South Dakota Association of Elementary School Principal’s

Executive Board Meeting

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Time 3:00 to 4:00

Room ~ JQ Hammons at the Sheraton

Meeting Agenda

Call meeting to order Tanja Pederson

Roll call/establish quorum Tanja Pederson

Approval of agenda/additional items – Action Executive Board

Approval of Parliamentarian Tanja Pederson

Secretary’s minutes from January 23rd – Action Abi Vanregenmorter

Treasurer’s report/Budget – Action Connie Kaltenbach

Tanja Pederson

State Rep. Report Tim Kosters

Federal Relations Report John Decker

SDAESP Website Report Joel Bergeson

SASD RepsKevin Nelson/Tanja

Area ReportsArea Reps

Old Business

Conference Rotation w/ ND (see attached)Tanja Pederson

Conference 2014 UpdateTanja/Dana Berg

Conference Registration Fee w/HS

Speakers Bureau request funded-FYI

By-Law Revision to incorporate SASD Position and ConferenceTanja Pederson

Planner/Annual Election Dates/reimbursement for travel/

Annual meetings/office descriptions

Tim, Becky, Tami, Tanja, Kevin, Chris Noid

Review Parent Group InformationTanja Pederson

New Business

Delegate Assembly update-new processTanja Pederson

September Secretary Retreat InvitationTanja Pederson

SASD retiree membershipTanja Pederson

Motion to adjourn: Tanja Pederson

Conference Rotation:

Current Conference Rotation Schedule:

2014 High School PrincipalsJanuary 22-24

2015 North Dakota Principals in Bismarck, ND

2016 High School Principals

2017 High School PrincipalsProposal ND ATTEND

2018 North Dakota Principals in South Dakota

2019 High School Principals

2020 High School Principals

2021 North Dakota Principals in North DakotaALONE?

Proposed by ND:

2015 Bismark

2016 Grand Forks

2017South Dakota Hosts

2018 Mandan


2020 Bismark (SD)

2021 Grand Forks

Newly Proposed Delegate Assembly and Outstanding Administrators

March 13, 2013

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

11:00Parent Group Meetings (SDAESP, SDASSP, SDASBO, SDSSA)

1:30-6:00Delegate Assembly at Red Rossa

6:00SASD Executive Board

7:00SDUSA & Large School Group Meeting

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

7:45Attend Committee Meetings

12:00-1:30Outstanding Administrators

1:45Pictures with the Governor

2:00Outstanding Administrators recognized in House and Senate

6:00 – 8:00Superintendents Legislative Reception

Well Presidents, Here We Go Again!

Summer Retreat Invitation

As you may recall, we had initially planned on doing this retreat this summer. The Educational Summer Study group took our dates, so we talked about canceling it altogether.

However, I believe our time together as SASD, Parent Group Presidents, and the Secretary of Education, is a valuable endeavor. So, we are trying again!

I have reserved the lodge in Gregory for the evening of September 18 (Wednesday night). The intent will be to drive in on the 18th (time to be determined), and then on your way home the next morning by noon or so.

As you may recall, each parent group will be allowed to have two people attend. We would love to have the President from each group as well as one “at large” member from your group. As I said before, maybe this is a way to get some of those folks involved in your groups that don’t normally step up and out!

If you wouldn’t mind, please drop me a line back as to whom you think might be attending from your groups.

I had mentioned earlier that we would be looking at it costing each parent group around $200 for this event, plus whatever you might cover for your participants driving expenses etc.

Please give me some feedback through email or at the convention next week.

Take care all!