November 3, 2015
The Moody County Commissioners met in regular session on Thursday, November 3, 2015 in the County Commissioners' Room in the Courthouse at 9:00 AM, with the following members present: Chairman Rick Veldkamp, Jerry Doyle, Tom Ehrichs, Dan Miles, Chuck Jones, with Kristina Krull, Auditor as Clerk of the Board and Kay Peterson, Commission Assistant.
To the Honorable Board of County Commissioners, Moody County:
I hereby submit the following report of my examination of the cash and cash items in the hands of the County Treasurer of this County as of October 31, 2015, which includes money collected for schools, cities, townships and state:
Total amount of deposits in bank: $ 3,452.82
Total amount of actual cash: $ 3,926.03
Total amount of checks and drafts in
Treasurer’s possession not exceeding 3 days: $ 664,389.56
Outstanding Credit Card payments: $ 3,356.36
Itemized list of all items, checks and drafts which
have been in the treasurer's possession over 3 days: $ 813.00
First National Bank Flandreau CD $1,000,000.00
First National Bank Flandreau Savings $ 3,424,641.11
Flandreau First Savings Bank CD $ 2,975,000.00
TOTAL $ 8,075,578.88
Dated this 5th day of November, 2015
Kristina Krull
Moody County Auditor
Chairman Veldkamp called the meeting to order. Motion by Ehrichs, seconded by Doyle to approve the agenda. All voted “aye”. Motion by Miles, seconded by Jones to approve the minutes from October 20, 2015 with the following corrections: Motion by Miles, seconded by Ehrichs to approve the following claims and issue warrants, all voted “aye”: General: Sanford Medical Center, poor relief 8833.55. All voted “aye”. Motion by Doyle, seconded by Miles to approve the following consent agenda with all voting “aye”:
Travel: Kristina Krull, Auditor & Kathy Lunday, Deputy Auditor Election Workshop Pierre, SD November 4-6, 2015
Poor Relief: Case #20151008 Approve $636.00
Motion by Jones, seconded by Doyle to adjourn to conduct business as Board of Adjustment at 9:05 AM. All voted “aye”. Motion by Ehrichs, seconded by Miles to adjourn and resume regular session at 9:30 AM. All voted “aye”.
Kay Peterson, Commission Assistant met with the Board. A hearing was held at 9:30 AM for the Board to consider the 2016 liquor license renewal application of Crossroads Truckstop of Colman, SD. Motion by Miles, seconded by Doyle to approve the 2016 liquor license renewal application for Crossroads Truckstop. All voted “aye”.
Tyler Tiedman, Ambulance Supervisor met with the Board. Tiedeman reviewed September and October monthly reports. Motion by Miles, seconded by Jones to approve new hire Bill Hawkins, part-time EMT at Step 7/Grade A at 12.12/hr, effective November 3, 2015. All voted “aye”. Motion by Doyle, seconded by Ehrichs to approve the $1194.00 bill from M&H Communications for the purchase of new radios and batteries. All voted “aye”. Tiedeman informed the Board he is working on a policy for ambulance transfers. The Board agreed it would be good to have a policy in place.
Julie Krejchi with AFLAC met with the Board to review AFLAC benefits.
Kathy Lunday, Deputy Auditor joined the meeting. Paula Scadden, county resident also present. Motion by Doyle, seconded by Jones to accept an offer of $6,500.00 to satisfy a lien for Poor Relief case# 20091004 and case# 20091008 in the amount of $13269.38 with the stipulation that the payment is paid within 30 days. All voted “aye”.
Motion by Miles, seconded by Jones to enter into Executive Session pursuant to SDCL 1-25-2, at 10:57 AM. Reason: legal matters, personell. All voted “aye”. Motion by Ehrichs, seconded by Jones to resume regular session at 11:40 AM. All voted “aye”.
Discussion was held on wages. Motion by Jones, seconded by Doyle to approve a 2% wage increase for County employees effective January 1, 2016. All voted “aye”.
Discussion was held on tax properties. Motion by Doyle, seconded by Miles to authorize States Attorney Paul Lewis to advertise parcel two consecutive weeks November 18th and November 25th, 2015 for a Sealed Bid Auction with bids closing December 1st at 9:00 AM. Bids will be opened at the December 1st meeting at 9:05 AM. All voted “aye”.
Troy Wellman, Sheriff met with the Board. Also present Carleen Wild, Moody County Enterprise. Discussion was held on staff incentives. Motion by Jones, seconded by Doyle to approve the Davison County Jail Contract at the rate of $90.00/day. All voted “aye”. Motion by Doyle, seconded by Jones to accept the resignation of Brent Goehring effective November 13, 2015. All voted “aye”. Motion by Ehrichs, seconded by Miles to authorize Wellman to advertise for the open position. All voted “aye”. Wild and Wellman left the meeting.
Kay Peterson, Commission Assistant met with the Board. Motion by Ehrichs, seconded by Jones to authorize all interested elected and appointed officials to attend the District Meeting in Codington County on November 12, 2015. All voted “aye”. Motion by Ehrichs, seconded by Jones to hold a special meeting on December 30, 2015 at 9:30 AM to review year-end items. All voted “aye”. Motion by Miles, seconded by Doyle to approve half the day (4 hours) on December 24, closing County offices with the exception of emergency services, as it is the County’s policy that any days designated a holiday by the Governor of SD shall be proclaimed a holiday by the County. All voted “aye”.
Kristina Krull, Auditor met with the Board. Also present Marc Blum, Highway Superintendent. Motion by Miles, seconded by Jones to approve the automatic budget supplement to the Highway’s Supplies budget in the amount of $4537.46 due to unanticipated insurance revenue and $17200.65 due to unanticipated highway revenue. All voted “aye”. Motion by Doyle, seconded Ehrichs to hold a Public Bridge Meeting on November 16th at 7:00 PM at the Moody County Extension Building. All voted “aye”. Blum left the meeting.
Krull presented the General Fund Cash Surplus Analysis as of September 30, 2015 as required by the Department of Legislative Audit. Krull reported the total unreserved, undesignated fund balance of the General Fund as of September 30, 2015 was $1,429,835.21. This represents 33.99% of the total appropriations for ¼ of the current year’s annual budget plus the subsequent year’s annual budget. Motion by Doyle, seconded by Jones to approve and file the General Fund Cash Surplus Analysis with the Department of Legislative Audit. All voted “aye”.
Krull presented a list of outstanding warrants for the Board’s review. Motion by Ehrichs, seconded by Miles to approve the following resolution with all members voting “aye”.
WHEREAS, any unclaimed funds held by Moody County which remain unclaimed by the owner for more than one year after becoming payable is presumed abandoned, and
WHEREAS, a list of outstanding warrants which have not been presented for payment was reviewed by the board of commissioners at the meeting held on Tuesday, November 3, 2015, and
WHEREAS, SDCL 7-22-17 provides for the cancellation of outstanding warrants,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a motion was made by Ehrichs and seconded by Miles to declare the claims presented abandoned and authorize the cancellation of said warrants in the amount of $29.57. This report is being submitted along with payment in the sum of $29.57 to the Secretary of Revenue.
Dated this 3rd day of November 2015 at Flandreau, South Dakota.
Rick Veldkamp ATTEST: Kristina Krull
Chairman, Moody County Commissioner Moody County Auditor
Motion by Jones, seconded by Doyle to approve the 2016 SDACO County Membership dues in the amount of $979.02 and approve the 2016 SDACC County Membership dues in the amount of $1408.04. All voted “aye”. Krull reviewed the 2015 expenditure and revenue budgets with the Board.
The following reports for October were received and filed in the Auditor’s Office: Civil fees $1285.60, and Register of Deeds fees $4494.50.
Motion by Miles, seconded by Doyle to approve the following claims and issue warrants, all voted “aye”: General: A&B Business, supplies 45.46, Avera/Flandreau Medical, county nurse 2866.66, Barnes & Noble, publications 269.86, Bound Tree Medical, supplies 87.58, Brookings County Sheriff, jail housing 1300.00, Bruning & Lewis, office expense 2307.69, C&R Repair, repair 151.84, City of Flandreau, utilities 2079.26, Denise Cody, services 15.00, Brenda Duncan, reimbursement 84.35, Marv Ekeren, services 15.00, First Bankcard, gasoline/postage/supplies 631.26, Brad Grootwasink, services 10.00, J&K, supplies 396.23, Justice Fire & Safety, supplies 95.00, Lampe’s Clean Air, supplies 173.34, Landis Ag, supplies/service 12812.50, Lucy Lewno, services 150.49, M&H communications, supplies 1194.00, Madison Community Hospital, jail medical 209.63, Mcleods, supplies 74.21, MidAmerican Energy, natural gas 139.46, Minnehaha County Treasurer, jail housing 2162.80, Ed Buck, services 25.00, Neve’s Uniforms, supplies 49.95, Bob Pesall, ct apt atrny 4381.85, PCC, prof services 138.39, Jerry Pollard, services 182.00, River’s Edge, supplies 1625.83, Royal River Casino, travel 240.30, SD Public Assurance Alliance, insurance 25.00, SD Sheriffs’ Association, dues 544.58, SDACC, dues 1408.04, SDACO, dues 979.02, SDML Workers Comp, renewal 21018.63, John Shaeffer, ct apt atrny 4279.88, State of SD, supplies 29.57, Daniel Sutton, services 37.60, Vast, utilities 607.41, Verizon, mobile broadband 200.05, Troy Wellman, reimbursement 47.00. Highway: B&H, gravel 14297.09, Marc Blum, reimbursement 58.00, Brock White, erosion mat 1060.20, City of Flandreau, utilities 316.37, Dave Small Engine, supplies 621.00, First Bankcard, supplies 319.00, GCC, grout 1040.25, J&K, supplies 122.39, L.G. Everist, riprap 775.92, MidAmerican Energy, natural gas 1.28, Napa, repairs 354.60, River’s Edge, supplies 978.50, SDDOT, supplies 248.39, SDML Workers Comp, renewal 19270.37, Sturdevant’s, repairs 12.57, True North, culverts 10314.56, Vast, utilities 256.47. 911: Vast, telephone/cable 35.40. Fire: 2nd Half Fire Contracts, Aurora 878.35, Brookings 1463.84, Chester 995.45, Colman 10017.11, Dell Rapids 1112.55, Elkton 878.35, Flandreau 13659.53, Jasper 995.45, Trent 8286.05. Emergency Management: City of Flandreau, utilities 29.22, Vast, telephone 35.39. Flex Spending: Kay Peterson, reimbursement 124.50. State Remittance: State Treasurer, monthly remittance 94112.90. October Payroll by Department: Commissioner 13245.51, Auditor 8934.96, Treasurer 12648.95, States Attorney 5576.58, General Government Building 4006.29, Director of Equalization 9269.91, Register of Deeds 7594.97, VSO 1363.50, Sheriff 44706.25, Coroner 215.30, Ambulance 19033.68, Library 4666.15, Extension 4274.15, Soil Conservation 3984.30, Drainage 276.78, Planning & Zoning 278.58, Highway 43873.75, 911 6169.84, Emergency Management 2151.82, 24/7 Sobriety 1228.33.
Motion by Ehrichs, seconded by Jones to adjourn the meeting at 2:35 PM. All voted “aye”.
ATTEST: Kristina Krull Rick Veldkamp, Chairman
Moody County Auditor Moody County Board of Commissioners