Sources of Information for Law Students
A comprehensive graduate careers website with a designated legal section including opportunities in the legal profession and university law fairs, and information on all postgraduate courses
Law careers advice network site with comprehensive information about the profession
Official Law Society directory of solicitors’ firms
Includes information on funding and placements through the ‘Diversity Access Scheme’
UK centre for legal education site with a wealth of useful information including the skills gained from studying Law
Information on LLDIP(Diploma in Law) and LPC(Legal Practice Courses)
Trainee Solicitors Group site with vacancy information and issues of concern to trainees and potential trainees.
Information on opportunities in the legal profession and law courses
Information on the Legal 500 large UK law firms and lawyers worldwide
Information on training as a barrister
Access to the Bar Council Directory online
Bar Council information on pupillage vacancies
The BVC Online application system
Vacancies, and information on qualifying as a Legal Secretary
Information for students and graduates with disabilities
International recognised guide to law firms and lawyers
The following publications are available for reference in the Careers Information Room.
* Indicated we have take away copies of this publication (while stocks are available).
Butterworths Law Directory (published annually), Butterworths
Directory of Lawyers in England and Wales
The Law Society’s Directory of Solicitors and Barristers (published annually), Law Society
The official directory of solicitors in England and Wales.
The Legal 500 Pritchard, J. (published annually), Legalease Ltd
A directory of leading law firms with information on areas of expertise.
Chambers Guide to the Legal Profession (published annually), Chambers
A Directory of leading law firms with information on areas of expertise.
Chambers Student Guide* (published annually), Chambers and Partners
The shortened student version of the guide.
The BAR Directory (published annually), Sweet and Maxwell
The official directory of barristers’ chambers in England and Wales.
Pupillage Handbook (published annually) GTI
Information on pupillages
Prospects Law* (published annually), CSU Ltd
Information on training contracts, pupillages and law courses.
The Training Contract and Pupillage Handbook* (published annually), Trainee Solicitors Group, Globe Business Publishing Ltd
Information on training contracts, pupillages, courses and the work of the Trainee Solicitors Group.
HobsonsLLM Guide* (published annually), Hobsons PLC
Information on Masters in Law.
Target Law* (published annually), GTI Specialist Publishers
General information on the legal profession, training contracts and pupillages with special supplements on law courses and work experience.
Target courses, Conversion and Vocational Law,
Information on LLdip and LPC courses
The Graduate Handbook –Law Edition (published annually), The Graduate Group Ltd,
Some information on specific law firms