Sophisticated test performed between Sweden and Switzerland 2016

At the last ICE Integration group meeting (16October 2015) it was decided that the Swedish ICE Centre should perform a sophisticated test against Switzerland (Jun-Jul 2016).

Accomplishment of the test

The test was performed 20June 2016by HenryLindberg at the Swedish ICE Centre.

Responding officer on duty in Switzerland was Mr Walter.The substance of choice was a chemical product from FebexnamedSofibex. The Swiss ICE Centre was contacted during office hours without notice in advance.


A big-bag stored in a lorry is leaking.About 100 kg of the content in a 500 kg big-bag has leaked out on the road after an accident with a lorry. Some of it is still in the lorry, but most of it is out on the road. The driver of the lorry is not exposed.

The product called Sofibex contains sodium hypophosphite and is manufactured by Febex in Switzerland. We have no more information about the product than this.

Questions at issue (information required)

Sofibexmanufactured by Febex in Switzerland: Hazards identification, first aid measures, toxicological information.

Time / Communication / Action/Response
13.45 / Sweden to Switzerland
Phone / The officer on duty at the Scienceindustries/Indistriefeuerwehr Regio Basel AGanswered. We told him we would send a fax with the test.
13.50 / Sweden to Switzerland
Fax / Time of sending fax.
14.00 / Switzerland to Sweden
Phone / Duty officer in Switzerlandcall us and explains that the fax has arrived (confirmation that fax has arrived).
14.25 / Switzerland to Sweden
Fax / First fax without requested information arrived.*
Time of receiving fax with some info.**
14.30 / Switzerlandto Sweden
Phone / Switzerland calls to check that we got the fax. We did not get all the information that we asked for. The test is over. Thank you for your cooperation. Time of closing test.

Result (usefulness of info)**

The outcome of the test was not as good as we expected, but they didn’t have more information of the product and during the test they had a lot of emergency calls.The response time was 35 minutes. The whole test did take 45 minutes.

Usefulness of information received (from * to ****)

* = no or wrong information

** = general information without details about requested information

*** = detailed information covering only partly requested information

**** = detailed information covering all requested information