South Central Workforce Council

December 10, 2014

706 N. Victory Drive

Mankato, MN

The meeting was called to order by Chair Deb Barnes at 3:00 p.m.

  1. Roll Call

Members Present:Deb Barnes, Christine Bauman, Candace Fenske, Bill FitzSimmons, Craig Jaskulke, Linsey Preuss, Dennis Siemer,Tim Wenzel, Karen Wolters,John Woodwick,

Members Excused: Shane Meier, John Schons, Joan Tesdahl, Dr. Susan Tarnowski

Members Absent: Jim Abraham, Bill Meyer and Larry Treptow

Guests Present: Nancy Haag, MVAC; Connie Hines, MN DEED; Randy Long, MN DEED; Reggie Worlds, MN DEED

Staff Present: Diane Halvorson and Heather Gleason

II.Approval of the Agenda

Chair Deb Barnes called for approval of the agenda noting that Mark Schultz would not be presenting on labor market information. A motion was made by Bill FitzSimmonsand seconded by Candace Fensketo approve the agenda. The motion carried.

Chair Deb Barnes called for the endorsement of the Job Service Representative, Reggie Worlds. A motion was made by John Woodwick and seconded by Tim Wenzel. The motion carried.

III.Approval of Minutes

Chair Deb Barnes called for approval of the September meeting minutes. A motion was made by Bill FitzSimmonsand seconded by Linsey Preuss to approve the minutes. The motion carried.

IV.Program Year 2013 Results

Financial Report

Lynn Sorenson, MN Valley Action Council reviewed the 2014 audit results with the Committee. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) was reviewed as a major program. There were no findings or questioned costs. A motion to approve the audit report was made by Tim Wenzel and seconded by Bill FitzSimmons. The motion carried.

Lynn Sorenson reviewed the annual report of revenues and expenditures. Revenues for the year were $6.4 million, expenditures were $4 million. It was noted that many of the revenues are for multiple years. A motion was made by Candace Fenske and seconded by Bill FitzSimmons to approve the Revenue & Expenditures report. The motion carried.

Program Results
A total of 162 WIA Dislocated Workers, 295 State Dislocated Workers, 95 WIA Adults, 176 WIA Youth and 227 Minnesota Youth were served. This year there was specialized programming for youth in foster care, teen parents on the MFIP program, youth from communities of color, youth with disabilities, youth internships in Martin County, Partners In Career Exploration as well as adult programming in healthcare and manufacturing careers through FastTRAC and Opportunities for Older Workers and Offenders.

The report included a summary of participants that received training, the post-secondary institution they were attending, the amount of training funds spent at each institution and the occupations that individuals are being trained. We provided training for 258 participants last year for careers in demand industries such as: health care, manufacturing, technology, education and social assistance, transportation and trades.

The report also included a summary of the results of the partnering agencies. Rehabilitation Services served 831individuals of which 245 entered employment at an average wage of $10.26. State Services for the Blind served 58 individuals out of the Mankato office and 7 were placed in employment at an average wage of $24.29. A total of 71 individuals were served under the Senior Community Employment Service Program. Twenty-nine percent entered unsubsidized employment at an average wage of $8.11. Veterans Services provided case management to 46 veterans and 17 entered employment. About 3,881 customers used the resource area computers and/or attended workshops at the WorkForce Centers in Fairmont, Mankato and New Ulm. In 2013, there were a total of 17,016 job orders placed on the Minnesota Works website and a total of 36,764 job openings were available.

The complete Program Year 2013 Final Results Report can be found on our website at

V.Committee Reports

Executive Committee

Deb Barnes reported that the Executive Committee reviewed and sent the Charitable Organization Registration and Tax Return. The committee reviewed the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). The current RFP designation of service providers expires June 30, 2015. Due to the new law, it was recommended that the designation be extended one more year to coincide with the new law. A motion to approve the extension was made by Bill FitzSimmons and seconded by Denny Siemer. The motion carried. John Woodwick abstained.

Workforce Development Committee

Linsey Preuss reported that the Workforce Development Committee reviewed a survey tool that will be used to collect information for the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) for Region 9. The committee also reviewed the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). It was noted that Denny Siemer is now serving on the Governor’s Workforce Council and is on the planning committee for the new law.

Youth Council

In addition to the program updates, the Youth Council has also reviewed the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).

Operations Committee

Christine Bauman reported that there has been a number of trainings for staff including workplace violence, motivational interviewing, mental health, generations in the workplace and CPR. Recent events include the Tour of Manufacturing Event and Career Day at Mankato West. Vocational Rehabilitation Services has removed their waitlist. The committee has also reviewed the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). South Central College received a $15 million advanced manufacturing grant. The committee also reviewed statewide strategic planning.

Business Services

Randy Long reported that the unemployment rates for the region are 3%, Blue Earth County is 2.6% and Nicollet County is 2.2%. There have been a number of requests for job fairs. Randy distributed and reviewed a “Retention Checklist” that he is using to have conversations with businesses about attracting and retaining employees. Randy reported that employers are beginning to consider underserved populations including: minorities, disabilities, youth, offenders and older workers.

VII.Other Business

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held at 3:00 p.m. Wednesday, March 11h.

The meeting adjourned.

Signed by:______

Deb Barnes,Chair