Charles D. Baker
Karyn E. Polito
Lieutenant Governor
Andrea J. Cabral
Secretary / The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Department of Public Safety
Board of Building Regulations and Standards
One Ashburton Place, Room 1301
Boston, Massachusetts 02108-1618
Phone (617) 727-3200 Fax (617) 727-5732
TTY (617) 727-0019 / Thomas G. Gatzunis, P.E.
Brian Gale
Richard Crowley
Vice Chairman
Robert Anderson
Posted on January 9, 2015 at 12:00 p.m.
In accordance with the provisions of M.G.L. c. 30A, § 20, notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Board of Building Regulations and Standards will be held on January 13, 2015 at 1:00 p.m., at the
Ashburton Café, One Ashburton Place, Boston MA 02108
It is anticipated that the topics shown below will be discussed at the aforementioned meeting.
Mike Guigli, DPS
- Roll Call
Brian Gale Chair (BG) present absent
Richard Crowley V-Chair (RC) present absent
Robert Anderson (RA) present absent
Marshal Stephen Coan (SC) present absent
Kevin Gallagher (KG) present absent
Jerry Ludwig (JL) present absent
Alexander MacLeod (SM) present absent
Thomas Perry (TP) present absent
Stanley Shuman (SS) present absent
Harry Smith (HS) present absent
Open slot (Structural Engineer) present absent
- Review and approval of December 9, 2014 meeting minutes.
- Status update or review and/or approval of action items from previous meetings:
- Edits to May 13, 2014 white papers on cost and effectiveness of building code requirements in 3 to 6 unit residential buildings (tabled)
- Review of BOCC authority, and procedures and complaint investigations (RA to provide a summary of the report on the DPS review of the Mattapoisett building department).
- Provide DPS training on window replacement for commercial buildings (Staff update).
- Consideration of floor fire protection of certain I-Joist product and field installed configurations edits to the official interpretation on floor fire protection. (revised Official Interpretation and other material for consideration)
- Review of enforcement of M.G.L. c. 148, §26G (held as open item).
- Benchmark; BBRS Communication (Staff update).
- Benchmark; Manufactured Buildings (Staff update).
- Review of 780 CMR 9th edition update:
- Chapter 1………………..Base and Residential proposals voted for 1st read at BCCC on November 20, 2014.
- Chapters 2 to 35 (IBC)….MA amendment proposals for review. (MG and TMR)
- Chapter 51 (IRC)………..MA amendment proposals for review. (DF)
- Chapter 110……………..Concrete Test Labs, Manufactured Buildings, Native Lumber, and CSL. (MG)
- Appendix 115 AA Stretch Code …MA amendment proposal for review (TR)
- Discussion of Executive Order 485 and BCCC consideration on items 4b to 4e.
- Consideration of approval of 82 new CSLs in the month of December 2014 and medical reinstatement and waiver of continuing education requirements for Sean Waldron CS-091514 and Edward Miano CS-077299.
- Review and approval and endorsement of the actions and recommendations in the Building Official Certification Committee (BOCC) minutes from December 2014.
- Review of request from the manufactured builders to allow plans to comply with the code in effect on the date of plan submittal to DPS as opposed to date of permit application to the local building department.
- RC to provide background and recommendation for BBRS goals and objectives for 2015 and beyond.
- RA to provide training on the enabling legislation of the BBRS.
- Other matters not reasonably anticipated 2 business days in advance of meeting.
- Approval to adjourn the meeting.