Expression of Interest

South West Community Capacity Grants

Please tick the National Landcare Programme (NLP) outcome(s) your project is addressing.
Maintain and improve ecosystem services through sustainable management of local and regional landscapes.
Increase in the number of farmers and fishers adopting practices that improve the quality of the natural resource base, and the area of land over which those practices are applied.
Increase engagement and participation of the community, including landcare, farmers and Indigenous people, in sustainable natural resource management.
Increase restoration and rehabilitation of the natural environment, including protecting and conserving nationally and internationally significant species, ecosystems, ecological communities, places and values.
Organisation and Contact Details
Contact person
Phone / Mobile
Is your group registered for GST? / Yes No
Does your group have current public liability insurance? / Yes No
Does your group have access to a Smartphone? / Yes No
Activity Information
Date: Location:
What sector of the community are you targeting and how many do you expect to participate?
Describe your proposed activity and how it will engage the South West community
Please outline how your activity meets the Australian Governmentoutcome(s) below:
  • Communities are involved in caring for their environment.
  • Communities are protecting species and natural assets.
  • Increase restoration and rehabilitation of the natural environment, including protecting and conserving nationally and internationally significant species, ecosystems, ecological communities, places and values.

MERI (Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting and Improvement)
A reportingtemplate will be provided to guide theMERI for your activity, once your EOI has been deemed successful.
You are encouraged to report using a mix of alternative media, including YouTube, Video, Surveys, Photos as well aswritten reports.
Budget – Please provide a detailed outline of the budgetwithout GST for the proposed activity, including all financial or in-kind contributions from your organisation or others. (double click in the table below to fill in)

Please submit your EOI to the Communications and Engagement Manager, Sharon Upston, at

NOTE: Expressions of Interest will be assessed as they are received. Applications close 31 May 2017 or until all funds have been extinguished. Activities must be delivered prior to 30 June 2017.



The South West Community Capacity Grants Program, hosted by the South West Catchments Council (SWCC), has funding available through the Australian Government’s National Landcare Programme (NLP) to support NRM and Landcare community engagement activities within the South West NRM Region that address NLP strategic objectives:

  • Communities are managing landscapes to sustain long-term economic and social benefits from their environment.
  • Farmers and fishers are increasing their long-term returns through better management of the natural resource base.
  • Communities are involved in caring for their environment.
  • Communities are protecting species and natural assets.

Activities need to address one of more of the following NLP Strategic Outcomes:

  • Maintain and improve ecosystem services through sustainable management of local and regional landscapes.
  • Increase in the number of farmers and fishers adopting practices that improve the quality of the natural resource base, and the area of land over which those practices are applied.
  • Increase engagement and participation of the community, including landcare, farmers and Indigenous people, in sustainable natural resource management.
  • Increase restoration and rehabilitation of the natural environment, including protecting and conserving nationally and internationally significant species, ecosystems, ecological communities, places and values.


As this funding is provided through the Australian Government’s National Landcare Programme, it is a requirement that you acknowledge the funding source appropriately. At a minimum, you must include the South West Catchments Council (SWCC) and Australian Government / National Landcare Programme logo on any promotional or published materials. The logo images and associated acknowledgement wording are attached to this email. Please also refer to the SWCC Funding Acknowledgement Guidelines.

Any media co-created with SWCC will need to be approved by SWCC.

Reporting requirements for this funding support are not intended to be onerous. Prior to your organisation receiving funding, you must provide SWCC with a completed Evaluation Report. You are also welcome to include additional material such as a summary report, video testimonial, photos (with caption), art or other format of your choice.

Please note that any materials submitted, including photos and artwork, may be used by SWCC for promotional purposes, so please ensure you have permissions to use the images and the names of those pictured.


Appropriate activities include, but are not limited to:

  • Capacity building workshops
  • Peer learning activities
  • Awareness raising events
  • Extension and communication materials – associated with a Landcare activity


  • Grants are available to Landcare and community groups, as well as local governments.
  • EOIs assessed as they are received until funds are fully allocated.
  • Funds are limited, once all funds are allocated we will not be able to accept further EOIs.
  • Grants are limited to $1000 per application.


EOIs will be assessed against the following criteria, based on the information submitted as a part of your EOI:

  • The activity addresses the Australian Government’s NLP strategicobjective(s) above.
  • Demonstrated focus on building community capacity.
  • Benefits to broader community and NRM/Landcare sector.
  • Value for money.

You will be notified if your EOI is successful or not. Please do not commit to an activity before receiving written notification that your application in successful.


  • Payment will be made once the final MERIand reporting have been submitted and accepted
  • Invoices can be submitted with final report


For more information, please contact Sharon Upston on (08) 9724 2421 or email

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