Referring Agency Nomination Form (Part 1)

Please complete the information below to help us evaluate your request. Attach this information to Part 2 for submission to the Bendigo Regional YMCA, contact details below. All information will remain confidential.

Contact Information
Referring Agency Name: / Contact:
Agency Address:
Suburb/Town: / Postcode:
Phone: / Fax: / Email:
Applicant Name: / Phone:
Spoken Languages:
Which of the following Open Doors target populations is applicable to the applicant?
Low socio economic status / Indigenous community
People with a disability / Newly arrived/cultural & linguistically diverse people
How is the applicant experiencing disadvantage due to their personal circumstances?
How could this disadvantage be improved by participation in YMCA programs and services?
Do you feel your applicant would benefit from individual or group activities?
Does your agency have funds to contribute to this applicant’s membership/term program? If yes, what percentage?
Endorsement of the application by an official reference. (This intends to verify that the financial status is such that the applicant in unable to fund part or all of the required fees to participate).
Name of Agency Representative
Signed / Date:

YMCA Open Doors

Bendigo Regional YMCA

Ph: 03 5446


Participant Application Form (Part 2)

Please complete the information below to help us evaluate your request. Attach this information to Part 1 when submitting via a referring agency to the Bendigo Regional YMCA. All information will remain confidential.

Contact Information
Date: / Name: / DOB:
Parent/Guardian Name (if 16 or under):
Suburb/Town: / Postcode:
Home Ph: / Work Ph: / Mobile:
Do you have a Health Care Card? / Yes No (If yes, please attach a copy to this form).
Please list the activity you are requesting assistance for: / Cost: / $
Are you currently a member of the YMCA? / Yes No
Have you been a member of the YMCA in the past? / Yes No
If yes, what sort of program have you participated in?
How do you believe participating in this YMCA program will benefit you and/or your family?
Are you able to contribute to the cost of your request? / Yes No
If ‘Yes’, please specify amount: / $
Open Doors Participants Rights & Responsibilities
·  If you require a carer they will be allowed access at no charge when accompanying you. Please inform the YMCA prior to your initial visit to the centre.
·  The YMCA has an expectation that you will commit to making the most out of your open doors access by attending as often as possible. Attendance will be considered highly when renewal of your access is considered.
·  Access via Open Doors will be approved based on a 3 month term. Applicants will need to reapply at the end of the term
·  Please ensure that you behave appropriately when attending the YMCA, and respect fellow participants, staff and volunteers.
·  The YMCA understands that unexpected, temporary situations or hardships can affect your ability to attend the centre. If this occurs please contact the YMCA to discuss the situation. Unexplained non-attendance may result in the cessation of your access.
·  Please notify the YMCA of any changes in address or telephone number in a timely manner.
·  Your participation in the program should be a positive and enjoyable experience. If this is not the case, or you have some feedback for us, please speak to the program co-ordinator as soon as possible.
Participant or Parent/Guardian Signature / Date:

YMCA Open Doors

Bendigo Regional YMCA

Ph: 03 5446 9222
