Gynaecology Urgent Two Week Wait Referral
Please fax this form to the Women’s Unit within 24 hours of the referral date. Please also attach a letter to the clinical team.
Is patient aware the referral is urgent?
/Y / N
Guidelines are on the reverse side.
Women’s Unit contact numbers
Fax 01723385065 Tel 01723385358
Section 1 – PATIENT INFORMATION. Please complete in BLOCK CAPITALS.
/Has patient visited this hospital before?
/Y / N
Post Code
/First language
Interpreter required?
/Y / N
Transport required?
/Y / N
Daytime Telephone
/Is patient available for appointment Y / N
within 2 weeksHome Telephone (if different)
/ Mobile No.
Section 2 – PRACTICE INFORMATION. Please use practice stamp if available.
Referring GP
/Y / N
Practice Address
Post Code
Section 3 – CLINICAL INFORMATION. Please tick the relevant boxes.
Cancer type suspected
Ovary / Cervix / Endometrium / Vagina / VulvaMenopausal status
Premenopausal / Postmenopausal / Hysterectomy / On HRTBleeding PV
IntermenstrualNumber of episodes
/ Postcoital / PostmenopausalDuration (days / weeks)
Abdominal symptoms
/ Yes / NoExamination findings
Negative / Abdominal mass / Pelvic mass / Visible cervical lesion Vulval /vaginal lesion / Bleeding / ulcerated vulval /vaginal lesion
Additional information - Attach patient computer record summary if available. Continue on separate sheet if required.
Refer urgently patients:
- With clinical features suggestive of cervical cancer on examination. A smear test is not required before referral, and a previous negative result should not delay referral
- With an unexplained vulval lump
- Not on HRT with postmenopausal bleeding
- On HRT with persistent or unexplained postmenopausal bleeding after cessation of HRT for 6 weeks
- Taking tamoxifen with post menopausal bleeding
- With vulval bleeding due to ulceration.
- With a palpable abdominal or pelvic mass on examination that is not obviously uterine fibroids or not of gastrointestinal or urological origin. Obtain Ca125, Ca199 and CEA markers.
Use this proforma to refer urgently (2 Week Wait)
Investigations in Primary Care:
A full pelvic examination, including speculum examination of the cervix, is recommended for patients presenting with any of the following:- postmenopausal bleeding
- vaginal discharge.
- bloating
- unexplained weight loss
- loss of appetite
- constipation
- abdominal pain
- back pain
- urinary symptoms.
Non-urgent referrals should be made using Choose & Book or a letter.
Patient information and support:
Consider the information and support needs of patients and the people who care for them while they are waiting for the referral appointment..
June 2014