Sophomore Biology Chapter 7 Questions

Vocabulary: assemble, cell membrane, cytoplasm, ribosome, surface area to volume ratio, prokaryote, eukaryote, nucleus, organelle, cell, dimension, vesicle, rough ER, smooth ER, nucleolus, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, vacuole, chloroplast, mitochondria, flagellum, tissue, organ, organ system, colonial organism, microscope, Robert Hooke, Anton van Leeuwenhoek, Matthias Schleiden, Theodor Schwann, Rudolph Virchow,

  1. Explain how a cell’s size affects its function. What limits a cell’s size?
  1. Discuss a cell’s surface area to volume ratio. If a cell is small, comment on its surface area to volume ratio. If it’s large?
  1. List the items common to all cells.
  1. Explain the features of a eukaryotic cell.
  1. Who are Matthias Schleiden, Theodor Schwann, and Rudolph Virchow?
  1. List three parts of cell theory.
  1. Compare the structure of a eukaryotic cell with that of a prokaryotic cell.
  1. Explain the relationship between the development of cell theory with the advances in microscope technology.
  1. Distinguish between free ribosomes and bound ribosomes. These two structures make proteins, where do the proteins made by these structures end up?
  1. In which organelle does photosynthesis occur?
  1. In which type of cell would you find a mitochondrion?
  1. Where in the mitochondrion is ATP produced?
  1. Describe how molecules move from the nucleus to the cytoplasm.
  1. Compare the functions of the three types of cytoskeletal fibers.
  1. Describe a protein’s path through the cell from very beginning to the end.
  1. Contrast vesicles and vacuoles.
  1. Compare mitochondria and chloroplasts.
  1. Do organelles float freely within the cytosol? Explain.
  1. List the three features that plant cells have that animal cells lack.
  1. What is a flagellum? How do they differ between a prokaryote and a eukaryote.
  1. Regarding a cell, what is meant by the term ‘differentiation’?
  1. Relate the structure of a cell to the cell’s function.
  1. Describe the four levels of organization that make up an organism.
  1. Describe how the circulatory system in animals is similar to the vascular system in plants.

Summary Questions:

  1. Describe two observations of early scientists that support cell theory.
  1. Describe how the structure of membranes in chloroplasts and mitochondria contributes to the function of these organelles.
  1. Propose why muscle cells have more mitochondria than other kinds of eukaryotic cells do.
  1. List four ways in which prokaryotic cells may vary.
  1. Connective tissue in the body holds organs in place. Which structure within a cell is similar to connective tissue?
  1. Suppose we injected a chemical into a cell that blocked the nuclear pores. Describe the problem this would create.
  1. Describe how a food vacuole and a lysosome work together to capture and digest food.
  1. Explain what enables a eukaryotic cell to perform more specialized functions than a prokaryotic cell.
  1. Suppose that a cube-shaped multicellular organism exists. Each of its cells is a cube that has a volume of 1cm3. Each side of the organism is 3cm long.
  1. What is the total volume of this organism?
  1. How many cells does this organism have?
  1. If each side of the organism doubles in length, how many 1cm3 cells with the organism have?