Nursing Placement Allocation Additional Information
Child Field
Year one
Placement One – Practice Nurse
Students will complete a one week practice nurse placement during their first year. For many of these students this placement will be their first exposure to community health care practice. The placement is therefore an ideal opportunity for them to develop their understanding of the changing patterns of care delivery with the emphasis upon the community as a first point of contact. During this placement the students will be expected to broaden their understanding of how a variety of health care settings and practitioners are often the point of presentation of ill health and subsequent referral. This experience will allow students to gain a greater understanding of the process of the patient’s journey through a health care system that frequently starts in the primary care setting.
In order to support this experience students require exposure to a variety of health promotional strategies which will enable them to further increase their understanding of how individual advice can contribute to a wider public health and wellbeing approach within the community setting. At all times students will be expected to work within and recognise the limits of their own competence whilst promoting a professional image
Year two
Placement Three
During Placement 3 students are required to spend four/five weeks with a Health Visitor (their hub placement) and either three weeks on a Neonatal/Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU) or two weeks working in a CAMHS setting (their spoke placement).
Students will undertake their initial and final tripartite meeting for Placement 3 with their health visitor mentor.
Students on a neonatal/SCBU unit need to be allocated a practice mentor or registered nurse supervisor. Although students will not have a tripartite meeting within this placement, they do need to complete assessment logs and short placement documentation. The students will have this in their portfolio. This information will be reviewed by the hub practice mentor as it will contribute towards their assessment decisions.
Placement Four
During Placement 4 students are required to spend six/seven weeks in an Urgent, immediate or complex care setting (their hub placement) and either three weeks on a Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU) or two weeks working in a CAMHS setting (their spoke placement).
Students will undertake their initial and final tripartite meeting for Placement 4 with their mentor from the immediate care setting.
Students allocated to a paediatric ward for placement four will need to be allocated to a mentor who works predominantly in a day unit or assessment unit attached to the ward in order to facilitate the immediate care experience.
Students on a SCBU unit need to be allocated a practice mentor or registered nurse supervisor. Although students will not have a tripartite meeting within this placement, they do need to complete assessment logs and short placement documentation. The students will have this in their portfolio. This information will be reviewed by the hub practice mentor as it will contribute towards their assessment decisions.
Year Three
Placement Six
All students are on their final placement and therefore all students are required to be allocated a sign off mentor.
Adult Field
Year One
During year one, students are allocated to a hub placement in either an acute medical or surgical setting. They also spend short placement periods in other areas during the year; these are referred to as spoke placements and are designed to develop students understanding of patient journeys across hospital and community provision.
The hub placement and associated spokes aim to develop students essential care skills and introduce them to adult nursing practice.
The hub placement is clearly identified on the reports circulated. The spoke placements out of these hubs can be viewed on PepNet or alternatively the set weeks are below
September Cohorts January Cohorts
Commence placement in January Commence placement in June
Year 1 / Year 1Hub / Hub
Spoke / Spoke
Spoke / Spoke
Spoke / Spoke
Spoke / Spoke
Hub / Hub
Hub / Hub
Hub / Hub
Study week / Study
Spoke/holiday / Progression
Spoke/holiday / Holiday
Spoke/holiday / Holiday
Spoke/holiday / spoke
Spoke/holiday / Spoke
Hub / Spoke
Hub / Hub
Hub / Hub
Hub / Hub
Hub / Hub
Year Two
Within placement three and four, adult field students are allocated to a medical, surgical or critical care nursing placement. If they completed a medical placement in year one, they will do a surgical allocation in year two and vice versa. These placements are designed to enable students to further develop their knowledge of patient care journeys and a more detailed understanding of specialist medical and surgical care and the roles of different members of the health and social care team.
During the placement periods within year two all students are required to undertake a one-day maternity care experience. The students will confirm the dates of these spoke placements with you.
Placement 4
All students are required to undertake a two week spoke placement. The students will confirm the dates of these spoke placements with you.
Year Three
Placement 5
During this placement, students will be absent from the ward to attend a one week paramedic placement. The students will inform you of their dates. You will also be able to view the week they are absent when viewing the students allocations on PEPNet.
Placement 6
All students are on their final placement and therefore all students are required to be allocated a sign off mentor.
Mental Health Field
Year One
During year one students are allocated to a locality based hub placement in either a community placement or an inpatient facility. They also spend short placement periods in other areas during the year; these are referred to as spoke placements and are designed to develop students understanding of service users journeys across the health and social care sector. Each community hub will have an associated inpatient spoke and vice versa either within the NHS trust or from the independent sector.
The hub placement and associate spokes aim to develop students essential care skills and introduce them to mental health nursing practice.
The hub placement is clearly identified on the reports circulated. The spoke placements out of these hubs can be viewed on PepNet or alternatively the set weeks are below
September Cohorts January Cohorts
Commence placement in January Commence placement in June
Year 1 / Year 1Hub / Hub
Hub / Hub
Spoke / Spoke
Spoke / Spoke
Hub / Hub
Hub / Hub
Hub / Hub
Hub / Hub
Study week / Study
Holiday / Progression
Holiday / Holiday
Spoke / Holiday
Spoke / spoke
Spoke / Spoke
Hub / Spoke
Hub / Hub
Hub / Hub
Hub / Hub
Hub / Hub
First year Mental Health students require a sign off mentor for their first year hub placement.
Year Three
Placement 6
All students are on their final placement and therefore all students are required to be allocated a sign off mentor.
Learning Disabilities Field
Year One
During year one students are allocated to a locality based hub placement in either a community nursing or a residential nursing service. They also spend short placement periods in other areas during the year; these are referred to as spoke placements and are designed to develop students understanding of service users journeys across the health and social care sector.
The hub placement and associate spokes aim to develop students essential care skills and introduce them to learning disabilities nursing practice.
The hub placement is clearly identified on the reports circulated. The spoke placements out of these hubs can be viewed on PepNet or alternatively the set weeks are below
September Cohorts January Cohorts
Commence placement in January Commence placement in June
Year 1 / Year 1Hub / Hub
Hub / Hub
Spoke / Spoke
Spoke / Spoke
Spoke / Spoke
Hub / Hub
Hub / Hub
Hub / Hub
Study week / Study
Holiday / Progression
Holiday / Holiday
Spoke / Holiday
Spoke / spoke
Spoke / Spoke
Hub / Spoke
Hub / Hub
Hub / Hub
Hub / Hub
Hub / Hub
Year Two
During year two students undertake two long placements. These include a locality based hub placement in either a community nursing or a residential nursing service, and a forensic hub placement. They also spend a one day maternity care experience. The student will provide the date of the one day placement.
Within placement four, students also spend a two week placement within the social care sector.
The focus of the year two placements is working with people who have more complex or multiple needs within specialised service provision, further development of the students understanding of care journeys and the range of multi-agency care provision involved, and developing the more complex skills utilised by learning disabilities nurses to meet the physical and mental health needs of service users.
Year Three
All students are on their final placement and therefore all students are required to be allocated a sign off mentor.
s:\arcinfo\projects\11 emailing allocations\2 communication log\additional information for practice mentor site\child field placement allocation additional information.docx