South-eastern Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo

Project Coordinator’s Report - Tim Burnard

September– November 2011

As per Recovery Plan Actions;

Action 3. Encourage fencing of feeding habitat to protect it from stock

Organise for WCMA contact with landholder to protect buloke stand in Benayeo.

Action 4. Replant feeding habitat

Revised Kalangadoo school project budget and report to Community NRM Grants

Catch up with CVA volunteers planting at Casterton

Action 5. Identify and reduce threats from fire

Set up email hotline for agencies concerned about fire effects. Includes reps from;


Mallee Fowl Recovery Team

Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo Recovery Team

Australasian Native Orchid Society (ANOS)


Wildlife Society

Environment Defenders Office

Birds Australia

Action 6. Reduce threats from weed invasion in feeding habitat

Met Gunns Plantation Manager to discuss errors in their Environmental Management Plan and later contacted by Rainforest Alliance regarding this.

Followed up on Cup Moth infestation of stringybark near Casterton

Action 9. Reduce the threat from reductions in nest sites

Manage Nest Incentive scheme...

Inspect nest with Evan Roberts note that Evan has contributed considerable time keeping an eye on the nests.

Draft and finalise claim form

Organise Jess Gardiner (Greening Australia) to do nest inspection

Organise for Dave Williams to inspect nest at G Bradey

Organise payment for George Bradey ($500)

Organise payment to R McKenny ($1000)

Publicise in Birds Australia E-news, Wingspan, and media release to 26 outlets advertising first claim on nest incentive. Article in several papers and one TV interview, two radio interviews including an extended interview with George Bradey (the school boy who made first claim)

Book CVA to collar trees next year

Action 12. Assess and reduce illegal trade

Met with members of DSE Investigation Team at nest site.

Action 15. Produce and implement a communication strategy

Checked our 1800 phone stats in Melb. Still getting on average about

Met Felicity and John. Felicity has been taking care of all our web queries. It’s an absolute bonus to have Felicity do this. She is very efficient and polite to all of our enquirers (even all the WA people)

Presentation to WCMA. Talk to David Brennan (CEO) reaffirming our thanks for ongoing support from WCMA

Attend stand at Threatened Species Day at Naracoorte Caves with Evan Roberts

Deliver new Red-tail information board to Edenhope school.

Deliver new Red-tail information board to Princess Margaret Rose Caves

Sent updated Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo sightings to SA, Vic and Aust Gov databases

Interesting sightings; Millicent Golf Course

Action 16. Seek additional sponsorship partners

Finalised contracts and organised invoicing with GHCMA and WCMA.

Finalised contracts and organised invoicing with SA Dept Environment and Natural Resources ($30000)

Finalised contracts and organised invoicing with to Wilderness Society DARA Fund ($15000)

Apply $10000 from Dahl Trust Eucalyptus Grants

Action 17. Operate the recovery program

Phone Link Up meeting held 5-9-11. Prepared & circulated coordinators report, agenda and action table and associated documents.

Prepared latest minutes & action table and circulated.

Organise payments Hansen Print, Kalangadoo school

Sent induction kit to Marrissa Land and Jodie Chinner and incorporated their responses in an updated final version

Send letters of thanks to Recovery Team members who have left; Aggie Stephenson, Keiran Lawson and Angela Duffy

Prepare annual report to Birds Australia

Prepare an asset register

Prepare Recovery Team submission to WCMA Catchment Managemnent Strategy

Meet BA Finance in Melbourne and revise budget