Sophomore Year Religion - Syllabus Basics
In this time together, we come to understand about redemption and how Christ earned salvation for us though every part of His life, especially through the Paschal Mystery (His suffering, death and resurrection). We then develop an understanding on how the Church continues this saving mission through the sacraments, teaching and service to all, especially the poor. For both courses the emphasis is learning to live our faith as well as understanding it.
Course III: Mystery of Redemption - The Mission of Jesus
Main Resource: The Mystery of Redemption and Christian Discipleship by Rev Peter V. Armenio, c.2010, Rev James Socias, Gen Ed.
Midwest Theological Forum, Didache Series, Semester Series
At the end of the course students will be able to:
- Define atonement, redemption, and salvation
- Understand the consequences of original sin and the need that fallen human nature has for redemption because of the continued spread of sin
- Review how God revealed his plan for redemption throughout history which is called “salvation” history
- Retell the story of Jesus Christ, his life, death, resurrection
- Explain in detail how the entire life of Jesus was an act of kenosis, culminated by the Cross and therefore a total act of redemption
- Understand how it was developed to assist people in knowing and reflecting on God’s salvation through Jesus Christ
- Memorize and recall basic prayers of the Church such as the Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, the Rosary and the Stations of the Cross
- Understand how they are called to be another Christ and follow him in all aspects of their lives
Course IV: Church - The Mission of Jesus Continues through the Church
Main Resource:The Church: Sacrament of Salvation
by Dr Scott Hahn, PhD, c. 2010 Rev James Socias, Gen Ed.
Midwest Theological Forum, Didache Series, Semester Series
At the end of the course the students will be able to:
- Review the story of salvation and how the Church continues the saving work of Jesus
- Understand how Jesus established the Church through the 12 Apostles to be his body: the Mystical Body of Christ
- Understand how the earthly structures of the Church are the visible signs and symbols of the invisible presence of God among his people, that is, how the Church is a sacrament of salvation and Communion of Saints
- Describe and define who is who and what is what: “religious,” lay and ordained; the hierarchy; Roman Curia, Cardinals, Congregations, Tribunals, ; Ecumenical Councils; Office of Bishop, Priest, Deacon; Vatican City; dioceses, parishes, vicariates; the Magisterium and the Deposit of Faith.
- Understand Infallibility as a gift of the Holy Spirit given to the Church as well as who, when, how and why this gift can be and has been used in the history of the Church
- Understand that the Church is the People of God and how faithful lay persons share in the work of Jesus through the Common Priesthood, some through marriage, others through the single life and others through Consecrated Religious Life
- Name and describe the Marks of the Church, that is, be able to describe how the Church is one, holy, catholic and apostolic in its nature
- Understand how Mary is the Mother of the Church and Our Mother
Evaluations for all sophomore theology classes are generally as follows:
Reading & Vocabulary Quizzes
Practical Exercises/Journal Reflections
In Depth Research Report on a doctrine or devotion of the Catholic Church (Course 3)
Church Visit Multimedia Presentation (Course 4)
Study Guide (Teacher Option)
Chapter Tests
In addition there may be additional assignments, papers, projects or reflections given if your teacher determines a need for a particular class. Everything is subject to change per individual learning needs and class needs.
Student Grade:
One’s grade is based on a total number of points earned from the total number of points possible. For those taking Honors Theology, the evaluations are based on the same list but they will have additional assignments based on the Honors Curriculum.
Honors Curriculum: Prayer, Saints & the Church
YouCat Readings
YouCat Study Guide
-Content Questions
- Bible Connections and Questions
-Longer Content or ResearchQuestions
-Reflection/Journal Questions
Readings and Reflections from various Catholic authors and works such as
The Imitation of Christ by Thomas A’Kempis,
Interior Castles by Teresa of Avila,
Practicing the Presence of Christ by Brother Lawrence, etc.. as determined by your teacher. Honors students will be asked to do at least one Oral Presentation on a Catholic/Christian
Devotion and at various times asked to give a mini presentation on a saint or reading as
requested by their teacher.
Chapter Tests:
Honors Students may have an additional essay question or an overall different test as
determined by their teacher.
Class Expectations
Late or Problematic Homework:
Homework is due the day after it is assigned unless otherwise indicated. Each day late will result in 10% reduction of grade, and a ZAP will be issued each day you do not have your work done.
Work that is smudged, doodled on, wrinkled, torn, or dirty in any way will not be accepted and if handed in may result in a 10% reduction of grade.
Homework that is unreadable or without names may not be graded and may be counted as late according to the policy above.
Being away for sports does not mean a day of grace; all assignments must be in my room in the
“Homework bin” the day that it is due. Medical Absences must turn the assignments on the day of return or according to school policy if it is a longer than a one day absence.
When you are absent for sports or illness it is your responsibility to obtain all assignments given out while you were gone. You can phone a friend, email me during school hours, ask me the day before, call the office and have it sent down to the office for your parent(s) to pick up.
If you are absent on the day of a quiz, test or presentation for any reason, you will be expected to take the quiz or test or give the presentation the day you return. Again, longer term absences will follow school policy.
If you are absent on the day of review, you will still be expected to take the quiz or test the day you return.
Papers and Academic Dishonesty:
Papers must be typed using Lourdes MLA style with the addition of a Cover page when requested as well as a separate Works Cited page, again using the Lourdes MLA style. In text citations must also be used when the material is not yours or common knowledge.
Using the “cut and paste” function in your word processor is considered plagiarism unless the quote is properly cited using the UCS/Lourdes style manual. The same is true for paraphrasing of sources. If it is not common knowledge, then you must cite the source.
Students not following these citation rules, or copying in any other form either from written sources or other students in papers or tests, may end up with a significantly lower grade or a “0”. In some cases, a redo may be allowed per teacher discretion.
When working together with other students it is expected that the students will use their own words to write information down rather than copy from one another. Dishonesty will not be tolerated as it is a violation of the third tenet of the L.A.W. in which excellence in your academic effort is expected.
Extra help outside of class is always available at a mutually agreed upon time. Knightime is a good source to get this help as well. Parents or students with questions or concerns should contact the teacher, Mrs. Charlene Dishaw, before or after class, via email: or call me at 235-5670.