Dunblane Nursery

April 2016

Dear Parent / Carers,

We are now well into our last term and looking forward to the different experiences and activities on offer.


Following children’s interests we are beginning to explore ‘What happens in Spring’ in particular looking at growing and mini beasts, where we have shared existing knowledge and identified some key BIG questions, which will form the basis of our planning and experiences and activities. Several children continue to show an interest in role play which will be incorporated into current planning. We will continue to observe the children and identify any areas of interest to take forward as a learning group.

Gardening Scotland

Each year we enter a ‘Pallet garden’ to Gardening Scotland. When exploring ‘Tradition tales’ several of the children explored the ‘Going on a bear hunt’ story and we hope to create a garden using the different aspects of the story. All children will have the opportunity to be involved in creating the garden.

The show runs from Friday 3rd – 5th June 2016. Any spare pots of herbs, small trees or plants to help fill our gaps would be greatly appreciated. For further information, please speak to Mrs. Kinnaird


The next fundraising meeting will be on Wednesday 27th April at 9am – all welcome.

The next Parent Council meeting will be on Wednesday the 19th of May at 7PM in the school library. All welcome.


As you are aware our transition programme for children moving on to Primary 1 begun with, with Active Stirling, delivering playground games and giving our children the opportunity to meet their buddies for the first time. A comprehensive time table of activities & experiences is included with this newsletter.

Staff responsibilities;

Mrs. Gallivan – School tours

Mrs. Kinnaird – Classroom visits

MsBellin – Playground visits

Mrs.Stewart– Buddies

Mrs. McKeownMs Robertson – Lunches

Sports day

All parents & carers are welcome to join us for our fun filled sports day on Thursday 9th June at 10.45am / 2.15pm respectively. Weather permitting we will be in the school sports field. Alternative arrangements will be made for inclement weather.

Friday 17th June - Summative reports

Reports will be issued on Friday 17th June. If you would like to discuss your child’s progress, please speak to your key worker to arrange a suitable time. Our younger children who started with us last August / September and those who started later in the year, will be issued with a shorter version.

Friday 24th June- End of term party & concert

Our end of term parties will be held on Friday 24thJune. You are welcome to join us for our short concert and presentation at 11am & 2.30pm respectively.

Tuesday 28th June – Morning session

Could we please remind parents that this session is open to TUESDAYPM CHILDREN ONLY

Many thanks from the Nursery Team