Sound Spelling Actions
/a/ spelled a, have students put their hands to their mouths as if shouting as they say /a/ /a/ /a/ /a/ /a/.
/b/ spelled b, have students pretend to bounce a ball as they say /b/ /b/ /b/ /b/ /b/.
/k/ spelled c, have students pretend to take pictures with a camera as they say /k/ /k/ /k/ /k/ /k/.
/d/ spelled d, have students stomp their feet as if dancing as they say /d/ /d/ /d/ /d/ /d/.
/e/ spelled e, have students move their hands in pecking motion similar to typing as they say the sound.
/f/, have students move their hands in a circular, fanlike motion as they say /f/ /f/ /f/ /f/ /f/.
/g/ spelled g, have students put hand to mouth as if eating as the say the sound.
/h/ spelled h_, have students run in place, moving their arms and huffing as if out of breath as they say /h/ /h/ /h/ /h/ /h/.
/i/ spelled i, have students put both hands up to their mouths as if giggling as they say /i/ /i/ /i/ /i/ /i/.
/j/ spelled j and dge, have students move their arms as if holding a rope and jump as they say the sound.
/l/ spelled l and ll, have students pretend to lap up water as they say /l/ /l/ /l/ /l/ /l/.
/m/ spelled m, have students rub their tummies rather than give the thumbs-up signal during the listening activities.
/n/ spelled n, have students put a hand over one ear as if blocking out noise as they say /n/ /n/ /n/ /n/ /n/.
/o/ spelled o, have students open their mouth and point to their tongues as if holding a tongue depressor as they say /o/ /o/ /o/ /o/ /o/.
/p/ spelled p, have students put both fists in the air and open their hands quickly as if popping as they say /p/ /p/ /p/ /p/ /p/.
/qu/, have students put their hands under their arms and waddle like ducks as they say the sound /kw/.
/r/, have students pretend to be robots as they say /r/ /r/ /r/ /r/ /r/.
/s/ spelled s, have students pretend to hold spatulas and to flip sausages in a frying pan as they say /s/ /s/ /s/ /s/ /s/.
/t/ spelled t and tt, have students move their pointer fingers up and down to a constant beat, keeping their other fingers closed in a fist as they say /t/ /t/ /t/ /t/ /t/.
/u/ spelled u, have students put both hands over one shoulder and make a pulling movement as if tugging a rope as they say the sound.
/w/, have students twist like washing machines as they say /w/ /w/ /w/ /w/ /w/ during phonics activities.
/ks/ spelled x, have students walk in place as they say the sound.
/th/ spelled th, have students put their index fingers on their heads as if pointing to their brains. Have each student look thoughtful while tapping his or her head each time you say /th/.
/sh/ sounds, have them put their fingers in front of their lips as if saying shhh!
/hw/, have students put their fingers to their lips and whisper as they say the sound.
/ng/ spelled ng, have students extend their arms with hands together as if holding a mallet and then swing their arms, pretending to strike a gong each they say /ng/.
/ch/ spelled ch, have students move their heads around as if chattering as they say /ch/.
/ar/ spelled ar, have students tilt their heads back as if gargling each time they say /ar/.
/er/ , have students flap their arms like bird wings as they say the /er/ sound.
/or/ spelled or and ore, put your index finger on the side of your chin as if confused. Move your head back and forth pretending to look at the corn, then the pork, then the corn, then the pork, trying to decide which to choose. Each student can make the motion as they say /or/.
/y/, students move their fingers like mouths that are opening and shutting.
/v/, students form a v with their fingers.
/z/, have them move their hands up and down as if zipping a zipper as they say the sound.