South Africa Review ‘16
You will be given a South Africa test next Thursday. The following list of terms will help you begin preparing for the test. We haven’t covered some of this information, yet. I would suggest that you create YOUR OWN review based on these terms. Use notes from the textbook, handouts, slideshows, and class discussions.
Imperialism concepts related to South Africa: assimilation, paternalism, divide and conquer
Groups involved in South African history—who were they, what was their role in the country, what were their relationships with each other like
European involvement in South Africa: Dutch/Boers, British, etc.
Cape Colony
British involvement in South Africa—when they got involved, why they got involved, how they took control, how their policies differed from Afrikaners
Great Trek
Boer Republics: Orange Free State and the Transvaal
Boer Wars: Causes and outcome
Union of South Africa (South African independence from Great Britain)
Afrikaner National Party (Nationalists)—introduction of Apartheid and continuing white domination—what was the goal?
Apartheid (what does it mean, why was it put into place)
Apartheid Laws: (Examples from film and literature; purpose of laws)
Population Registration Act
Land Resettlement Acts (Natives Land Act, Group Areas Act, etc.): townships, homelands
Bantu Education Act
Prohibition of Mixed Marriages
Separate Amenities Acts
Suppression of Communism Law
Banning policies
“The Power of One”: themes, quotes, characters—how relates to apartheid
“Road to Alexandra” (the story and how it illustrates apartheid and other concepts)
Black Resistance to Apartheid—historic events, role of literature and art in challenging apartheid How South African literature illustrates apartheid and concepts discussed: Sizwe Banzi, “Kaffir Boy” excerpts, Soweto poets
Resistance to apartheid:
When began, how evolved, methods used
African National Congress
Nelson Mandela (who he was, what happened to him)
Spear of the Nation (why it was formed, what tactics it suggested); what the “Fable of the Elephant” shows
Defiance Campaign (what actions it involved)
Sharpeville Massacre (what it was & its impact)
Steve Biko; Black Consciousness Movement (what it meant, what Biko suggested)
Donald Woods and his role
Soweto Massacre (what it was and why it was significant)
United Nations’ Sanctions against South Africa: divestment and other punishments
Archbishop Desmond Tutu
Afrikaner government reforms during the 1980s
Frederik W. DeKlerk
First free election; Mandela as President
Problems South Africa faced after apartheid (and how linked to imperialism)
Current issues in apartheid