Sources/Sinks alternative to the outside Air for Heat Pump and Air-Conditioning Techniques (Alternative Sources - AS)
Padua, Italy, April 5-6-7, 2011
International Sorption Heat Pump Conference (ISHPC11)
Padua, Italy, April 6-7-8, 2011
In order to standardize presentations in the pre-prints (hardcopies) and in the cd-rom proceedings, authors are kindly requested to strictly comply with the following instructions. In order to feature the main standards required, an example of manuscript outline is issued at the end of this document. In order to standardize manuscript presentation, authors are asked to follow the instructions below.
All text of the manuscript must be located within a 16 cm by 24 cm rectangle of an A4 page. The text will be reduced by 20%.
The memorial cannot be longer than 10 pages (pictures included). No manuscripts having excess pages will be published.
Manuscripts are to be written and presented in English.
– Title
The title of the manuscript should be in font size 16, single line, centered in capital letters and boldface type; two blank lines should be included below it.
– Author(s)
The number of authors should be limited to four (4), except in exceptional circumstances.
The initial of the author's first name should be given first, followed by his last name.
The lead author's complete mailing address including the fax number and e-mail address should be given, including his/her company or organization. It is to this address that correspondence is to be sent. Lower-case letters between brackets should be used to indicate which address goes with which author. The address(es) should be centred and in lower-case letters. The different parts of the address(es) should be separated by commas and if more than one line is necessary, the various lines should be of roughly the same length.
– Abstract
The first page must start with a short abstract (max 500 words).
– Titles and sub-section headings
The Times New Roman character, the single line and the 12 pt character size must be used. All titles of sections should be justified left, in boldface capital letters and numbered. Two blank lines should be placed above the titles.
Sub-section headings should be in small, italics letters, justified left and numbered (1.1, 1.2, …). A blank line should be placed above them.
Sub-sub-sections should be avoided. If they are used, they should be justified left, in normal lower-case letters, with the text beginning to the right of the sub-sub-section heading.
– Text
The Times New Roman character, the single line and the 12 pt character size must be used (excluding title, authors and affiliation), justified.
The text must start on the first page, immediately after the summary, and will continue in full on the following pages (please fill each page of the manuscript, do not leave blank spaces at the end of the pages).
– Header
Please insert in all pages (except the first one) a header with the title of the paper (upper margin 1.25 cm), Times New Roman character, single line, 10 pt character, italics.
– Footnotes
They must be indicated in the text by consecutive numbering. This numbers must be indicated at the foot of the page in the order in which they are mentioned in the text and separated by a line from the main text. There must be double spacing between the text and the note’s line.
– Equations
Any equations must be written inside the text (leave a line before and after) and have to be numbered progressively. The number has to be specified within brackets and closed at the right margin.
– Pictures and tables
The pictures and the tables have to be inserted in the text and numbered sequentially. After every picture and above every form, a justified caption must be inserted and one empty line must be left before and after, to make sure that the caption will not be confused with the rest of the text. Please remember that the picture has to be in black and white because in the final printing coloured lines cannot be reproduced very well.
– Photos
Photos have to be in black and white and have to be originals (please avoid absolutely sticking them or using copies because the quality of the print could be worse).
– References
Within the text of a manuscript, bibliographical sources should be cited by giving the last name(s) of the author(s) and the year of publication. The name(s) and the year should always be in parentheses, separated by a comma as follow:
It was shown that the blend was azeotropic (Albert, 1957).
When there are two authors, the names of both should be cited, e.g.:
It was observed recently that the blend was azeotropic (Albert and Klaus, 1981).
When there are three or more authors, only the lead author of the source should be cited. The names of the other authors should be designated by et al., e.g.:
A new blend was developed (Lee et al., 1982).
When the same author and the same year of publication are cited from more than one source, the sources should be distinguished in the text by adding the lower-case letter "a" to the year of publication of the first source cited, "b" for the second source, and so on.
The sources cited in the text should be listed in order at the end of the manuscript.
Sources should be in alphabetical order of the author's name or of the lead author if there are several authors. They should be numbered 1., 2., etc. so that the number of sources will be readily apparent. The sources should be presented as follows:
1 - Article from a periodical
Name(s) of the author(s), first name initial(s), year of publication, title of article, title of periodical in italics and abbreviated according to international standards, volume number, issue number (between brackets), first and last page.
e.g. Herbe L, Lundqvist P., 1997, CFC and HCFC refrigerants retrofits, Int. J. Refrig. 20(1): 49-54.
2 - Paper published in conference proceedings
Name(s) of the author(s), first name initial(s), year of publication, title of article, title of the conference in italics, publisher of proceedings: first and last page.
e.g. Forbes Pearson S., 1996, Uses of Hydrocarbon Refrigerants, Proc. Aarhus Conference, IIF/IIR: 439-446.
3 - Book
Name(s) of the author(s), first name initial(s), year of publication, title of the book in italics, name of publisher, place of publication, number of pages. Establishments can be considered authors when they assume main responsibility for the text and their publications reflect their collective reflections or activities.
e.g. Janna SW., 1986, Engineering Heat Transfer, PWS Publishers, Boston, 769 p.
4 - Book chapter
Name(s) of the author(s), first name initial(s), year of publication, title of chapter, In: name(s) and initial(s) of the co-ordinator(s), title of the book in italics, name of publisher, place of publication, first and last page.
e.g. Duminil M., 1995, Principes de la production du froid, In: Côme D, Ulrich. R. La chaîne du froid – Le froid au service de l'homme, Hermann, Paris: 33-144.
Authors are asked to submit their manuscripts in electronic form, both as MS Word file and Adobe Acrobat Reader (.pdf) file (in the latter case please include fonts in the file), via e-mail at .
In summary, submission requirements for manuscripts to be remitted by January 15, 2011 or, if applicable, within 14 days from communication of requested revision, are:
- a covering e-mail message to indicate:
o paper title and authorship;
o the paper reference code (as given by the Conferences Secretariat after abstract acceptance);
o the name and full addresses (postal and e-mail, telephone and fax numbers) of the corresponding author;
- the two files with the manuscript (attachments).
All documents will be sent via e-mail to:
Deliver files as attachments (server maximum capacity 3 MB): please, zip files before sending, if necessary.
Title of the paper, Times New Roman character, single line, 10 pt character, italics
Name and surname of the author a(a), Name and surname of the author b(b),…
(Times New Roman, italics, size 12 pt, single line), followed by 2 blank lines
(Times New Roman, size 11 pt, single line), followed by 4 blank lines
ABSTRACT (size 12 pt, capital letters, heavy type, not numbered)
Text following: Times New Roman, size 12 pt, single line, justified, in English, max 500 words. Xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxxx xxxx xxxxxx xxx xxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxxx xxxx xxxxxx xxx xxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxxx xxxx xxxxxx xxx xxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxxx xxxx xxxxxx xxx xxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxxx xxxx xxxxxx xxx xxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxxx xxxx xxxxxx xxx xxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxxx xxxx xxxxxx xxx xxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxxx xxxx xxxxxx xxx xxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxxx xxxx xxxxxx xxx xxxx.
1. PARAGRAPH (Size 12 pt, capital letters, heavy type, numbered progressively, leave 2 blank lines before)
Example text size. Example text size. Example text size. Example text size. Example text size. Example text size. Example text size. Example text size. Example text size.
1.1. Subparagraph (Size 12, High and low, italics, numbered progressively, leave 1 blank line before)
Example text size. Example text size. Example text size. Example text size.
The formulas have to be centered, leaving 1 blank line before and after.
Example text size. Example text size. Example text size. Example text size. Example text size. Example text size. Example text size. Example text size. Example text size. Example text size. Example text size. Example text size. Example text size. Example text size. Example text size. Example text size. Example text size. Example text size. Example text size. Example text size. Example text size. Example text size. Example text size. Example text size. Example text size. Example text size. Example text size. Example text size. Example of table:
Table 1 - Subtitle of the table (size 11, italics, justified). Leave 1 blank line before and after.
Example text size. Example text size. Example text size. Example text size. Example text size. Example text size. Example text size. Example text size. Example text size. Example text size. Example text size. Example text size. Example text size. Example of picture:
Figure 1 - Subtitle of the picture (size 11, italics, justified). Leave 1 blank line before and after.
a axial component of gravity, m/s2
A cross sectional area, m2
c specific heat capacity, J/(kg K)
d tube inside diameter, m
T temperature, K
Other subscripts:
a adiabatic
e experimental
i at liquid-vapour interface
of the liquid
r calculated from regression Equation 29
1. International Institute of Refrigeration, 1975, New International Dictionary of Refrigeration, 3rd ed., IIF/IIR, Paris, 560 p.
2. Optimal IR, Fee W. 1986, Calculation of conference attendance budgets, Int. J. Cost-Effective Research, 7(4): 78-93.