South West Holderness WardUpdate August 2018

Written 3rdAugust 2018 by PC 1370 Stephenson

1. Crime and ASB

Latest available Crime and ASB statistics

Detailed crime and ASB data for your area can be obtained by visiting and following the ‘Find your Neighbourhood’ link.

2.Community Priorities for June


Throughout August 2018 staff from the Holderness Community Police Team will continue with high visibility

Patrol’sto deter shop theft offences across the ward area. This has been a constant issue since the turn of the year. July has shown another increase with 9 offences up from the 7 in June so this will remain a priority for a further month.Any intelligence re this issue can be submitted by calling Crime Stoppers 0800 555 111 or Humberside Police 101.


Throughout August 2018 staff from the Holderness Community Police Team will continue with high visibility

Patrol’s to deter Burglary offences across the ward area especially in Hedon and Preston which have both been targeted several times recently. The warm weather also has a part to play as houses are often left insecure in an effort to cool the properties. Any found by staff will see advice being offered to home owners.Any intelligence re this issue can be submitted by calling Crime Stoppers 0800 555 111 or Humberside Police 101.

3.Crime Reduction Advice

The South West Holderness Community Police Team want to keep you safe. Please find below some practical advice on how to keep yourself and your property safe.

USE A CYCLE D LOCK & A SECURE ANCHOR POINT – When storing your cycle or other valuable items in an outbuilding, always use a good quality CYCLE D-LOCK and secure anchor point within the shed/outbuilding. Consider security lighting, a CCTV system and a shed alarm.

Register your valuable items at immobilise.comthis is a free website service that you can use to register your valuables. Should you be subject to a theft you can then update this. The Police can then access it to trace the owners of found and recovered property.

Although we live in a very safe and low crime area, we are subject to offences such as burglaries or theft from vehicles. Please note that 50% of all burglaries reported in the East Riding are through insecure doors or windows, likewise over 50 % of cars broken into are insecure or have items of value on show. The crime prevention message is clear - lock it or lose it!Sometimes we get complacent about security, but thieves are opportunists, and will travel into the East Riding, often from Hull looking for easy pickings.

Spring is finally here, time to get into the garden or a visit to the allotment.Here is some practical, simple advice to beat the Garden Thief/Shed Burglar:


Secure the access to your shed or garage by locking gates and using thorny bushes next to walls and fences.

Have you visibly marked the contents of your shed? Make a note of serial numbers and photograph valuable plants and ornaments.

External security lights which are activated by movement are a useful deterrent.

Doors of sheds require attention. Use strong hasp/staples and close shackled padlocks. Up and over garage doors supplied with standard lock fittings should also be fitted with a padlock or lockable bolt. Windows should be secured with locks or grilles.

Use coach bolts or non-return screws to secure door hinges.

Chain cycles, mowers, ladders and tools to a strong anchorage point.

Alarms for sheds and garages are available for under £20 at most DIY stores, catalogue shops and builders merchants.

Together we’ll crack crime. Join a home watch scheme.

Exactly what insurance cover do you have? Check that your household policy covers you for theft from your garden and outbuildings.

Burglaries of sheds and garages are growing! The police together with Neighbourhood Watch Groups are asking for your help. The value of property in sheds and garages is more than people think. Thieves are targeting them for power tools, cycle and sports equipment. Hand tools are stolen and used to break into homes. So let’s weed out these thieves by getting some sheducation!

My Community Alert

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Do you want to find out what is happening in your local area?

We’ve launched a new community alert system that enables residents, businesses and community groups to find out about what is happening in their local area.

The new system, called My Community Alert, allows you to register to receive real time messages about incidents happening in your neighbourhood that may affect you or your family.

Choose how you would like to receive messages – by text, voicemail or email – how often you would like to receive alerts and about the issues that matter to you, from collisions and road closures to missing people.

Find out more by visiting and watch a short video and to sign up to start receiving alerts now.

LATEST SCAM!! - Don’t be caught out!

A fraudster rings you at home claiming to be from your bank or even that they are the police which seems to be the latest ploy, telling you that they think your bank card has been used fraudulently. They suggest you ring your bank to ensure the call is genuine, they manage to stay on the line, so when you use your phone, they answer. They ask you for your account details and you’re PIN. They then confirm your card has been used and ask you to package it up and they send a courier to collect it. The courier is often innocent and is just picking up an item and delivering it elsewhere. They then have your card and you’re PIN!!

Remember, your bank and the police will NEVER ask for your PIN number or ask for your card.

Anti-Social Behaviour

Please don’t suffer in silence. If it is affecting your quality of life then report it on our Non-Emergency number 101 or if you would like to speak to one of our team feel free to attend one of our Police Surgeries.

4.Meet your officers

Neighbourhood Officers will be at the following locationsin Hedon, Preston, Thorngumbald and Paull to discuss community issues and offer crime prevention advice:

  • 9th August 2018 1000hrs Parish Council Offices, Thorngumbald
  • 9th August 2018 1100hrs Outside Community Hall, Paull
  • 14th August 2018 0930hrs Sainsbury’s Store, Hedon
  • 14th August 2018 1030hrs Village Hall, Preston
  • 11th September 2018 0930hrs Sainsbury’s Store, Hedon
  • 11th September 2018 1030hrs Village Hall, Preston
  • 13th September 2018 1000hrs Parish Council Offices, Thorngumbald
  • 13th September 2018 1100hrs Outside Community Hall, Paull

5.News and Appeals

Please visit our website for the latest news & appeals

Twitter users can keep up to date with events, alerts and traffic news within Holderness by following the community team @HPMidHolderness @SthHolderness Facebook Holderness Community Policing Team