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OriginalityofWork Attestation (adapted,withpermission,from American Family Physician).
Mostauthorsareawareofthe needtociteanysourcestheyuseforstatements intheir manuscript.However,notall authorsareawareoftheneedto beoriginal in thephrasing and
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you convey itsinformation in yourown words.The writingshouldnotcloselyresemble the original source--itshould be differentenoughthata casualreaderwould notthink thattwo passageswereessentiallythe sametext.And incases where thewriting isan exact duplicate,itshould beenclosed inquotationmarks.Withtheaccessibilityofonline sources,

someauthorscommitwhat'sbeen called copy-paste writing:copyingapassagefrom anotherarticle and pasting itintotheirown.Or,theysimplychange afewwords,thinking thatthat'ssufficientto makethetwo textsdifferent.Thisrepresentswhat'sbeen called "the too-perfectparaphrase."From: Paraphrase”:The writerproperlycites asource,butneglectsto putinquotationmarkstext thathasbeencopied word-for-word,orcloseto it. Although attributing thebasicideas to the source,thewriterisfalselyclaimingoriginal presentation and interpretationofthe information.”Bothoftheseformsofwriting essentiallycopyfromanothersource,and representatype ofplagiarism,though certainlynotasegregiousascopyingfromanother's workandfailing tocitethe original source.Theseformsofimproperwriting areespecially prevalentin reviewarticles,which bynaturearebased on othersources forthe information conveyed.In anyevent,it's importantthatarticleswrittenforAFPbeoriginalin theirwriting, and thatauthorsconveythe information intheirownwordsand presentation.Please indicate youracknowledgmentofthispolicybysigning below:Iagreethatthewriting and presentation ofthismanuscriptwill representoriginal work.Iwill informallco-authorsofthe need toavoid closelyparaphrasing othersources,even when appropriatelycited.


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