Dear Church Family,

Are you a “hoarder”? You might have seen the television show with that title. The show featured people who were unable to part with even the tiniest possessions. They filled their homes, their garages and every square inch of their space with stuff. It would take days to clear everything out.

Sometimes, Christians become hoarders. When we look

at all God has given us and refuse to share it with others. Think about all that God has blessed you with. Did you realize that He blessed you so that you can be a blessing?

I hope you recognize your greatest blessing is the good

news about Jesus. Once you embrace Him and experience His salvation, that good news is not to be hoarded but shared. Once you begin growing in knowledge and understanding, those lessons are not to be hoarded but shared. Once you develop a prayer life and a daily walk with the Lord, that discipline is not to be hoarded but shared.

Our Lord commissioned us to go and make disciples and teach them all we have been taught. He did not call us to

be hoarders. He called us to be fishers of men. Let’s go fishing!

I am blessed to worship and serve Him with you.

-Brother Jim


Memphis Baptist will show the movie

Sunday, April 3rd ~5:00 PM in the Worship Center.

WAR ROOM Bible Study will begin April 10th

Sessions will include:

Dealing with Spiritual Lukewarmness

Christian Accountability

Grasping Grace and The Gospel

Engaging in Spiritual Warfare

Trusting God in Prayer

The Celebration Choir will present the

“Cross of Christ”

On Sunday, March 20th at 6:00 PM

The message is designed to fill our hearts with gratitude for

what Christ has done and is still doing for us today.

It will draw us all closer to the heart of Christ by knowing

Him and the eternal love He has for His children.


Saturday, March 26th > 10:00 AM

At the Peacock House at 4555 E Cottonwood Road

Resurrection Story told by a Disciple!

Eggs Provided for Egg Hunt > Bring your own basket!

Sunday, March 27th ~ 6:30 AM

Memphis Baptist Field

The Annie Armstrong Easter Offering® is the

primary funding channel for the North American

Mission Board’s Send North America strategy.

One hundred percent of gifts given to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering is used to support Southern Baptist missionaries serving in

the United States and Canada.

Prayer Rally in Montgomery

on Thursday, April 14th

Let us join Franklin Graham in a challenge to all Christians

to pray for our country and take a stand in our faith

F.A.I.T.H. Rider Motorcycle Ministry100


BBQ Plates ~ Friday, April 15th ~ 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM

$7.00 a plate includes Chopped Pork, Beans, Coleslaw, Bread

& Homemade Pound Cake. See Faith Rider for Tickets

Anniversary Ride ~ Saturday, April 16th ~ 9:00 AM

$10.00 Bike, $5.00 Rider (Includes BBQ Plate, Door Prizes)

Student Led Worship Service > Sunday, March 13th

Guest Speaker: James Michael Cole

Leading in Worship: Zac Whitehead

Special Music: Jaci Skipper

The Students will lead and serve in all aspects of the

Morning Worship Service. Please lift them up in prayer

as they prepare for this Spiritual opportunity.


June 26th – July 1st at the Dothan Civic Center

Cost: $199 ~ $50 Deposit due NOW!!

Final Payment due April 27th

Covers all meals, Lodging, Material & T-Shirt


Saturday, April 2nd ~ 6:00 PM

Guest Speaker: Steven Williams, Wiregrass Hope Group

Smoked Chicken Dinner / $10.00 Donation Appreciated.

Funds go towards the Men’s Ministry Assistance Fund

Ladies Tea

Saturday, April 23rd ~ 2:00 PM

A very special event for ladies of all ages!

This year our Guest Speaker, a chalk artist, will share

the words God has placed on her heart by drawing the message in chalk.


NEEDED: Host homes for this ministry.

Please call the office (334) 677-5387


July 11th – 15th Norman Park, GA

$50.00 Deposit due NOW!!

Camp Meeting and Balance due June 19th


Sunday, March 20th ~ 7:00 PM

Donations Accepted > Proceeds for Kids Camp

Cakes needed for Auction ~ please call Bro. Clay or sign up

in SS if you are able to provide a cake. Thank you!!


Church ~ Wednesday, Aril 6th, 6:30 PM

Association at Bethel ~ Sunday, April 10th, 12:30 PM

Regional at Ridgecrest ~ Thursday, April 14th , 3:30 PM


Sunday, April 17th ~ 7:00 PM

Donations Accepted > Proceeds for Kids Camp

Crockpots filled with your favorite meal appreciated. Please call

Bro. Clay or sign up in SS if you can provide a crockpot. Thank you!!


June 13 – 17, 2016

Thank you for all those who have signed up to Teach or Work during VBS. We are still in need of a 3rd & 4th Grade Boys Teacher and a

3 Year old Teacher. Please see Bro. Clay if you are interested in serving in one of these areas.


Jim Tate, Pastor

Ernest O’Neal, Pastor Emeritus

Rick Glenn, Associate Pastor

Billy Rich, Minister of Music

Henry Johnson, Assoc.Pastor of Discipleship

Jamie Holderfield, Student Minister

Clay Greathouse, Kids Minister

Vicki Turner, Ministry Assistant

Lori Roney, Music Ministry Assistant

Gayle Dean, Secretary