Conference Agenda Template

2018 Sustainability Summit – (MATC Downtown MilwaukeeCampus – April 11-12, 2018)

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Room M605
7:30 am to 8:30 am / Registration Open, Coffee Served / Networking
Dr. Mark Felsheim, VP (MATC – Oak Creek) CHAIR
8:40 am to 9:00 am / WELCOME REMARKS
Dr. Vicki Martin, President (MATC)
9:00 am to 9:30 am / WELCOME REMARKS
Mayor Tom Barrett, Mayor (City of Milwaukee)
9:30 am to 10:15 am / KEYNOTE ADDRESS: GreenPath: Stewardship at Miller Park
Seth Vanderlaan, Executive Chef at Miller Park
Room M605 & M616
10:15 am to 10:45 am / EXHIBITS & NETWORKING BREAK
11:00 am to 11:50 am / BREAKOUT SESSION 1: Living, Learning, Leading: Why Sustainability Matters to Colleges & Universities in Milwaukee
Moderator: Gordie Bennett, Sustainability Director, Milwaukee County
Speaker 1: BrentRibble, Campus Sustainability Coordinator, Marquette University
Speaker 2: Ginny Routhe, Sustainability Manager, Milwaukee Area Technical College
Speaker 3: Kate Nelson, Chief Sustainability Officer, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
11:00 am to 11:50 am / BREAKOUT SESSION 2: Why Service Clubs Understand Environmental Sustainability as Fundamental to Service
International Service organizations including Rotary, Lions, and Kiwanis, are seeking solutions to environmental problems that threaten to undercut volunteer time, donations, and service legacy. We will offer examples of scalable projects with integrative approaches, both here and internationally, that can help sustain the environment, while building community and enhancing civil society. Explore how both service clubs and the world in which they work can benefit from increased commitment to environmental sustainability.
Moderator: Jeffrey Reed,Governor, Rotary International District 6270 and Professor of Management at Marian University
Speaker 1: Christina Hall, Governor, Rotary District 6220
Speaker 2: Karen Kendrick-Hands, Founder and Immediate Past Chair ofEnvironmental Sustainability Rotarian Action Group (ESRAG)
11:00 am to 11:50 am / BREAKOUT SESSION 3: Colleges Integrating Sustainability Into Courses
This is a panel discussion on programs at a few Wisconsin Technical Colleges which incorporate sustainability into the classes and degree. Colleges featured are Northeast Wisconsin Technical College, Wisconsin Mid-State Technical College, Madison Area Technical College, and Milwaukee Area Technical College.
Moderator: David Polk, Associate Dean /Apprenticeship, MATC
Speaker 1: Jenny Brinker, CEM, Energy Management Technology Instructor, Northeast Wisconsin Technical College
Speaker 2: Ken Walz, PhD. Madison Area Technical College
Speaker 3: Benjamin Nusz, Mid-State Technical College
Speaker 4: Ted Wilinski, Instructor, MATC
11:00 am to 11:50 am / BREAKOUT SESSION 4: Addressing Water Equity Through Milwaukee’s Workforce
Partners at all scales are working together to build the organizational, policy and partnership capacity of utilities, community organizations, and other stakeholders to bend the course of Milwaukee’s water future to be more equitable. This work will use a collaborative approach to increase the number of minority, unemployed and underemployed Milwaukee area residents entering water sector jobs. This session will frame the opportunity in Milwaukee, address the problems and challenges, and lay out the process of how the team anticipates approaching this work.
Moderator: Linda Reid, Sweetwater Foundation
Speaker 1: NadiaVogt, Senior Project Manager, Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District
Speaker 2: Ann Brummitt, Co-Executive Director, Milwaukee Water Commons
11:00 am to 11:50 am / BREAKOUT SESSION 5: Sustainability Starts with the Home: Renovating for Resource Efficiency
Moderator: Susan Campbell, Realtor, Green, Shorewest Realtors
Speaker 1: Juanita Ellias— Certified Home Energy Services Rater with RESNET (Residential Energy Services Network)
Speaker 2: Timothy Linn— (Green builder)Partner/Builder, Edge Grain, Milwaukee
Speaker 3: Thomas Lyons (Green builder) Rivercity Woodworking, Milwaukee
Speaker 4: Tom Content, Executive Director, Citizens Utility Board of Wisconsin Inc.
Our homes comprise one of the greatest sources of our individual energy usage, and about 40 percent of our carbon emissions, so it makes sense that efforts to create sustainable communities and a sustainable environment start there. It's important to communicate to the public that there are many simple, inexpensive ways for homeowners to make their homes more sustainable and energy efficient — and save significant dollars in their home energy bills along the way. But there are bigger and more rewarding steps for those who want to do more, as green builders push the energy envelope to new heights.
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm / LUNCH PANEL: Towards a World Class Eco-City: How Milwaukee’s Local Governments Support Sustainability
Moderator: Erick Shambarger, City of Milwaukee, Environmental Sustainability Director
Speaker 1: Erick Shambarger, City of Milwaukee Environmental Sustainability Director
Speaker 2: Gordie Bennett, Milwaukee County Sustainability Director
Speaker 3: Karen Sands, MMSD Director of Planning, Research and Sustainability
Speaker 4: Mia Arter, Operations Director, Urban Sustainability Directors Network
Room M605 & M616
1:00 pm to 1:30 pm / EXHIBITS & NETWORKING BREAK
1:30 pm – 2:20 pm / BREAKOUT SESSION 6: Bridging Water and Art: A Path to Healthy Communities
The session will highlight local collaborative art projects that demonstrate how art can facilitate a community’s understanding and respect for their water resources. Panelists will focus on how art is an engaging medium that strengthens community development and thereby promotes health. The audience will gain awareness of current art and water initiatives around the Milwaukee area and form ideas for how to develop such projects at their workplaces, schools, and communities. The organizations represented include Arts@Large, Reflo, Milwaukee Water Commons, and Marquette University Haggerty Museum of Art. The second half of the session will be used for discussion with the audience.
Moderator: Ann Brummitt, Co-Executive Director, Milwaukee Water Commons
Speaker 1: Sean Kiebzak, Director of Programs, Arts@Large, Inc.
Speaker 2: Justin Hegarty, Executive Director, Reflo – Sustainable Water Solutions
Speaker 3: Susan Longhenry, Director and Chief Curator, Haggerty Museum of Art, Marquette University
Speaker 4: Melanie Ariens, Artist in Residence, Milwaukee Water Commons
1:30 pm – 2:20 pm / BREAKOUT SESSION 7: Global Scholarships: Opportunities to Build Local Leaders
The session will provide an overview of several scholarship, fellowship, and volunteer opportunities for students and young professionals interested in global health, peace, and social and economic justice. Panelists will speak on opportunities from Rotary International, the Peace Corps, Fulbright, and the Trinity Fellowship program. The session will emphasize how globally-minded programs have sustainable effect by developing leaders who are better equipped for local engagement following their programs. Teachers, mentors, students, and young professionals should consider attending the session.
Moderator: Sarah EhlingerAffotey, Program Manager, Milwaukee Global Health Consortium
Speaker 1: Regina Fuller, PhD candidate, UW-Madison
Speaker 2: Erin Richards, Education Reporter, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Speaker 3: James Levine, Recruiter, Peace Corps
Speaker 4: Maren and Stephen Hawkins, Former Peace Corps Volunteers
Speaker 5: Carolyn Swabek, Assistant Director, Trinity Fellows Program
1:30 pm to 2:20 pm / BREAKOUT SESSION 8: Wisconsin Renewable Energy: What's New & Emerging Trends
Learn about the advances and opportunities in Wisconsin renewable energy including solar on homes, businesses, and nonprofits, up to large wind and solar projects in rural areas. Plus, get the latest status of energy storage as an opportunity to improve the electric grid and further expand renewable energy. Experts Michael Allen of Energy Law Wisconsin and Cleantech Law Partners, and Katherine Klausing and Tyler Huebner of RENEW Wisconsin, a statewide nonprofit which promotes renewable energy, will present and take your questions!
Moderator: Tyler Huebner, Executive Director, RENEW Wisconsin
Speaker 1: Katherine Klausing, RENEW Wisconsin
Speaker 2: Tyler Huebner, Executive Director, RENEW Wisconsin
Speaker 3: Michael Allen, Energy Law Wisconsin and Cleantech Law Partners
1:30 pm to 2:20 pm / BREAKOUT SESSION 9: Rotary, Sustainability and Global Grants – Experience from Central America
The program will open with a discussion ofRotary's commitment to sustainability on its water and transportation projects and its emphasis of needs assessment. It will include presentations by two students who were involved in a water project, and two from a bridge project, covering their work on design, and installing the project. Projects were conducted in Guatemala in partnership between Clubs in Rotary International and Engineers without Borders.
Moderator:Jeffrey Reid,Governor, Rotary International District 6270 and Professor of Management at Marian University
Speaker 1: Steen Sanderhoff, District Global Grants Chair and District Governor Nominee, Rotary International District 6270
Speaker 2: Esther Baas, Student, Marquette University
Speaker 3: Kassidy O’Malley, Student, Marquette University
Speaker 4: Maia Heineck, Student, Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE)
Speaker 5: Trey Horbinski, Student, Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE)
Speaker 6: Justin Jacobson, Student, UW-Milwaukee
Speaker 7: James Kennedy, Student UW-Milwaukee
1:30 pm to 2:20 pm / BREAKOUT SESSION 10: Using Solar Infrastructure for both Energy Production and Teaching Students
Madison College operates a solar training lab and is currently in the process of installing one of the largest rooftop solar photovoltaic systems in the State of Wisconsin. This session will discuss the design of the college’s solar facilities, and examine some of the special considerations made to facilitate both generation of solar electricity and instruction of renewable energy students.
Moderator: Ken Walz, Ph.D., AEE REP, Chemistry and Engineering Instructor, Madison Area Technical College
Speaker 1: Joel Schumacher, Electrical Apprenticeship and Renewable Energy Instructor, Madison Area Technical College
Speaker 2: Ken Walz, Ph.D., AEE REP, Chemistry and Engineering Instructor, Madison Area Technical College
1:30 pm to 2:20 pm / BREAKOUT SESSION 11: Finding Your Sustainability Style – A Storytelling Session
In “Finding Your Sustainability Style – A Storytelling Session” we’ll discuss the topic of where to begin in sustainability and how to find the initiatives that fit best in a multitude of existing space types given a multitude of common roadblocks. The goal of the session is to provide a diverse group of attendees with ideas they can run with in their building, office, school, or even home. The target audience is owners, operators, and occupiers of built-environments- anyone who has an interest in pursuing sustainability and wellness initiatives in their own space. Anyone can be a leader in this charge and this session will arm them with ideas and next steps to lay the groundwork.
Moderator: Samantha Longshore, Rivion, LLC
Speaker 1: Megan Wolf, Rivion, LLC
Speaker 2: Samantha Longshore, Rivion, LLC
Room M605 & M616
2:20 pm to 3:00 pm / EXHIBITS & NETWORKING BREAK
3:00 pm to 3:50 pm / BREAKOUT SESSION 12: The Industrial Assessment Center at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
The Industrial Assessment Center at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (WM-IAC) has conducted more than 120 industrial energy assessments since it was renewed in 2011. This session is to present analytical and case studies of this center activity. Such session will be interesting for plant managers, energy engineers and other personnel involved in the energy assessment process.
Moderator: Ryo S. Amano, Professor & Director of UWM-DOE IAC, UWM
Speaker 1: Ahmad Abbas – Research Assistant and Ph.D. Candidate at UWM
Speaker 2: Muhannad Al-Haddad, CEM – Research Assistant and Masters’ Student at UWM
3:00 pm to 3:50 pm / BREAKOUT SESSION 13: Disclosure Effect: Evidence from Public Building Energy Consumption Presenter: Brendon Dorn, HGA
Energy performance disclosure mandates, referred to as 'benchmark ordinances', are a type of information disclosure policy aimed at providing opportunities for energy efficiency investments in both public and private buildings. Currently, 7 cities have adopted these ordinances and publish to a public database. This researchfinds intrinsic motivation in public buildings accounting for 6% less energy used.
3:00 pm to 3:50 pm / BREAKOUT SESSION 14: Sustainability Manager, Justifying the Position: Case Study
Having a person who is dedicated to sustainability for a large organization seems straight forward, an easy decision.But it is not.For years MATC has been involved with energy and sustainability efforts but those efforts were driven by many people and typically not connected.It became obvious that a person dedicated to sustainability who could connect all these efforts for the district was needed.But how to do that in face of declining enrollments and budget cuts?This session explains how MATC was able to justify a dedicated position, a business case, for a sustainability manager.
Moderator: Ted Wilinski, Instructor, MATC
Speaker 1: Jeff Hollow,Vice President, Finance at MATC
Speaker 2: Ginny Routhe, Facilities Planning, Sustainability, and Operations Manager, MATC
3:00 pm to 3:50 pm / BREAKOUT SESSION 15: Energy Conservation Implementation – Let’s Get Practical
At the heart of their work across the U.S. and for facilities they’ve traveled to across the world, is a mission to reduce energy and water consumption. They found that many people knew their goal was to reduce utility costs, but simply didn’t know how or where to start. Their intent is to help you find that starting point and get things moving. They’ll share experiences and what they found to be very simple ways to save energy. Spoiler alert…they turn a lot of stuff off.
Moderator: Jack Schirpke, Vice President, Environmental Services Division, Total Mechanical
Speaker 1: Rock Ridolfi, Senior Solutions Consultant, Rivion
Speaker 2: Ted Malesevich, Vice President/Project Manager, Sure-Fire
Speaker 3: Jack Shirpke, Vice President, Environmental Services Division, Total Mechanical
3:00 pm to 3:50 pm / POSTER SESSION 1: The Largest Rooftop Solar Arrays in Wisconsin
Presenter: Steven Ansorge, Undergraduate Student, Madison College
Madison College is installing the largest rooftop solar arrays in Wisconsin this summer. It will measure 1.4 MW. The presentation will include system details, specifications, and projected energy savings. Our system will be an example greater sustainability. This solar project will be a case study for other colleges and solar project developers to learn from our actions.
3:00 pm to 3:50 pm / POSTER SESSION 2: GLEE Solar Energy Technology
Presenter: Ashley Scholes, Student, Madison College,
This display will be about our research and testing of a nano-material coating applied to photo-voltaic panels. This coating is made through converting monomers into a colloidal solution that acts as the precursor for an integrated network of polymers. The purpose of this coating is to increase the surface area which will hopefully help the photo-voltaic panels capture and wash away micro-particles and therefore would increase the efficiency of electrical current absorption.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Room M605
7:30 am to 9:00 / Registration Open, Coffee Served / Networking
Room M605
Dr. Mark Felsheim, Vice President(MATC) and Chair (Sustainability Summit & Exposition)
8:40 am to 9:00 am / WELCOME REMARKS
Randy Bertram, Director Sustainability and Operational Excellence Services, Wisconsin Wisconsin Manufacturing Extension Partnership (WMEP)
9:00 am to 9:20 am / WELCOME REMARKS
County Executive Chris Abele
Room M605
9:30 am to 10:15 am / KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Joe Jacobsen, PhD, Author, Concordia University Milwaukee
Intelligent Economic Growth: Making the Case for a Sustainable Economy
The first part of this talk reviews the latest (2017) global population, CO2and Earth temperature data. The second part is about the acceleration of the diffusion of clean technologies to offset the negative consequences of the CO2/climate change relationship by reducing CO2emissions. We will close out by identifying measurable governmental policies aimed at emission regulation, economic growth and employment.
Room M605 & M616
10:15 am to 10:45 am / EXHIBITS & NETWORKING BREAK
Room M612
11:00 am to 11:50 am / BREAKOUT SESSION 16: Sustainable Business Operations in Practice
This panel discussion will feature company representatives from companies that are applying sustainable practices across their operations. This includes reducing waste, reusing materials, reducing energy costs, creating a healthy work environment, etc.
Moderator: Mike Mallwitz, Director, Workforce Solutions, MATC
Speaker 1: Jerry Richie, Production Manager, NuCor Cold Finish
Speaker 2: Mark Doolittle, Facilities & Sustainability, Krones, Inc.
Speaker 3: Kirk Kussman, Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Aztalan Engineering, Inc. and President of Tool, Die and Machining Association of Wisconsin
Speaker 4: Dan Depies, Vice President, Workforce and Program Development, Goodwill Industries
Room M515
11:00 am to 11:50 am / BREAKOUT SESSION 17: Grid Modernization and the Utility of the Future
The electric grid as we know it is changing. Smart meters. Smart thermostats. Home Energy Storage and Renewables. All that is on the horizon. Wisconsin’s energy regulators are examining Grid Modernization and what’s to come over the next 5-10 years. In short, it spells big changes.
Moderator: Corey Singletary, Utility Analyst, Citizens Utility Board of Wisconsin
Speaker 1: Bill Malcolm, Senior Legislative Representative, State Advocacy and Strategy at AARP
Speaker 2: David Kolata, Executive Director, Citizens Utility Board of Illinois
Speaker 3: Chris Villareal, President, Plugged In Strategies, Eden
Room M614
11:00 am to 11:50 am / BREAKOUT SESSION 18: Wisconsin Clean Cities: Providing Energy & Environmental Security Now and Into the Future
Transportation plays a key role in our national energy and environmental security. Learn how current alternative fuel projects in Wisconsin are making a sustainable impact.
Moderator: Lorrie Lisek, Executive Director, Wisconsin Clean Cities
Speaker 1: Jeff Tews, Fleet Manager, City of Milwaukee
Speaker 2: Kimberly Pons, Market Strategist, We Energies
Speaker 3: Josh Budworth, Industry Specialist, Alliance Autogas
Room M210
11:00 am to 11:50 am / BREAKOUT SESSION 19: Arriving Together:Creating a 21st Century Transportation System
Transportation trends are changing – young people prefer alternatives to driving and seniors in Wisconsin are outliving their ability to drive.At the same time, the transportation sector has become the largest source of carbon dioxide pollution and southeast Wisconsin continues to grow.Join us for a discussion on how we can use this time of transformation to create a sustainable 21st Century transportation system that meets the needs of the region and provides access for all.
Moderator: Elizabeth Ward: John Muir Chapter Sierra Club Conservation Programs Coordinator