High School Track and Field Provincials

Thurs. June 4 – Sat. June 6, 2015

University of Lethbridge, Community Sports Stadium


Event Contacts:

Duane KonynenbeltCell: 403-330-8237

Event ManagerEmail:

Marg DerbyshireCell: 403-548-1784


U of L Contacts:

Deb MarekPhone: 403-329-2609 (office)

-Facility Manager 403-331-5202 (cell)


Jenn KabearyPhone: 403-652-0937


Sandy WillistonPhone: 403-329-2658 (office)

- General Contact403-894-6715 (cell)



Thursday, June 4thLive Streaming Set Up9am

Facility Set Up4pm – 8pm

Open Track6pm – 8pm

Officials & Volunteer Mtg8pm

Friday, June 5thZone Coaches Mtg7:15am

Competition9am – 6pm

Opening Ceremonies1pm

Saturday, June 6thCompetition9am – 4:30pm

Take Down4:30pm – 7pm


Equipment Needed

24 - 8 ft tables

60 chairs

**All other equipment will be supplied by the organizing committee


The track rails will need to be placed around the inside of lane 1.

Grass Field

The grass field will be used for “TENT CITY” (north end) as well as for warm up (south end)

Only 6 inch or smaller pegs will be allowed. U of L Staff will be present to help with set up of this area.

Souvenir Sales

Gimmicks will be on site and is the approved vendor for this event. A tent provided by the local organizing committee will be set up in the grassed area on the south side of the patio. Power will needed to be run to this tent. Vendor to supply their own extension cords.

Volunteer Tent

The organizing committee will be putting up a large tent in the grassed area infront of the changerooms to the north end to serve as a volunteer tent and will be providing water/coffee and snacks in this tent. They will also utilize the Referee’s room to make coffee and to store supplies. Only designated people will have access to this tent.

First Aid Location

A first aid station will be located in one of the tents located infront of the changerooms that will also serve for physio and taping. Rebound Clinic will be manning this tent and will respond to all athlete injuries. U of L staff will be present and will offer standard first aid to all spectators at the event.

Microphone//Live Streaming

There is a microphone in the press box and a wireless mic for use by the announcer. Colovision will be on site to provide live streaming of the event. All arrangements have been made with Deb Marek for the live streaming. A 28 ft trailer will be on site for the live feed and approval has been given to park it on the south side outside the fence. As well approval has been given for the company to have a golf cart to transport cameras and equipment from the stadium to the throwing areas but the golf cart must remain on the outside of the stadium. The golf cart will be provided by the organizing committee.

Internet Connection

We have added wireless out at the stadium, so all of the UofL WiFi networks will be available including the “Guest@UofL” wireless network.

We have added some new network connections inside of the press box (6 in total) all of which are labeled either “Corporate” or “Contractor”

a.2 x UofL Corporate connections, these will operate like any other corporate port at the UofL and your machine’s will need to be registered in the same way as any other corporate connections.

b.4 x Contractor connections – these connections are simply plug and play and are for use by non-UofL people. These connections do not need to have the machine registered and are not restricted in what they are able to reach (all outbound network traffic is allowed), very similar in operation to a residential connection. These connections do not have access to internal university resources such as printers and file shares.


Player/Field Rules

Please help us in protecting the facility by adhering to the following rules:

  • Please make every attempt to have clean shoes when entering the field turf area.
  • Please use garbage receptacles for any garbage and tape near the field.
  • Please have athletes refrain from spitting on the artificial turf surface.
  • Please place all garbage in garbage containers in the dressing rooms.

Spectator/ Facility Rules

  • No dogs are allowed within the facility
  • No smoking is allowed within the facility
  • Sunflower seeds are strictly prohibited anywhere within the facility
  • Concession services will be available for all games
  • Parking on site is limited – car pool if possible
  • Security cameras are in use throughout the facility and are monitored by U of L Security Staff
  • All spectators must remain outside the fenced off areas surrounding the field events and can access the stadium area through the gate infront of the changerooms on the north side of the bleacher area.

On Site Security

Kopps Security has been hired by the Organizing Committee to provide onsite security during Thursday and Friday evening and overnight. They will need to pull the parking lot gates shut (not locked) and close the front gate of the stadium (not locked) after all users have left the premises. We will need to discuss their work alone policy and set up some system for checking in with U of L Security, who have been informed that they will be present. **Confirmation of the hours of occupation and an on-site meeting with the security company is needed prior to their first shift.**

Facility Rental Times

Stadium will be open at least 1 hour prior to the start of the track meet unless otherwise requested.

Dressing Rooms

Four dressing rooms with full shower facilities are available for use. Dressing room assignments will be posted with 2 provided for females and 2 for males. Washrooms and faucets for filling water bottles are also available in these rooms. PLEASE HAVE THE ATHLETES CLEAN UP THE ROOM AND PUT ALL GARBAGE IN GARBAGE CONTAINERS PRIOR TO LEAVING. Changerooms will not be locked so athletes should not leave valuables unattended.


An ice machine is available on site for injuries. This is located in the first aid room.


Parking on site is VERY limited and available on a first-come basis. The paved parking lot and the overflow gravel lot are located on site as well as a small parking lot located by the grass field, accessed via the loop turnaround road. Event volunteers will be present to help park cars especially for the grass field area. Handicapped parking is available by the grass field as well as infront of the stadium.

Bus Parking

Due to the limited number of parking stalls on site, buses are not to park in the parking lot area. If they wish to stay on site, they should use the loop turn around (south of the stadium) and park along the roadway there.

Spectator Seating

Seating is available for 2000 spectators.

Ticket Booth

The ticket booth is available for use by the event committee and is located at the entry to the facility.

The Organizing Committee will need several tables for ticket sales right at the entrance. An ATM will be available near the entrance.

Athlete Registration

The committee will be putting up a tent in the grassed area between the changerooms and the concession facing the patio for athlete registration. 2 tables and 4 chairs will be needed in this tent. The committee will put them there at set up.


Concession services will be available during the track meet.

University of Lethbridge Facility Event Staff

There will be 3 U of L staff on site at all times. These staff will be the key contacts for any issues during the event.

First Aid/Medical Services

First Aid/Medical Services will be provided through Tim Takahashi and Rebound Clinic. They will be fully briefed in medical emergency & evacuation procedures related to the facility. They should be the first contact should an ambulance be required to deal with an injury and they will follow university protocol for calling for emergency medical assistance, in consultation with U of L staff on site.

Emergency Procedures

The U of L Operations staff and First Aid staff will be fully trained in the emergency procedures followed in all facilities on the University Campus. The emergency procedures document will be located in press box and at first aid table. (see attached to this document)


The Organizing Committee will be providing a copy of the insurance document for this event naming the U of L as an additional insured.

We ask that all coaches, athletes, spectators and community members respect the rules and the staff of the facility. We want everyone to enjoy their experience at the University of Lethbridge Community Sports Stadium and to keep it safe and clean for years to come. Should anyone notice unsafe conditions in and around the facility, please bring these to our attention.


EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN – ASAA Provincial Track & Field Championships

Emergency / Injuries:

  1. First Aid Situation / Minor injuries

Medical services will be provided on site for athlete injuries. A medical tent will be located on the West Side of the track, in front of the locker room building. First aid will be provided for an injury however athletic taping supplies will not generally be provided. The University of Lethbridge will also have a number of qualified First Aid staff who will serve any needs arising from crowds in the facility and will assist if required. U of L staff will be fully trained in medical emergency & evacuation procedures related to the facility. They will be the first contact should an ambulance be required to deal with an injury and they will follow university protocol for calling for emergency medical assistance. An ice machine is located in the first aid room, beside the concession (SS100).

  1. Emergency Medical Situation

If an emergency medical situation occurs within the stadium, the Medical services team and Facility Operations Staff should be made aware of the situation. If ambulance assistance is required, Facility Operations Staff should contact 911. A Facility Operations Staff member will meet the ambulance at the northwest vehicle gate to allow access for emergency personnel. Event activity will resume at the discretion of event officials and/or organizers. All major incidents will require the completion of an Incident Report form.

General Evacuation:

If for any reason the stadium is to be evacuated, all users, officials and spectators should be led to the main parking lot, or if the situation requires, to leave the premises. Should anyone require assistance to be transported off of the premises, staff will assist to ensure this happens.

An announcement will be made (up to 3 times) to help direct people to the parking lot as follows:

“Due to an emergency situation, everyone is required to exit the stadium via the nearest exit and head towards the main parking lot west of the stadium. Please use caution while exiting the bleachers or field area. Staff will be available to answer questions and notify you when it is safe to return back to the stadium. Thank you for your cooperation.”

Access back to the facility will be granted upon direction of the Event Manager or Staff on site.


In the event that lightning is imminent or occurring, all activities in the stadium will be stopped in consultation with the organizers/officials. Change rooms and washrooms will be used as shelters for game participants until the storm passes. Spectators may also go to their vehicles. If the storm continues and it is apparent that it will continue for some time, it is at the discretion of the event organizer and/or officials to ‘call’ the game or event. Each situation will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis and sound judgment will be used by all individuals involved.

An announcement will be made (up to 3 times) to help direct people to the change rooms or washrooms as follows:

“Due to the presence of lightning, everyone is required to move to the change rooms, washrooms, vehicles or sheltered areas. Please use caution while exiting the bleachers or field area. Staff will be available to answer questions and notify you when it is safe to return. Thank you for your cooperation.”

Power Failure

During a power failure all electrical devices such as concession equipment, score clocks and stadium lights will no longer function. During events and activities taking place at night, emergency lights will function during a power outage yet light will be quite limited. Facility Operations Staff will investigate the situation to determine the problem and the length of outage.

Should the power be disrupted during the daylight hours, activities may be allowed to continue upon discretion of the event organizer and/or officials. Patrons should be notified through announcements that washroom access will be restricted due to the loss of electricity.