SOSCA Steering Group Meeting

held on 11th January 2007

Present:Richard Boyer – Environmental Directorate

Councillor Val Burgoyne – Elected Member

Elizabeth Dixon – Planning

Tracy Jacobs – Swinton Neighbourhood Team

Anton Schultz - Groundwork

Claire Tomkinson – Groundwork

Catherine Walker – Swinton Neighbourhood Team

Barry Wilde – Chair (SOSCA)

Tish Wilkins – SOSCA

  1. Welcome and Introductions
Barry Wilde welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were made. / ACTION
  1. Apologies
Apologies were received from Councillor Antrobus, Councillor Maureen Lea and Tommy Curran.
  1. Project explanation
Barry opened the meeting and gave an overview of why the Steering Group has been established. It was reported that the local community would like to see the land developed into a country park and that the due to the Greenspace shortage the Council would support the development of the area.
  1. Minutes from the last meeting
The minutes from the last meeting held 10th November 2006 were approved subject to the following amendments;
2nd page, paragraph 9
Steering Group as a Sub-Committee of Community Committee to write to United Utilities to find out their plans. Letter to be checked by Legal. Planning to supply suitable contact for United Utilities. Amendments: Action should read SOSCA not HF.
2nd page, paragraph 11
Amendments to read: Terms of reference for sub group. Sub-Committee of Community Committee to liaise and engage with others to develop the vision.
  1. Land Ownership
Discussion took place regarding land ownership. Elizabeth Dixon circulated a map of the land identifying ownership of council land. Private land is yet to be received from the Land Registry and details of all ownership will be available at the next meeting. It was noted that the remainder of the land in question is the South West of the area.
It was reported that the Green area identified as Campbell Road has been recognised in the Greenspace Strategy for a Neighbourhood Park.
Richard Boyer informed the meeting that all parks are classed as a Neighbourhood Park as they are used as a general park. Currently within the City there is 1 District Park and 3 Country Parks.
The following were identified;
  • Victoria Park – District
  • Clifton, Worsley Woods and Blackleach – Country
/ ED
  1. Planning & Evaluation of Project
Elizabeth reported that the evaluation of the project has not yet been completed. It was reported that the evaluation process goes on the initial status, how planning view it and what the site is currently used for. Initial details to be available at the next meeting.
Elizabeth informed the meeting of the timescales for the production of the Land Allocation document that Spatial Planning will be producing. It was reported that due to resources currently stretched within Planning, the new Land Allocations Development Scheme (LDS) will detail the timeframe for the Land Allocations Document. Barry Wilde to receive a copy of the Council’s LDS document for reference when it is published (which is likely to be by the end of March 2007). Elected Members will be informed of its intended publication and copies will be available.
Discussion led onto community engagement and the current consultation process. Planning expressed an interest in being involved with the project and Elizabeth agreed to support Groundwork in their role; however it was mentioned that there could be an overlap with Groundwork. / ED
  1. Groundwork Design Brief
Anton introduced Claire Tomkinson who will be replacing him when he leaves Groundwork to take up a post within Salford City Council. Barry welcomed Claire and thanked Anton for his work and wished him well in this future role.
Anton reported that the Breathing Places bid was not successful as feedback was not available from the group to beat the deadline for the submission.
Anton circulated an outline of costings for the development.
It was reported that no dates have been set for the developments as funding is required to undertake the work.
Anton led the group through the process of the options. Discussion took place regarding the consultation element, it was suggested that the SOSCA workshops could link in with Groundwork. It was noted that sections could be removed from the programme; however this would not reduce the cost.
Anton confirmed that Groundwork would be able to complete the development process within a timescale of 8 – 10 weeks if funding is secured.
It was suggested that the SOSCA plan is used and built upon to develop further consultation workshops, which is the first phase within the Groundwork Plan.
Councillor Burgoyne raised the issue of contamination of the land. Anton reported that a contamination survey has not been included in the initial costings. It was agreed that a survey needs to be completed, Groundwork to devise further costs for a contamination survey. / Groundwork
  1. Funding Options
Discussion led onto funding options and Community Committee.It was agreed that the Community Committee would be approached for the initial funding for £7,871.00. It was noted that further funding streams would be identified to get the project up and running. Anton to liaise with Barry regarding the grant application for Swinton Community Committee.
Tracy informed the group that the next Budget Group meeting is to be held on 30th January and that the application would need to be submitted prior to this. It was also suggested that a possible grant application is submitted to other ward areas that are on the boundary to the area. Barry reported that he has contact with Ellesmere Park Residents who boarder the project and agreed to set a meeting with them by the end of the month.
Councillor Burgoyne suggested that due to the timescales, the bid is put forward for the April Community Committee when the new budget allocation is also set.
Claire reported that she is to meet with Andrea Parker, the CD Worker for Eccles regarding other projects and would inform her of the SOSCA project to link into Eccles Community Committee. Claire to feedback on her meeting with Andrea.
Section 106 monies.
Richard Boyer explained the Section 106 monies. It was reported that local developers inline with the Planning Compensation Act give money to spend on open space. It was noted that there are 2 development sites within distance (Worsley Road & Chorlton Fold Development) of the open space. It was noted that the Chorlton Fold development would link into the Eccles area. No funds have been allocated from the developments. It was reported that the funds donated cover capital and maintenance.
Red Rose/Forestry Commission
Richard also reported on the previous planting on Campbell Road, which was undertaken by the Forestry Commission. Richard agreed to contact the Forestry Commission regarding maintenance and further funding.
Green in Greater Manchester
Fund still available via Groundwork; however the deadline is 26th January. It was mentioned that a bid could be applied for in the future.
Lottery Funding
Discussion took place regarding lottery funding. Barry informed the meeting that he has drafted a letter to United Utilises informing them of the project. It was mentioned that if United Utilities are agreeable to see the site developed for recreational use, even in the short term, it might help with a grant application to the lottery fund. It was agreed that a response is required from United Utilities before a Lottery Officer is invited to a meeting. It was suggested that an Officer is invited to the May 2007 meeting.
United Utilities
Barry read out a draft letter to United Utilities to seek permission to use the land for recreational use. Elizabeth requested that the sentence suggesting the Council may purchase the land be changed to “manage the land”. Elizabeth agreed to pursue the letter via the Legal and Planning teams. Elected Members to be informed. / ACTION
  1. SOSCA Consultation
Barry informed the meeting that he would continue consultation with local residents and invite neighbouring resident associations that would benefit from the development. Barry to invite Ellesmere Park, Moorside South, Parkfield and Beechfarm Resident Groups to an informal presentation of their plans. / ACTION
  1. Reporting to Community Committee
Discussion took place regarding reports to Community Committee. It was agreed that as a Sub Group; the minutes for the SOSCA Steering Group would be circulated with the Community Committee papers for Members information. Any questions raised can be answered at local Community Committee meetings. Catherine Walker to circulate the minutes to Dave Cunningham for inclusion with the papers. / CW
  1. Other Action from the previous meeting
Terms of Reference
Tracy asked the meeting for clarification on the Terms of Reference in connection with the members and attendance of the group. It was agreed that a dedicated officer who would be able to deliver from directorates should be included as part of the Steering Group; however other agencies can be invited as and when they are required for input.
It was agreed that the membership of the group should consist of current attendees, Barry to continue to Chair.
Tracy to develop draft Terms of Reference for the next meeting. / TJ
12 Any Other Business
Actions for next meeting:
  • Groundwork costs for contamination (Claire Tomkinson)
  • Ownership of land (Elizabeth Dixon)
  • Views from neighbouring Resident Groups (Barry Wilde)
  • Draft Community Committee Grant Application for April Community Committee (Barry Wilde/Claire Tomkinson)

13 Date and Time of Next Meeting
As previously arranged: Thursday 15th March 2007, Committee Room 1, Civic Centre