Southeast Raleigh Magnet High School—Spring 2016 Amanda Reyna, Rm 2311
to Marine Ecology! Twitter: @mrsreyna_
Google Voice: (919) 307-7437
The marine ecology curriculum focuses on the function of the earth’s ocean systems. The focus of the course is the interrelationships among marine organisms and the physical, chemical, geological and biological factors. North Carolina coastal processes are studied. Inquiry learning, laboratory experience, and research investigation are a critical part of this course.
- Introduction to Marine Ecology
- Water Properties
- Physical Oceanography
- Marine Producers
- Marine Invertebrates
- Marine Vertebrates
- Marine Ecosystems
- Stewardship/Human Effects
How to show your Bulldog PRIDE in Mrs. Reyna’s Class!
•PROACTIVE: Be on time and be prepared. Stay informed of grades. ASK for help anytime!
•RESPECT & RESPONSIBILITY: Show respect towards ALL students, teachers, and guests who are in this classroom. Stay on task the entire class period. Keep your area clean. Cell phone use prohibited without instruction.
**If you interfere with someone’s right to learn, you will be removed from the classroom.
•INTEGRITY: Complete your own work. Cheating is not tolerated. Give back what you borrow. Keep your word.
•DISCIPLINE: Be a part of positive classroom culture! Enter/exit the classroom in an orderly manner. Use materials appropriately. Stay in your assigned seat. Use appropriate language. No bathroom passes first/last 10 minutes.
•EXCELLENCE: Be an outstanding student and classmate! Set a goal and achieve it! Compliment others on good effort.
What is REQUIRED to be successful in class?
- 1 Composition Notebook to be left in class (Not a spiral) DUE BY THURSDAY
- 3 Ring Binder or Folder
- Pencils and pens
What is the new grading scale?
A=90-100 B=80-89 C=70-79 D=60-69 F=less than 60
How will this class be graded?
Homework=10%Classwork, Activities, Labs=45% Tests, Quizzes and Projects=45%
Midterm is10% of the 3rd Quarter Grade Final Exam is 20% of the Semester Grade
When will grade updates be given to students?
*Students have daily access to PowerSchools and grades will be updated every Friday.
*Interims will be given to student approximately every 3 weeks. Parents are required to view, sign, and return each document.
This is an interactive and virtual place where some assignments will be posted, discussion questions, and videos to help you best understand the material and have fun learning.
Who can retest and what are the steps to take a retest?
All students areeligibleto retake tests. Students must initiate the process and attend tutoring and complete a remediation assignment (ie. test corrections, practice activities) prior to retaking the test. Schedule a retest within five days from the time the test was passed back.
What is the LATE WORK policy?
All work must be turned in within 5 days of the original due date. Late work will receivea maximum score of 70. For all late work, a form must be filled out and stapled to the assignment before it is turned in the basket. After 5 days, student willreceivea zero.
What is the CELL PHONE policy?
Each class will develop a classroom cell phone policy (regulations and consequences) that work best for the class. Write the final policy here: ______
What if I’m absent?
It is the student’s responsibility to check the class website for missing assignments or the absent folder in class.
I missed… / You need to…Notes / Copy a classmate’s notes
Warm Up / Don’t worry, you’re exempt. Write “absent” on log
Quiz / Quiz will be taken on the day student returns
Test / Test will be taken on the day student returns
Assignments / Student will have an extra day to complete assignment before late policy begins
What if I’m late to class?
The school’s Start-On-Time policies will be strictly followed. Tardy students without an SOT pass will be sent back to an SOT station to pick up a pass. Accumulating tardies will result in lunch detention.
Is tutoring available?
After school tutoring is available on Tuesday from 2:30-3:30 pm. In school tutoring is available during acceleration class time.
Will we have labs?
Yes, lab is essential to your comprehension of the concepts and principles of biology.Labs will be performed primarily in group settings. Lab safety practices must be followed. Failure to do so will result in removal from the lab and a lab grade of 0.Students will be trained on proper lab safety.
Marine EcologyBLOCK______
Mrs. Reyna
PLEASE RETURN THIS SHEET ON Thursday January 7th for a QUIZ GRADE.Keep in mind the late policy.
1)What is Marine Ecology all about?
2)What is the late work policy?
3)If you are absent, what do you write on your bell ringer log?
4)How can you take a retest?
5)What is something you would like to learn this year?
6)Do you have any other questions (about the syllabus, rules, cell phone policy, etc.)?
NOTICE: The academic success of all of my students is extremely important to me and my classroom rules are intended to maximize effective learning and to minimize distraction. I reserve the right to change these rules as necessary to maintain a supportive productive learning environment.
I have read and understood the classroom rules and procedures for Earth Science class. I understand that deliberately violating the rules and classroom procedures will result in my dismissal from the class.
Print student’s name: ______
Student’s signature: ______Date: ______
I have read and understood the classroom rules and procedures for Earth Science class. I understand that my child will not be permitted to engage in class activities if they engage in disruptive or potentially dangerous behaviors.
Print parent/guardian’s name: ______Relationship to student: ______
Parent/guardian’s signature: ______Date: ______
Parent/guardian’s daytime phone #: ______
Parent/guardian’s email: ______