South American BINGO board directions

You will section your paper into 12 equal sections. At the bottom or top of each section you will write the name of a S. American country...there are 12 countries and 1 may choose any 12 of them. You will then illustrate something that represents that country (ex. a coffee cup for Brazil). If you are artistically challenged, you may print pictures off of the internet and glue them neatly onto your paper. Make sure all illustrations are colored in colored pencils and outlined in black ink. You may only use the flag of the country twice. On a SEPARATE sheet of paper, you will write 3 clues for each country. The clues need to be so specific that the only answer can be the country (ex. This country is the only S. American country where Dutch is the official language...answer - Suriname). There should be 36 clues in all. I will use your clues when we play BINGO. Good luck and let me know if you have any questions.

Due date: Wednesday, December 17th

South American BINGO board directions

You will section your paper into 12 equal sections. At the bottom or top of each section you will write the name of a S. American country...there are 12 countries and 1 may choose any 12 of them. You will then illustrate something that represents that country (ex. a coffee cup for Brazil). If you are artistically challenged, you may print pictures off of the internet and glue them neatly onto your paper. Make sure all illustrations are colored in colored pencils and outlined in black ink. You may only use the flag of the country twice. On a SEPARATE sheet of paper, you will write 3 clues for each country. The clues need to be so specific that the only answer can be the country (ex. This country is the only S. American country where Dutch is the official language...answer - Suriname). There should be 36 clues in all. I will use your clues when we play BINGO. Good luck and let me know if you have any questions.

Due date: Wednesday, December 17th