You will sign up to read ONEwork from the AP Literature & Composition Suggested Reading List. (I have narrowed the list to 8 choices). Choose a work you have not read before. This assignment is worth a large portion of your third six weeks grade(MAJOR GRADE). Do not take this assignment lightly. Do not procrastinate. Remember that this independent reading is above and beyond what we will be reading and discussing in class, so plan your reading and research time wisely.
You will read the work carefully, directing particular attention to details that contribute to a coherent discussion of the items that follow. Each student will be responsible for turning in his/her own paper. While the papers may be similar in nature, you must select themes, stylistic passages, and critical articles to discuss and write about that differ from those your classmates use. This project will consist of 5-10+ pages in lengthand will be completed using the proper MLA Formatting. The project should be submitted in a (color pocket) folder. It will include:
Include the following:
-Background information on the novel (time written, place, purpose)
-Plot analysis
-Minimum 1 page
- ANALYSIS OF CRITICAL ARTICLE (literary criticism)
Include the following:
-Article should be as current as possible (2000+)
-Attach copy of the literary criticism article
-Summarize the article
-Do you AGREE or DISAGREE with the major assertions (analysis of article)
-Textual evidence provided for argument
-Minimum 1 page
Include the following:
-Author’s education
-Author’s life plot (summary)
-Author’s writing style
-Other works
-Awards, interesting facts, secrets, etc.
-Minimum 1 page
Include the following:
-Choose a poem (literary merit) that is thematically related to the novel
-Type the poem
-Connect the poem thematically to your novel
-Handwritten 3 Column Poetry Analysis (blue handbook pg. 50-51)
-Minimum 1 page
Include the following:
-Choose ONE of the “BIG FIVE” (characterization, setting, plot, POV, theme)
-Write your own analysis essay over your novel and use the element you chose
-Minimum of SIX examples of textual evidence (quotes)
-Proper essay structure (Minimum of 5 paragraph essay)
-Minimum 1 page
Include the following:
-Formatted using MLA (modern language association)
-Novel cited correctly
-Poem cited correctly
-Literary Criticism Article cited correctly
-ANY other research material used cited correctly
Final Instructions and Information:
- Don’t even consider using information or sources other than the novel itself, a scholarly, published article, which you will credit and even cite in your paper, and the poem you select to connect to the novel. This assignment is weighted far too heavily for you to risk losing all credit because of plagiarism, whether intentional or unintentional.
- All typed portions of the project will be due to TURNITIN.COM by 7:30AM on Friday, November 13, 2015.(introduction, analysis of critical article, biography of author, free choice analysis)
- The FINAL project and all other items listed below are due at the beginning of class on Friday, November 13, 2015.
ORDER OF PROJECT (Placed in colored pocket folder):
Cover Page on FRONT of Folder (name, class period, teacher, title of novel)
1. Cover Page INSIDE of Folder
2. Table of Contents
3. Introduction
4. Analysis of Critical Article
5. Biography of Author
6. Poetry Connection
7. Free Choice Analysis
8. Works Cited
1. Scholarly Article
2. Additional research material
Portions of NOC Project DUE for MAJOR GRADE (Prior to Final Project Deadline)
- Analysis of Critical Article (literary criticism)
- Poetry Connection (3 Column Poetry Analysis)
- The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain
- The Awakening, Kate Chopin
- Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte
- There Eyes Were Watching God, Zorah Neal Hurston
- Native Son, Richard Wright
- Crime & Punishment, Fydor Dostoevski
- Waiting for Godot, Samuel Beckett
- Things Fall Apart, Chinua Achebe