South Effingham Middle School

1200 Noel C. Conaway Mrs. Brigid Nesmith, Principal

Guyton, GA 31312 Mrs. Christy Brown, Assistant Principal

(912) 728-7500 Telephone Mrs. Carla Dean, Assistant Principal

(912) 728-7508 FAX Mrs. Vanessa Denison, Instructional Supervisor


March 4, 2016

Dear Parents and Students,

Thank you for your interest in applying to South Effingham Middle School’s STEAM Team. Our school is truly dedicated to optimizing learning opportunities with a new STEAM on exceeding expectations and integrating science, technology, engineering, art and math into the curriculum. Our goal is to provide a high quality education by integrating the STEAM content areas. The STEAM team teachers are committed to partnering with parents for the academic success of all students! With increased demands on students’ time by the program, students must develop and maintain a strong academic work ethic. Our students are engaged in the inclusion of science, technology, engineering, art, and math daily and must balance academic and the STEAM requirements. They must develop and maintain a STEAM on being organized, completing and submitting all assignments, and managing their time during and outside of the school day. The size of STEAM program which will be around 150 or two classes per grade level affords students a “small team” atmosphere, with access to a wide variety of academic and technology inclusive activities. Students in the Gifted Program are served through an advanced content class model in at least one content area to meet state guidelines. STEAM students in grades 6-8 must maintain a 80.0 grade point average (GPA) to remain enrolled in the program. If a student does not maintain a 80.0 GPA, one probationary semester is allowed to strengthen their academic achievement. In addition, STEAM parents are encouraged to volunteer the STEAM area of their child. If your child is interested in pursuing the opportunity to participate, please read the attached information, complete the application, sign and return to the school.

South Effingham Middle School’s STEAM program offers a unique and valuable experience in the academics and the STEAM areas. It requires a partnership with teachers and a commitment from both students and parents to maintain a standard of excellence! We look forward to this new endeavor and thank you for your interest.

If you have any questions, please contact the school’s Instructional Supervisor, Vanessa Denison at or (912)728-7500.


Brigid Nesmith

Principal, South Effingham Middle School

South Effingham Middle School

1200 Noel C. Conaway Rd.

Guyton, GA 31312

STEAM Team Student Application

Mission: As a Community of learners, in cooperation with stakeholders, our mission is to provide rigorous and relevant instruction in a safe environment to enable all students to obtain a high school diploma as a foundation for post secondary success.

For the 2016-2017 school year, South Effingham Middle School will implement one team per grade level that will teach both the identified Gifted students and two classes of students who will be accepted, after an application process, as a part of our Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math STEAM team. These students will participate in STEAM focused content classes on the STEAM team, take STEAM specific Connections classes, prepare a grade level STEAM project for the year, and participate in an extracurricular team that focuses on a STEAM subject matter.

SEMS’ reasons for creating STEAM teams:

•  We want to prepare our students for successful careers in a 21st century workforce.

•  We want our students to be empowered to become innovators and technologically proficient problem solvers.

•  We want our students to be able to inquire, think, investigate, and innovate.

•  We want our students to learn to work productively in teams.

Student Expectations:

•  Desire to personally develop skills needed to be successful in the 21st Century.

•  Exhibit excellent organization skills and an ability to coordinate multiple tasks and activities.

•  Display excellent teamwork skills and an ability to work closely with other students and teacher.

•  Demonstrate excellent work ethic, positive attitude, flexibility and willingness to perform tasks assigned.

•  Complete a STEAM focused research project each year involved in the program.

•  Take a Connections class in the STEAM field chosen by the child.

•  Participate in an extracurricular activity that is in the STEAM field chosen by the child.

•  Maintain an 80 and above in all courses including Connections classes.

Admission: Students enrolling in the STEAM program for 2016-2017 must have a 2015-2016 school year cumulative GPA of an 80. Also, students must have been developing, proficient or distinguished on both the math and science sections of the Milestones in April 2015. Students who received Distinguished on both the science and the math Milestones 2016 will be automatically accepted into the program. They will NOT need to apply, but they will need to fill out an intent form to verify their intent to participate in the program. Those students will receive the letter of intent personally. To be considered an eligible on-time applicant, all supporting documents must be returned by the application deadline of April 4, 2016. Parents will be notified by a letter if their child is chosen for the STEAM Team. The decisions of the STEAM selection committee are final.

1. Follow all instructions, complete all information, and attach all required supporting documentation to each child’s application.
2. Please clearly print or type and use black or blue ink only. Students may type the answers to the application questions.
3. Have teachers complete the recommendation form that they must turn in to Vanessa Denison, Instructional Supervisor.
3. Read and sign the application which includes the Agreement of Understanding.
4. Return the applications to the South Effingham Middle School by April 4, 2016.
Student’s Name: ______/ Grade for 2015-2016 School Year: ______
Gifted Status:
Is the student identified as Gifted?
No ______/ Previous STEAM student for the 2015-2016 school year?
No ______
Involvement in Extracurricular Activities:
Write the year in which you were involved in the activities below.
Science Olympiad ______Spelling Bee ______
Girls in Science ______All State Chorus ______
Chess Club ______All State Band ______
Media Festival ______Social Science Fair ______
Science Fair ______Young Authors ______
Invention Convention ______Other: ______
Lunchbox Derby ______
Other School Activities:
List any other school activities in which you are involved (sports or clubs): ______
Activities Outside of School:
List any activities in which you are involved outside of school (church, Scouts, community service, etc.):
2016 – 2017 Agreement of Understanding
By signing below, I acknowledge my understanding of the following conditions for this application:
1. The deadline to submit this application and all supporting documentation is April 4, 2016.
2. Failure to complete all requested information accurately will cause this application to be voided for the application process.
3. Students who fail to meet the SEMS STEAM Program criteria will lose placement in the selected program.
Parent’s/ Guardian’s Signature ______Date ___/___/____
Complete the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. You may type and attach to the application.
Student’s Name: ______/ Grade for 2016-2017 School Year: ______
1. How are science, mathematics, technology, art and engineering related to one another?
2. If you could use science to change one thing in the world, what would it be and why?
3. What role do STEAM content areas play in your life currently?
4. What do you hope to gain by joining the STEAM program at South Effingham Middle School?

Confidential Academic Recommendation Form

Application deadline: April 4, 2016

STEAM Program Applicant Name (Print): ______

Parent/ Guardian Signature: ______

Teachers Names(Print): ______

Date: ______School (if other than SEMS): ______

Telephone Number: ______

Teachers Signatures: ______

An Overall Score of 24 out of 32 (75%) or higher is required to participate in the program.

4 / 3 / 2 / 1
(Team Score) / Attendance is above average (0 to 4 absences) / Attendance is average (5 to 9 absences) / Attendance is below average (10 to 14 absences) / Attendance is poor
(Team Score) / Behavior is consistently appropriate (no referrals/no team discipline) / Behavior is usually appropriate (minor team discipline only) / Behavior is sometimes appropriate (referrals and team discipline) / Behavior is often inappropriate (several referrals as well as team discipline)
(Team Score) / Attitude is consistently positive and respectful / Attitude is usually positive and respectful / Attitude is intermittently positive and respectful / Attitude is rarely positive and respectful
Work Ethic
(Team Score) / Daily assignments and homework are consistently completed on time and accurately (>=90% of the time) / Daily assignments and homework are usually completed on time and accurately (approx. 80-89% of the time) / Daily assignments and homework are intermittently completed on time and accurately (approx.70-79% of the time) / Daily assignments and homework are rarely completed on time and accurately (approx. 69% of the time or less)
Enthusiasm (Team Score) / Student willingly accepts academic challenge / Student accepts academic challenge / Student reluctantly
accepts academic challenge / Student rejects academic challenge
(Team Score) / Student is always self-motivated / Student is self-motivated regular basis / Student is not self motivated on a regular basis / Student is not self-motivated
Test Scores
(Team Score) / Test scores are consistently above average (>=90% of the time) / Test scores are usually above average
(approx. 80-89% of the time) / Test scores are intermittently above average (approx.70-79% of the time) / Test scores are rarely above average
(approx. 69% of the time or less)
Follows Directions (Team Score) / Student always follows directions. / Student regularly follows directions / Student does not follow directions on a regular basis / Student does not follow directions

Total :______Open Ended Questions Continued on the back

Describe how you think the applicant would balance the demands of academic and STEAM program requirements? ______Briefly describe the applicant’s strengths and weaknesses. ______Please add any additional information that you believe would help in evaluating this applicant. ______