Paso Robles Public Schools

District Safety Committee Meeting

3/15 March 2013

Meeting called to Order at 11:45 PM.

Members present: Lee Hatch (FMS), Jason Taylor (SSF), Wendy Butterfield(Liberty/IHS),Susan Silva(K.King), Slyvia Armendariz(GB), Patty Walk(PB), Tara Quinn(PRYDE), Linda Bacigalupa (WP), Julie Wright (TC), Jennifer Anderson (Culinary),Marilyn Richie(Bauer/Speck), Noreen Bridge(Lewis), Katy Griffin(School Board)

Workshop – 8:30 – 11:45

Notes :

Mike McGuire SIPE

Number one priority for SIPE is to cut costs and protect people who work for the school district

Do not want people who suffer and are laid up at home unable to work due to an injury at work.

Annual budget = 221,000

152,000 – returned to school districts

80,000 as safety grants

72,500 as Safety Committee Funds

WETIP hotline

Countywide Workshop

Sub Pay for teacher training

Travel and conference money for RISK management Team

Premium Rebate for Paso Schools = 7,521

Rebate is generated based upon:

Safety Training


Accident Investigations done in a correct and timely fashion

Risk Management Committee attendance

Early to Work

Matching SIPE Funds


Increase of 70 claims in SIPE last year – most were not serious claims

SIPE feels the increase is due to fewer people doing more work, getting distracted, feeling frustration

Accident Breakdown

Teacher = 25%

SPED = 25% - most teachers

Custodial = 19% - doubled since 2010-2011

Main/Ground = 10%

Clerical/Sec. = 9%

Food Service = 4%

Bus = 3%

Accident Breakdown

Back Strain = 20%

Slip/Trip/Fall = 18%

Caused by Student = 16%

Hand/Wrist = 14%

Shoulder = 9%

Ankle/Foot = 7%

Knee = 7%

Head/Neck = 6%

Worker Comp claims down in $ amount

Cost of Claims has a bigger effect than number of claims


up 0.91 1.04 rate 2012-2013 1.72 rate 2013-2014

2012-2013 disbursement of surplus funds = 1,910,051

York – Workers Comp

We have done a good job of establishing good communication with our injured workers.

We have got workers into temp job assignments

Need more training in when to report injuries – Workers are waiting too long

Things to do:

Report injuries

Report hazards

Good housekeeping to prevent slips and falls

Work safely – help others to work safely

York considers that there are two types of claims

Better = a claim that is closed

Best = an injury that did not occur

Metaphor: Claims are like dead fish. The longer they stay around the worse the stink.

Compared SIPE to 5 other JPAs in S. California for 2011-2012

Cost per Claim= 2nd lowest out of the 6

Number of injuries per employees lowest .027 injuries per employee

Number of no time lost claims vs lost time claims

good bad

had the best ratio of good claims to bad claims out of the 6

After Workshop Meeting – 11:45 – 1:10

We split into two tables

My table discussed the online training possibilities as we ate lunch. We think that going to an online format will increase the number of participants as long as the site administrator follows through with accountability if people do not participate. We could involve people who do not attend staff meetings but still have access to a computer at work or at home. We discussed the possibility of using some of the early release Wednesday time once per month.

We also discussed the comparison to the S Cal JPAs.

We discussed the importance of turning the drill and training paperwork. We saw the effect of not getting all Paso School District sites to return the paperwork in a timely fashion.

Meeting adjourned at 1:15 PM. Next Meeting will be April 9th at Pat Butler.