Draft Bureau Meeting’s Minutes

European Commission Building, Rue Joseph II, Brussels

Monday 11 June 2012


UEPGMartin Isles (Chairman); Miette Dechelle

industriAll European Trade Union Jean-Pierre Damm (Vice Chairman); Corina Zierold

IMA-EuropeMichelle Wyart-Remy; Claire Lanne

EurominesCorinna Hebestreit; Peter Schallert

EuracoalGitta Hulik

European Commission Vladimir Zuberec

I-Draft agenda

industriAll (formerly EMCEF) sent amendments for the draft Agenda on subjects which could be added to the next meetings for discussion.

Further information on Shale Gaswas requested for the next meeting.

  • Emphasis on provision of further information re public acceptance following environmental Impact and sustainability.
  • Vladimir Zuberec had already contacted a speaker from the European Commission for the September meeting.

Euromines asked if SSDCEI should contribute all together on European Innovation Partnership on Raw Material:

  • If SSDCEI Partners would generatecollaborative documents as projects on 2013 innovation in the sector
  • The first deadline would be in 6 months’ time
  • If Partners have a particular common issue to promote
  • The work could be linked with the industrial policies and the Green Growth Agenda
  • The Resource efficiency Road map included already leaders’ sector where SSDCEI might not be included due to the traditional image of the Industry, therefore the sector needs a transition

IMA-Europe referred to the Industrial policy and the need to have a speaker for the next meeting. Christopher Allen could be invited as European Commission Representative. Partners could prepare a presentation on the vision of the sector with a short statement by different sectors on what are the threat and opportunities which would be coordinated at SSDCEI level

  • Partners comments should be sent to UEPG Secretariat during July by emails on a Vision before 2020 with five minutes per sector, focusing on relevant industrial issues
  • All the announcements on green jobs are based on micro analysis and there is little attention on local and sectoral level

SSDCEI Partners requested to have a common follow up on taxation and especially European Parliament feedback on any development.

industriALL asked to have further information on the new H&S regulation for offshore operations. A working group would be created within the Association to see the importance of the issue at sector level, and its work’s outcome would be presented at the SSDCEI next meetings.


IMA-Europe sent comments on the latest Bureau minutes, especially on NePSi and Eurostat issues, which have been approved and included.

III-Health and Safety

Following all comments received from partners an agreement on the H&S Declaration was achieved at the meeting. The final version will be sent to all partners and logo of partners will be added to be communicated to their members.

Martin Isles, UEPG, informed that he was in contact with ISSA-Mining for them to lead – jointly with UEPG – on the project ‘Safer by Design’. A proposal to partners would be forthcoming for a project Funding Application in early 2013.

Martin Isles also mentioned the considerable work done in Scandinavian countries such as in Sweden and Finland to encourage the manufacturers from Sandvik, Metso, and Volvo to act upon the principles of ‘Safer by Design’. In the UK, MPA is in contact with a number of significant manufacturers, urging them to produce safer machines.

IV-NePSi Report

Claire Lanne, NePSi Secretariat, mentioned that information was given at the last meeting, Plenary Session.

The NePSi Council is taking place on 14 June 2012 in Brussels.

V-Liaison Forum Reports

A meeting on 21st May took place on skills and qualification. The outcome of the meeting and next steps could be presented at the next meetings either in September or December.

industriALL would be willing to advise on the Employment package released in April.

VI-Sectors’ Best Practiceson Partners working with schools and Universities

Some Partners questioned whether it was appropriate to havea presentation of Best Practices in terms of contact with schools and university as they felt it was more a National issue.

Gitta Hulik mentioned the opportunity to promote SSDCEI partners’ industries’ work and activities to the 2012 “Researchers' Night” on 28 September 2012. (reference: ).

IMA-Europe informed that they are developing a new website which would make a link with National PR work.

EUROMINES asked if partners would be willing to have a breakfast event with journalists, inviting them on behalf of the SSDCEI after the September meeting when a common position on Industrial policy would be approved. Partners should discuss furthermore the issue by email and agreed informally at the next meeting.

VII-Preparation of the next Working Group meeting – speakers and themes

  1. Shale Gas
  2. Industrial policies

industriALL would like to have further information on State aid for growth.

Partners discussed that only 14 sectors were covered by State aid and those sector were electro- intensive. If further interest is raised, a discussion could take place in December 2012.

Other subjects discussed and agreed on above items, accordingly a draft proposal will be sent to partners for agreement on the subjects to be discussed at the next working group meeting in September 2012.

VIII-Partners’ Information on events and initiatives

  • IMA-Europe: EMD - Information summer time and September time and date to be informed for 2013
  • Euromines: Mining and Tourism conference in Cyprus
  • Euracoal : Coal Dialogue – Coal meeting with the EP, Coal days
  • industriALL : Exhibition on coal at the European Parliament
  • UEPG: UEPG 2013 Sustainable Development Awards
