A Summary of news from the South Downs Land Management Group

South Downs Land

Management Group

Copyright ©South Downs Land Management Group, All rights reserved

A Summary of news from the South Downs Land Management Group

Winter 20013/14 Newsletter

Welcome to our latest newsletter.I hope by the time this goes out that it will have stopped raining. If you have any points you would like us to raise with the National Park Authorityon your behalf orcomments or suggestions for the newsletter, please email your new Liaison Officer Alison Tingley. I hope to meet some of you at the AGM on 30th April at Boxgrove Village Hall from 17.00 details to be sent out shortly.

Gentle Reminder - Membership Renewals

Thank you to all Members that paid their subscription promptly. If you have not yet paid please can I urge you todo so asap. To make it easierto match payments to invoices please can you put the invoice number on the back of your cheque. If you would rather pay by Standing Orderin future, or if you require a duplicate invoice,please contact for a form.

South Downs National Park Update

Copyright ©South Downs Land Management Group, All rights reserved

A Summary of news from the South Downs Land Management Group

Partnership Management Plan Update

The Partnership Management Plan for the South Downs National Park was adopted by the National Park Authority on 3 December 2013 and can now be downloaded from their website at www.southdowns.gov.uk/about-us/partnership-management-plan-2013

Many thanks to all those of you that attended workshops

Copyright ©South Downs Land Management Group, All rights reserved

A Summary of news from the South Downs Land Management Group

Community Infrastructure Levy

CIL is the charges that developers in the National Park will have to pay (from 2015).The funds collected will be used to fund a wide range of infrastructure that is needed to support development across the National Park.
Comments are invited from all stakeholders,on the Community Infrastructure Levy consultation particularly with regards tothe proposed Charging Schedule, the ‘discretionary matters’ and any other issues that people wish to raise.The consultation period will run from 14th February to 4th April 2014alongside the Local Plan Options Consultation: see http://www.southdowns.gov.uk/cil
After consultation, the SDNPA will take account of comments and produce a final Draft Charging Schedule to submit to the Government for examination in early 2015.
All infrastructure projects to be funded by the CIL should be identified in the Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP). This list is important as it forms the basis for spending decisions to be made. If you want to suggest a project to be included on the IDP you can do so via the SDNPA website: http://www.southdowns.gov.uk/cil

If you are submitting comments on the CIL consultation and would like the SDLMG to include these in their organizational response please copy your submission to

Biodiversity Offsetting

At the SDNPA meeting on 4th February Members discussed the pros and cons of biodiversity offsetting. To see briefing paper andpresentation by Tom Tew of the Environment Bank follow the links. Under the scheme landowners could be paid to recreate habitats on registered land to compensate for development elsewhere. For more information see www.environmentbank.com

Local Plan

Now that the Management Plan has been agreedthe South Downs National Park Authority is seeking people’s views on the best approach to planning within the Park.The 'Options Consultation' describes the main planning issues faced by the National Park.You have until 30th April to submit your views as to which of theoptions identified, you feelcould best address those issues.
For example:

·  What policies will best protect landscape character and wildlife?

·  How far shouldthe change of use of farm buildings be encouraged?

·  How can they deal with water resources?

·  To what extent should development minimise climate change and be resilient to its impacts?

·  What approach should be taken in meeting localand affordable housing needs?

·  How cannew businesses, small local enterprises and the rural economy be supported?

To name but a few
For more information on the Local Plan and other planning policy news go to www.southdowns.gov.uk/planningpolicy
To sign up for the SDNPA Local Plan newsletter contact
If you are submitting comments and would like the SDLMG to include these in its organizational response please copy your submission to

Ratty returns to the River Meon

The SDNPA Hampshire Team are working with landowners andpartners to control mink along the River Meon prior to identifying suitable sites to reintroduce water voles which had died out within the past 10 years as a result of predation. To date 450 water voles have been released to the south of the SDNP at Titchfield Haven Nature Reserve. Further releases are planned within the Park in the coming years, in what will be the largest water vole release programme in the country. For more details contact:

Copyright ©South Downs Land Management Group, All rights reserved

A Summary of news from the South Downs Land Management Group


Following one of the wettest winters on record the SDNPA are only too aware of problems with soil erosion across the River Rother catchment – affecting many fields and farms, roads and watercourses across the area. To support and work with farmers to find solutions to this recurring problem the South Downs National Park Authority, Arun & Rother Rivers Trust, Natural England (Catchment Sensitive Farming), and the Universities of Northampton and Oxford are working together on a new project, looking at sediment and mitigation options for the River Rother (SMOTHER).

The first stage of the project will be to carry out research to help us understand and address the problem. Once this stage is completed in 2016, the partners will support farmers wishing to make changes on the ground to mitigate future soil erosion.

Regular updates on progress will be made available on the Arun & Rother Rivers Trust website www.art.org.uk for further information contact

£10 Million Fund for Farmers with Water-logged Fields to Open Imminently

The Government is making up to £10 million available for this one-off hardship programme. The scheme will be open to all farm businesses in the UK that require support but will be targeted at those areas most affected by the flood crisis. Applications are open until 9th May. Details are available on the Defra website. https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/285524/pb14138-farming-recovery-fund-guidance.pdf

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If you would like to receive by email either contact Alison Tingley on or register via our website www.southdownsland.com

Copyright ©South Downs Land Management Group, All rights reserved