Campus Sound Productions
Sound and Visual Request Form
Title of Event:______
Organization name:______
Description of Event:
- Location:
- Event Start Time:______Event End Time:
- Event Date:
- Event Coordinator:
- Budget Number/Club Name:
- Contact Number:______Campus Address:
- Contact E-mail:
Audio Needs
____# of Wireless Handheld Microphone(s) (four available in the MPR, and large mobile kit)
____# of Handheld wired Microphone(s) with stand
____Background/Mood Music
If so which genre: (jazz, hip hop, rock, etc.) ______If you wish to have certain songs played, please e-mail a list one week in advance!
Visual Needs
____Movie Projector, circle either VHS/VCR or DVD Format(films must be licensed for public display)
____Laptop Projector (you must provide laptop)
____Overhead Projector (used for transparencies)
____Slide Projector (35mm slides)
Other Needs
____Set Up for Band (provide stage plot for the band)
____Karaoke Machine (TV, sound, and disks will be provided if needed)
____Disc Jockey Service, If sowhich genre (Top-40, Club, Techno, etc.) ______
Campus Sound ProductionsLiability Waiver
I ______hereby agree to take full responsibility for the equipment listed above that I am checking out for the duration of the above dates. In the event that the equipment is lost, damaged and or destroyed, I will be responsible for the costs associated with replacing or repairing the lost/damaged equipment.
Signature Date
In order to prevent scheduling conflicts sound requests must be made two weeks in advance. Campus Sound Productions reserves the right to add an additional charge of 15% of your entire bill to the total charge if requests are made later than two weeks prior to the event. The requested Equipment may also be rented to another party and unavailable for use for the scheduled time.
Sound Productions Prices (per day)
Item description / Prices for Students orStudent Organizations / Prices for On
Campus Departments
Small MobilePASound Kit
(2 available) / $10/day / $25/day
Large MobilePA Sound Kit
(2 available) / $20/hour / $40/hour
Movie/Laptop Projector / $10/day (or free with PUB
sound) / $25/day
Overhead or Slide Projector / $10/event / $25/event
PUB MPR Sound / $10/hour / $25/hour
Setup for Band / $25/hour / $60/hour
Disc Jockey Service / $100/event / $200/event
Karaoke Machine / $10/hour / $25/hour
Each item is rented for the total hours of the duration of the scheduled event. If you need to use such items for longer please contact Campus Sound Productions so accommodations for an extended rental can be made.
Please fill this form out completely in order to ensure your sound production reservation.
Verification will be sent to your provided phone contact number or e-mail one week prior to your scheduled event. If you have questions about this request and/or prices, or you have a more complicated sound configurationplease contact Gerrit Veleke at, (509) 359-7371 or e-mail .