Torres 1
Sophia Torres
Mrs. Deezy
English 1302
22 September 2017
[SE2]When I was growing up I never felt the like smartest kid but it wasn't because of others it was becauseee I didn't understand how things worked.(Reptition) This mentality led to a period of time where I couldn't live my full academic potential.(Not clear enough) But towards going into high school I let go of that mentality and went on to live an easier life. My parents also played a big part in my school life, they were always attentive and involved which helped a lot. In the end despite what I thought growing up I feel as if I am where I have always wanted to be academically because of what I learned.[SE3][es4]
When I first moved to the United States I knew some English but not enough to have full on conversation as a result I had to be placed in ESL classes. When I found out about this I felt ashamed because I thought that being in ESL meant that I was dumb so for a very long time I was upset about it and I think this idea held me back because I would get in my own way and put myself down[es5]. Although I felt this way being in ESL taught me many things not only academically but about myself as well. I learned that I was different, by no means was I calling myself special but I was definitely was not like the rest of the kids. [es6]From an academic standpoint, I learned and knew from the bottom of my heart that I wasn't a complete moron and if I applied myself like I was supposed to I could've excelled in many things. For example, there was a game in social studies that my whole class used to play (it was basically trivia) I'm not even exaggerating I won every time but at the time that was nothing special to me it was like common sense. [es7]
Moving forward to middle school I was no longer in any ESL programs but I did struggle in math so they placed me in those math readinessthat math readiness classes I can't remember what they were called but they were basically forfor the kids that were a little slower than the rest of the kids at math. [es8]This again, was a shot to at my self-esteem because I already felt like enough of a dumbass[es9] to add this onto it sucked. And by no means do I blame being placed in those classes I just had personal issues I had to deal with. Although I did like being in the classes the because I made friends (that were actually funny), I did not appreciate the teachers because they weren't exactly the best at their jobs or what I was used to. [es10][es11]Instead of doing interactive work I remember the teachers sticking us in on computers and just letting us do math stuff assignment. on the computers. But I passed these classes and got to do the things I wanted to do and realized that the only thing holding me back from actually doing good was myself. I especially realized this in the eighth grade when I passed my math STAR which might not seem like a lot but it meant a lot to me, and it told me that I was smart and that I could do things that I previously thought were impossible.
Throughout all my years in elementary, middle and high school I always had two very special people on my ass, my parents. [es12]Both of my parents were teachers or had been teachers at some point in my life so that meant that I never had room for error[es13]. my [es14]parents were always deeply involved in my academic life especially my mother. She would always go to all the teacher student thing [es15]like at the beginning of the year when your parents meet your teachers. Both of my parents also pushed a lot on homework and studying which I was never good at because I am really lazy and a severe procrastinator, despite me being a lazy bum I still managed to do good in school. My parents were also believers in rewarding " good " effort not that they would spoil me because we were broke. However,but when the time came that I did receive gifts they were generous and in my eyes well deserved for all my hard work. Of course, almost all this behavior stopped my senior year of high school because they were trying to prepare me for college and the type of effort that goes into it. In the end, I know that everything my parents did whether I liked it of not was for my own good and it helped me be the type of person I am today both academically and mentally.
Growing up I always thought of myself as the dumb weird girl who would always be just that. tThese thoughts put a strain on my abilities and kept me stuck for a long time. But But Ii had to realize for myself that I was smart and all these negative thoughts could not control me and who i wantedI wanted to be. Not only did my own will help me but also the constant support and involvement from my parents. Because of all these things I excelled from that mentality and did things I always dreamed of doing.[es16]
[SE2]MLA format
[SE3]This is your entire thesis. Usually it is one sentence.
[es4]Thesis follows body paragraphs
[es5]Run on sentence. Try to shorten it.
[es6]Delete was
[es7]Try “but I also knew it was nothing special to me, it was more of common sense than anything.”
[es8]Another run on sentence. Try breaking it up into multiple.
[es9]No profanity
[es11]Unclear sentence.
[es13]Redundant, either put both my parents were teachers or had been teachers.
[es15]“Parents meet the teacher nights””
[es16]“…I excelled from having that mentality..”