Reynella South School
Reynella South School supports the continual improvement of quality learning and teaching in our community in order that all of our students achieve academic and social success, now and in the future, which will enable them to fully participate and contribute to a global society.
2016 working document
A Nurturing Community of Active Learners
Priority One: Literacy (Focus on reading and comprehension strategies)Strategies(Leaders will…) / Outcomes(Teachers/staff will…) / Indicators (Students / children will…)
- Facilitate whole school professional developmentto ensure consistency of R-7 literacy learning and teaching agreements are embedded into practice.
- Collaboratively plan and implement units of work
- Staff use a consistent teaching & learning cycle for planning
- Collect and analyse dataand evidence its diagnostic use in planning and teaching
- Utilise the strategies and learning from Sheena Cameron resources
- Develop a whole school agreement in Literacy with defined focus and implemetation
- Show improved results in
- ESL Scales R – 7
- Running Records R-2 and Lexiles
- Year 3 ,5 and 7 NAPLAN results.
- PAT - R
- Support teachers to collect, analyse and use a range of diagnostic assessment tools to support differentiation, intervention and extension of students’ learning
- Undertake student assessment as outlined in the whole-school assessment schedule
- Analyse student achievement data and evidence its diagnostic use in planning and teaching
- Monitor student achievement data to track the progress of students’ learning and to inform intervention and extension
- Participate in a range of assessment tasks and reflect in their learning and the learning of their peers in meaningful ways???
- Set learning goals and monitor their own progress towards known learning targets
- Maintain a ‘Student Support Team’ and intervention processes which ensure targeted learning intervention and support
- Maintain and review support processes and procedures
- Prepare supporting evidence to inform support team discussions
- Liaise with service providers / support staff as required
- Support the establishment, review and implementation of NEPs, ILPs, andGLPs
- Modify program / strategies to support student learning
- Monitor the progress of students identified at risk
- Show progress towards individual learning targets
- Show improved learning in literacy across the curriculum
- Promote opportunities for parents to be better informed of and involved in student learning
- Promote increased community connection
- Establish and maintain on-going learning focussed communication via 3-way interviews , Acquaintance Night, term reports, classroom newsletters,school newsletter articles and parent groups etc with students and with parents
- Facilitate community workshops and Library visits
- Discuss their own learning and on-going learning goals
- Communicate and demonstrate their learning regularly with the community via various forums
- Facilitate whole school agreements about reading and the teaching of reading.
- Implement whole school agreements on the pedagogy of teaching reading
- Use timetable structuresto maximise differentiation
- Use of agreed reading levels for R – 7 (broad banding) and ILNNP Teacher Coach
- Map EYLF and Aust Curric
- Implement a Preschool focus on oral literacy for vocabulary enlargement
- Use of the Oxford Word List Plus
- Show improved progress through self monitoring / and recording of reading levels
- Are able to focus on their reading behaviours
- Children who are 4 and 5 in preschool and foundation will have appropriate curriculum
- Monitor whole school agreements in key literacy areas such as the use of common word lists and other key documents and statements
- Use common words lists as agreed by staff
- Implement whole-school agreements about the delivery of teaching & learning strategies involved in Reading Comprehension (based on the work of Sheena Cameron)
- Use of shared texts across the site with links to identified areas of the curriculum
- Implementation and use of Jolly Phonics and Jolly Grammar
- Know what they need to do to improve
- Be able to use language to make meaning in an increasing variety of contexts.
- Be able to articulate and guide their own learning in regard to reading
- Preschool Focus
- Preschool indicators – explore in 2016. Implement 2017
- Children will…
Priority Two: Numeracy
Strategies (Leaders will…) / Outcomes (Teachers/Staff will…) / Indicators (Students / children will…)
- Monitor and review theEstablishment of whole school agreements in key areas of numeracy
- Collaboratively plan and implement units of work
- Use a consistent teaching & learning cycle for planning
- Collect and analyse data and evidence its diagnostic use in planning and teaching
- Engage in Professional learning
- Meet whole school agreement expectations
- Monitor the teaching of Maths with a focus on Number and Problem solving
- Implement whole-school agreements about the delivery of teaching & learning strategies involved in Number and Problem Solving
- Use the agreed text (Booker) as a reference for good practice
- Improve their automaticity in the context of number
- Support teachers to collect, analyse and use a range of diagnostic and summative assessment tools to support differentiation, intervention and extension of students’ learning in Number and problem solving.
- Undertake student assessment as outlined in the whole-school assessment schedule
- Analyse student achievement data and evidence its diagnostic use in planning and teaching PAT M
- Monitor student achievement data to track the progress of students’ learning and to inform intervention and extension
- Engage in Professional learning re the use of data and evidence to drive planning and programming
- Use data to develop and review SMARTAR goals for identified students
- Engage in the trischool moderation process to extend learning
- Implement Panalatinga partnership focus as identified in Results +
- Own their individual goals and be able to articulate the learning pathway needed for success
- Promote opportunities for parents to be better informed of and involved in student learning in the areas of Numeracy and especially Number
- Provide Information for parents about their children’s learning
- Report to parents about where their child is at
- Preschool focus
- Explore the implementation of the preschool indicators in numeracy
- Have progress in relation to Indicators recorded and reported to parents
Priority Three: Attendance and Cognitive Engagement through increased Wellbeing for learning
Strategies (Leaders will…) / Outcomes (Teachers/Staff will…) / Indicators (Students will…)
- Establish whole school agreements in key areas of well being inc the roles and responsibilities of students, staff, and parents and the wider community through consultation. .( 2013)
- Facilitate whole school learning (students, staff, and parents and the wider community ) in Restorative Practices. .( 2013 onwards)
- Support whole school agreements in regard to the authentic use of restorative Practices across the site.(Code of Behaviour and Cognitive Engagement WSAs)
- Staff will continue to engage in professional development and critical reflection regarding restorative practices.
- Implementation of Student well Being plans for disengaged students to progress and review support
- Be able to communicate and demonstrate the responsibilities represented in the student code of behaviour.
- Be able to engage effectively in the restorative practices process.
- Continue to Support the roll-out of the KidsMatter framework and undertake all aspects of the program. ( 2013 onwards)
- Review and refine policies and practices to ensure that they are inline with supporting student, teacher and parent/caregiver wellbeing.
- Teachers will be able to communicate the core principles of the Kids Matter Framework to parents/caregivers and the wider school community.
- Support the identified core aspects of the kids matter framework and the practical application of these aspects within their classroom and the wider school environment.
- Support the development of an action team for the Kids Matter Framework.
- Have a good understanding about mental health and the importance of developing and supporting good mental health in themselves and others.
- Be able to communicate and demonstrate the principles of the Kids Matter framework.
- Develop and implement a culture of staff performance development through a clear set of protocols and processes for all staff including leadership. (2013 onwards)
- Leadership to connect with staff on a regular basis to provide performance management support including providing opportunities for staff to critically reflect on their current practice
- Engage in a professional well being process with leadership
- Review and continue to developan authentic Student Voice process / structure. ( 2014)
- In collaboration with students establish the process of selection and organisation of the student voice.
- Ensure that students have a forum to communicate their needs and wants to the student voice.
- Support the continuing development of student voice and its role within the school community.
- Be able to clearly verbalise the purpose of the student voice.
- Engage effectively with the process of the student voice.
- The review and development of a system of student acknowledgement and incentive that permeates all aspects of school life.( 2014)
- Provide a variety of incentives and acknowledgments to students in line with the three school values for example:
- Implement Friday Activity time in the Fisher building.
- Presentation of Values Recognition Awards
- Acknowledge students during assembly for their contribution to a positive learning environment through specific feedback.
- Have a good understanding about the incentives & acknowledgements given at RSS, and the meaning attached to these.
- Develop Community Connection strategies. This include the role of a community volunteer coordinator (2014)
- Participate in “White Ribbon Australia's Breaking the Silence Schools Program, 2016”
- Provide opportunities for community engagement including:
- An information session regarding the principles of restorative practices and changes made to our behaviour management processes reflecting these principles.
- Information sessions for parents/caregivers regarding the transition from primary to high school. And preschool to foundation.
- Volunteering opportunities within the classroom and wider school setting.
- Focus in Preschool to start
- 100% attend year 7/8 transition days
- Develop a staff code of conduct in reference to DECD documents
- Operate within the DECD Code of conduct and supporting WSAs such as Group Norms for Professional Learning document.
- Preschool focus
- Priority areas as identified in Partnership Results+