Walk in a single file line.
Walk on right side of hallway. / KAHFOOTY
Clean up after yourself.
Put trash in the trash can.
Stack trays neatly.
Sit quietly when finished. / KAHFOOTY
Use the restroom quickly.
Wash your hands with soap and water.
Put your trash in the trash cans.
Pick up and wipe up after yourself. / KAHFOOTY
Enter quietly with no voices.
Enter and exit in an orderly manner.
Sit quietly. / KAHFOOTY
Use equipment for intended purposes only.
Listen to adults the first time.
Tell an adult if someone is or could get hurt.
We stay within the boundaries of the playground. / KAHFOOTY
Remain seated until the bus is completely stopped.
Use quiet voices so you do not disturb the driver.
Tell the driver immediately if someone is or could be hurt.
Respectful / Treat others the way you want to be treated.
Follow Adult instructions the first time.
Use polite language.
Take care of our school. / Be honest.
Take care of yourself.
Raise your hand to share.
Be kind when working with others,
Use inside voice. / Walk silently as not to disturb learning.
Be patient and show consideration for classrooms that are learning. / Eat only your food.
Use a peaceful voice while waiting in line and eating.
Listen to lunchroom teacher.
Use proper manners. Say “please” and “Thank You”.
Be Patient. / Use the facilities for intended purposes.
Wait your turn quietly in line outside of the bathroom.
Use quiet voices.
Finish as quickly as possible.
Consider the privacy of others. / Be an attentive listener.
Respond appropriately to show appreciation.
Sit quietly to begin and to dismiss.
Raise your hand to share.
Listen with no voices when someone is talking. / Listen to adults the first time.
Allow everyone to participate.
Line up quickly after the first whistle with no talking.
Be a “good sport”.
Wait patiently for our turn in line. / Use a quiet voice.
Use kind words.
Listen to adults the first time.
A Responsible Learner / Maintain a learning environment.
Give 100% effort. / Complete assignments on time.
Give 100% effort. / Return to class quickly. / Use proper manners.
Leave the table only after being excused. / Return to class as quickly as possible. / Keep comments and questions on topic.
Listen attentively. / Be a problem solver.
Learn new activities. / Know and follow the bus rules.

Southern Boone Elementary PBSRecognition Matrix

Name of Award / Achievement
Criteria / Award Description / Presented At… / Frequency / Number per year / Type / Coordinated by / Dissemination
PBS Tickets / Follow behavior expectations in any setting / Small ticket for being safe, respectful, or responsible / Any location on campus / No limit. / No limit. / Individual earned. / Miss Horton / All classroom teachers, aides, recess teachers, cafeteria, support staff can disseminate awards.
Principal’s Pride Stars / Entire class follows behavior expectations in any setting. / Star ticket for being a safe, respectful, or responsible class. / Any location on campus. / No limit. / No limit. / Class earned. / Mrs. James / All classroom teachers, aides, recess teachers, cafeteria, support staff can disseminate awards. When a class earns 40, 60, and 80 stars per trimester, they earn party with the principal.
Star Student (Character) and Rising to Excellence (Academic Achievement)Awards / Teacher nominates one student every other month for Star student. Can be earned for being a positive role model for other students and showing good character and one student per month 100% effort. / Certificate, name and picture on bulletin board. / Bi-Monthly assembly / Bi-Monthly / 1 Star Student and 2 Rising to Excellence per classroom
bi-monthly / Individual earned, teacher awarded. / Mrs. James / The PAT will create the certificates and distribute these to the classroom teachers after the bi-monthly assembly.

Southern Boone Elementary PBS Discipline Matrix

Alcohol/Drugs-Possession, sale, transfer, distribution, or being under the influence of unauthorized prescription drugs, alcohol, narcotic substances, unauthorized inhalants, controlled substances, illegal drugs, counterfeit substances and imitation controlled substances. (see also Sale/Distribution of drugs/ alcohol).SO, SSV / Student/ Principal conference and 10 days OSS., notification to law enforcement officials, and documentation in student’s discipline record. / Recommendation to Superintendent for 10 days of OSS, notification to law enforcement officials, and documentation in student’s discipline record, recommendation to Superintendent for additional days. / Recommendation to Superintendent for expulsion, notification to law enforcement officials, and documentation in student’s discipline record.
Arson- setting a fire or causing an explosion with the intention to damage property or buildings. SO, SSV / Student/ Principal conference, Recommendation to Superintendent for 11-180 days OSS, notification to law enforcement officials, and documentation in student’s discipline record. / Recommendation to Superintendent for 90-180 days OSS, notification to law enforcement officials, and documentation in student’s discipline record. / Recommendation to the Board of Education for 180 day OSS, notification to law enforcement officials, and documentation in student’s discipline record. / Recommendation to the Board of Education for Expulsion, notification to law enforcement officials, and documentation in student’s discipline record. / Recommendation to the Superintendent for Expulsion, notification to law enforcement officials, and documentation in student’s discipline record.
Assault/Threats to another student- Hitting, striking and/or attempting to cause injury to another person; placing a person in reasonable apprehension of imminent physical injury; physically injuring another person. SO, SSV / Minor- Student/ Principal conference and loss of privileges or up to 1-3 days ISS, notification to law enforcement officials, and documentation in student’s discipline record.
Major- 10 days OSS and recommendation for additional / Minor-Student/ Principal conference and 3-5 days ISS or up to 5 days of OSS, notification to law enforcement officials, and documentation in student’s discipline record.
Major- 10 days OSS and recommendation for additional / Minor- Student/ Principal conference and 5-10 days OSS., notification to law enforcement officials, and documentation in student’s discipline record.
Major- Recommendation to Superintendent for expulsion, notification to law enforcement officials, and documentation in student’s discipline record. / Minor-Recommendation to Superintendent for 10-180 days of OSS, notification to law enforcement officials, and documentation in student’s discipline record. / Minor-Recommendation to Superintendent for expulsion, notification to law enforcement officials, and documentation in student’s discipline record.
Assault/Threats to a staff member- Hitting, striking and/or attempting to cause injury to a staff member; placing a person in reasonable apprehension of imminent physical injury; physically injuring another person. SO, SSV / Student/ Principal conference, Time in office or loss of privileges, 1-3 days ISS. Notification to law enforcement officials, and documentation in student’s discipline record.
SEE ASSAULT OF STUDENT MAJOR. / Student/ Principal conference and 3-5days ISS, notification to law enforcement officials, and documentation in student’s discipline record. / 1-10 Days OSS, notification to law enforcement officials, and documentation in student’s discipline record. / Recommendation to Superintendent for 10-180 days OSS, notification to law enforcement officials, and documentation in student’s discipline record. / Recommendation to Superintendent for expulsion, notification to law enforcement officials, and documentation in student’s discipline record.
Bullying- Repeated and systematic intimidation, harassment and attacks on a student or multiple students, perpetuated by individuals or groups. Bullying includes, but is not limited to: physical violence, verbal taunts, name-calling and put-downs, threats, extortion or theft, damaging property, and exclusion from peer group. / Student/ Principal conference, Counselor Referral. / 1-5 days ISS or OSS depending on the severity of the conduct. / 5-10 days OSS depending on the severity of the conduct. / Recommendation to Superintendent for 10-180 days of OSS. / Expulsion
Bladed Instrument- Possession of a bladed instrument on school property or at a school sponsored event with a blade that is four (4) inches or less in length. For bladed instruments with a blade longer than four inches or if student uses it to hurt or attempt to harm other/s as a weapon, see Weapons. / Student/ Principal conference, Confiscation and notification of parent, release only to parent/guardian. Loss of privileges and 1-5 days ISS.
DEPENDING ON SEVERITY OF CONDUCT. / Student/ Principal conference, 1-3 days OSS, parent/guardian must pick the item up, release only to parent/guardian / Student/ Principal conference, 4-10 days OSS, parent/guardian must pick the item up, release only to parent/guardian. / Student/ Principal conference, 10 days OSS and recommendation to Superintendent for 45 days of OSS, release only to parent/guardian. / Student/ Principal conference, 10 days of OSS and recommendation to Superintendent for 90 days OSS, release only to parent/guardian.
Bus Misconduct- Any offense committed by a student on a district owned or contracted bus will be disciplined in the same manner as if the offense had been committed at the assigned school. In addition, bus riding privileges may be revoked. / Student/ Principal conference, Student warning and parent notification, possible alternate seating, and discipline according to offense committed. / Student/ Principal conference, Parent notification, possible alternate seating, discipline according to offense committed and/or suspension 3 days from riding bus. / Student/ Principal conference, Parent notification, possible alternate seating, discipline according to offense committed, and/or suspension 5 days from riding bus. / Student/ Principal conference, Parent notification, possible alternate seating, discipline according to offense committed, and/or suspension 10 days from riding bus. / Student/ Principal conference, Parent notification, possible alternate seating, discipline according to offense committed, and/or suspension 10-180 days from riding bus.