Please complete the application form below for each course/programme/activity you wish SCEL to consider for endorsement. It is recommended that you refer to the supporting advice given in the background information before completing the form. If you would like any additional advice prior to completing this application please contact Sally Armstrong() who will be pleased to assist.
Please note: each endorsement application should include:
1) Full course/programme/activity content and the submission of current professional profiles for all personnel involved directly in programme or event delivery.
2) A summary report providing evidence of impact and feedback from course participants from current and previous provision as appropriate. This may be submitted in additional papers.
Contact Information
In this section please provide contact details and a brief overview of your company/organisation.
Contact name:Name of organisation:
Job title:
Email: / Telephone:
Outline organisationinformation (no morethan 200 words):
Background and context to the professional learning programmeIn the following section, please provide detailed information on the course/programme/activity you
wish to have endorsed.
Please specify where the learning is directed. More than one box may be ticked if appropriate
Title of the course/programme/activity:
Target audience and proposed participant numbers:
Specific learning outcomes:
Core components of course/programme/activity. e.g. themes, topics:
Modes of delivery:
Experience and expertise of provider delivery team (including how knowledge and skills are maintained and developed):
Partner input (where relevant):
Impact of programme on improving leadership in Scottish education
This section asks you to provide information which gives evidence about the impact and ongoing evaluation of the course/programme/activity you are currently running and for which you are seeking endorsement. You are also asked, where appropriate, to describe the intended impact of any new professional learning opportunities being proposed. It would be helpful to identify how participant feedback has informed or enhanced the opportunity. If relevant you may wish to attach additional information.
Evidence of impact and evaluation (including examples)
How do you ensure provision for sustainable learning?
Meeting local and national priorities/outcomes
In this section please explain where and how the course/programme/activity seeking endorsement addresses specific aspects of any key areas of local and/or national priorities/outcomesidentified by local authorities or national bodies within the context of professional learning and leadership.Framework for Educational Leadership and Professional Standards
This section asks you to describe how the course/programme/activity relates to appropriate national professional standards and where it articulates with and/or links to the SCEL Framework for Educational Leadership.
How does the course/programme/activity evidence appropriate elements of the GTCS Standards:
Standard for Full Registration;
Standard for Career-Long Professional Learning;
Standards for Leadership and Management
Please describe how the course/programme/activity links to the aspects of educational leadership from the SCEL Framework for Educational Leadership
Describe how the course/programme/activity addresses the elements of the Model of Professional Learning?
Where applicable please indicate if the course/programme/activity is included in the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) or what plans you have to credit rate and include in the SCQF (if any).
Statement to be signed by the applicantPlease complete the following declaration and sign it in the appropriate place below.
I confirm that all the information given by me on this form is correct and accurate.
Signed: / Date:
Please note, SCEL charge an initial administration fee for private providers of £150 to cover the costs
of application review.
We accept payments by cheque or directly by electronic transfer into our bank account.
Cheques should be made payable to: Scottish College for Educational Leadership
Payment should be sent with all application forms. If you would like to use bank transfer provision please contact who will supply you with the appropriate details.