Physical Science/Pre-AP Physical Science
Course Syllabus
Instructor: Mrs. Green, Room 218
259-4330 ext. 2218
General Information
3 ring binder pen or pencil (blue or black ink)
notebook paper red grading pen/pencil
Spiral notebook or composition notebook grocery bag for book cover
3 x 5 index cards (card box optional) calculator
Each hour will be assigned a supply for general use: ex.: colored pencils, paper towels,
II.Notebook set up
1. Daily Work (notes, worksheets, bookwork)2. Labs3. Graded Work
Vocabulary will be defined for each chapter on index cards with the word on the front and the definition on the back.
IV.Grading Policy- Student’s grade will consist of 4 parts:
Daily Work - 42% (assignments, worksheets, lab work, etc.)
Tests - 42% (quizzes and tests)
Semester Test – 11% (This percentage is used school wide)
A= 90-100% B=80-89% C=70-79% D=60-69% F=59 and below
V. Absences
You will have two days for every day you were absent in which to make up class work and/or homework. This includes lab assignments. You will need to come in before or after school to make up labs. It is your responsibility to see me about make up work.
Tests are announced in advance. If you are absent the day before the test, you will be expected to take the test with the rest of the class on test day. If you are absent on the day of the test, you will be expected to take the test the day you return to class unless you have been absent for an extended period of time.
VI. Extra Help
If you need my help, please come see me. I am in my room before and after school unless I have a scheduledmeeting, duty, etc.
VII. Extra Credit
Extra credit opportunities may be offered at different times. More information will be given to as an opportunity arises. Extra creditcannot take the place of required assignments.
I expect all students to work to his or her maximum potential. My goal is to help you achieve it.
Tardy Policy
You are expected to be in class on time. If you are tardy, the following measures will be taken:
1st tardyVerbal warning. Documentation of the tardy.
2nd tardyTeacher reprimand and review of tardy policy. Documentation of the tardy.
3rd tardyConsequence and parent notification. Documentation of the tardy.
4th successive tardies will be referred to the Assistant Principal. Documentation of the tardy.
All school rules will be followed as set forth in student handbook.
It is your responsibility to be familiar with the student handbook and the rules and policies as they apply to you.
SIHS Classroom Management Plan
The following steps will be taken for those students who choose to violate
classroom rules.*
- Warning by Teacher.
- Teacher assigned disciplinary action.
- Parent contact by teacher.
- Student referral to the office.
*The teacher of this class reserves the right to refer a student to the office for major violations of school/classroom policy. The teacher may also choose to contact a parent prior to assigning disciplinary action.
Broken Arrow Public Schools is an equal opportunity educational institution.
Physical Science Course Outline
Physical Science is any of the sciences, such as physics, chemistry, astronomy, and geology that analyze the nature and properties of energy and nonliving matter.
First Semester – The focus of study will be chemistry.
First Six Weeks
Ch. 1 Introduction to Science
Ch. 2 Matter
Ch. 3 States of Matter-section 1 only
Lab Safety
Second Six Weeks
Ch. 4 Atoms and the Periodic Table
Ch. 5 The Structure of Matter
Third Six Weeks
Ch. 6 Chemical Reactions
Ch.7 Solutions
Second Semester–The focus of study will be physics, geology and astronomy.
Fourth Six Weeks
Ch. 10 Motion
Ch.11 Forces
Ch. 3 States of Matter-section 2 and 3
Fifth Six Weeks
Ch. 12 Work and Energy
Ch. 14 Waves
Sixth Six Weeks
Geologic Time
Ch. 21 Planet Earth
Ch. 20.1 Stars
These chapters follow the local and state objectives for Physical Science. The local objectives may be obtained at
Broken Arrow Public Schools is an equal opportunity educational institution.