SomersHeathPrimary School

Equalities Policy



On 5 April 2011 the Public Sector Equality Duty (The Equality Duty) came into force in England, Scotland and Wales. This duty replaces the existing race, disability and gender equality duties.

The 3 aims of the General duty are:

  1. Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Act. Byremoving or minimising disadvantages suffered by people due to their protected characteristics.
  1. Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not. By taking steps to meet the needs of people from protected groups where these are different from the needs of other people
  1. Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not. By encouraging people from protected groups to participate in public life or in other activities where their participation is disproportionately low.

SomersHeathPrimary School


March 2012 (must be updated annually)

The Public Sector Equality Duty 2011 has three aims under the general duty for schools, academies and settings:

  1. Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Act. Byremoving or minimising disadvantages suffered by people due to their protected characteristics.
  1. Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not. By taking steps to meet the needs of people from protected groups where these are different from the needs of other people
  1. Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not. By encouraging people from protected groups to participate in public life or in other activities where their participation is disproportionately low.

SomersHeathPrimary Schoolhas considered how well we currently achieve these aims with regard to the eight protected equality groups : race/disability/sex/gender reassignment/age/pregnancy and maternity/religion and belief/sexual orientation

In compiling this equality information we have :

  • Identified evidence already in the school setting of equality within policies and practice and identified gaps.
  • Examined how our school setting engages with the protected groups, identifying where practice could be improved.
  • Analysed our effectiveness in terms of equality.


a)In relation to RACE, the evidence we hold tells us we are good at eliminating unlawful discrimination. Our number of racist incidents is very low

b)In relation to DISABILTY we are good at eliminating unlawful discrimination. We have disabled access to all ground floor areas and effective accessibility plans. Our curriculum encourages pupils to understand and engage with people and pupils with disability. Frequent analysis of data ensures quick action if pupils with disabilities are not making at least expected progress.

c)In relation to SEX, the evidence we hold tells us we are good at tackling discrimination. Data analysis allows us to quickly identify weak areas either across the school or within classes and to take action to address this. Images and resources are chosen to challenge stereotyping. We are particularly aware of girls from low income families who traditionally have underperformed.

d)In relation to GENDER REASSIGNMENT, the evidence we hold tells us we do not have anyone in this category.

e)In relation to PREGNANCY AND MATERNITY, we have little evidence at present. Job adverts include equality statement.

f)In relation to AGE we need to find out more from our workforce and stakeholders in order to make a secure judgement. We are not aware of any discrimination.

g)In relation to RELIGION AND BELIEF, our evidence shows that we are successful in eliminating unlawful discrimination. We have had no incidents in school relating to religion or belief over the past two years.

h)In relation to SEXUAL ORIENTATION, we have little evidence to draw from but job adverts include an equality statement.


a) With regard to RACE:

Our curriculum promotes understanding of other racial groups. This includes work for the International School Award, work for charities and special events weeks such as Christian Aid Week. Analysis of data enables us to see any groups which are underperforming and to put in place measures to rectify this. Membership of extra-curricular groups is monitored to ensure all groups are accessing these arrangements

b)In relation to DISABILITY, our self-evaluation tells us:

Our Special Needs department was judged ‘good’ at our last Ofsted. We have good links with outside agencies to ensure good provision for Special Needs pupils. We have strong links with Beacon HillSpecialSchool and TreetopsSpecialSchool.

c)In relation to SEX, our self evaluation shows us:

We are quick to tackle weak areas for either sex within school. The group ‘girls from low income families’ is often the focus of class observation and data checks. We need to do more work to improve equality of opportunty.

d)In relation to GENDER REASSIGNMENT, our self evaluation shows us:

We currently do not have anyone who fits this category. General equality strategies would apply and the ethos of tolerance and understanding would be paramount.


We follow equality strategies. Special arrangements for parents are made upon approach to the school with regard to access for prams and toileting arrangements. Meetings with staff and parents evening appointments can be arranged at a time of mutual benefit.

f)In relation to AGE:

Our job adverts include an equality statement. People of all ages are welcome to all school assemblies, including grandparents and siblings.

g)In relation to RELIGION AND BELIEF:

We are improving our provision. We have held special weeks on ‘World Religions’ (Autumn 2011) and ‘Christmas Celebrations Around the World’ (Christmas 2010 and 2011). We have revised our curriculum to ensure coverage of Judaism, Islam and Hinduism. Displays and assemblies celebrate major festivals- Diwali, Chinese New Year, Christmas and Easter. Visits to our local church and from the two local vicars/ministers to our assemblies improve our local links.

h)In relation to SEXUAL ORIENTATION:

Our equalities practice applies. There is an ethos of tolerance and understanding within the school.

SomersHeathPrimary School


March 2012 (Must be updated at least every 4 years)

Please give an end date/timescale to each action (i.e. by …….) / Which protected group(s) will this most affect/influence / How will we know we have achieved the objective? / Lead
and other key players / Actions
Please give an end date/timescale to each action
(ie by………) / Annual Red/Amber/
Improve pupil’s first hand experience of other faiths and religions by visiting places of worship or having at least two visitors from other religions (two in total) each year eg Jewish, Sikh, Hindu, Muslim. / Muslim pupils, but all pupills will benefit from improved understanding. If possible invite adults to the event for similar reasons. / Feedback and questionnaires show pupils/parents have gained understanding / Foundation Team / Two visitors from Sept to July each year.
Improve outcomes for girls of lower ability. Ensure at least 90% of girls who achieve 2A or 2B at KS1 go on to achieve level 4+ at KS2 / Girls / 90% of girls who achieve 2A or 2B at KS1 go on to achieve level 4+ at KS2 / Ht
Class Teachers / Group to be monitored each half term. Teacher’s plans and lesson observations show consideration for this group
Improve attainment for boys in literacy / Boys / Boys to close gap on girls attainment by July 2013 / Ht
Class Teachers / Reading books to be chosen which will interest boys eg adventure, boy as hero.
Electronic books to use ICT to impact on attainment- Bug Club
Find out how school performs with regard to AGE discrimination by Dec 2012. Change action plan by Dec 2012 to reflect result. / All age groups / Largely positive feedback from questionnaires / Ht / Questionnaires to be filled in anonymously