March 2012
Students as Change Agents: A selected bibliography
Mick Healey
HE Consultant and Researcher, Emeritus Professor University of Gloucestershire
This series of bibliographies was first begun in 2005 and has been gradually added to over the years:
1Active learning and learning styles: a selected bibliography
2Discipline based approaches to supporting learning and teaching: a selected bibliography
3Linking research and teaching: a selected bibliography
4Pedagogic research and development: a selected bibliography
5The scholarship of teaching and learning: a selected bibliography
6The scholarship of engagement: a selected bibliography
7Dissertations and capstone projects: a selected bibliography
8Students as change agents: a selected bibliography
For the latest versions see:
An Invitation: Readers are encouraged to send details of their own favourite references for adding to the list to me at: . Thanks. Readers new to the topic may find it helpful to start with the references marked with a *
Many of these references come from a longer list kindly provided by Cath Bovill (Glasgow)
Anderson, M, Filer, K and Lyon, J S (2011) Undergraduate research on undergraduate research leads to College-wide changes, paper in submission CUR Quarterly
Baldrey Currens, J (2011) How might the student voice affect transformation in higher education, In G. Czerniawski & W. Kidd (Eds.)The student voice handbook: bridging the academic/practitioner divide.Bingley: Emerald
Barnes, E, Goldring, L, Bestwick A and Wood J (2011) A collaborative evaluation of student-staff partnerships in inquiry-based educational development, in Little, S (ed) (2011) Staff-student partnerships in higher educationLondon: Continuum pp.16-30
Beasley, L., Campbell, F., Eland, J. and Rumpus, A. (2007) Hearing the student voice,Educational Developments 8.1
Birmingham City Students’ Union (2010) Creating the learning community through student academic partners,
Bols, A and Freeman, R (2011) Engaging students in shaping their curriculum, Educational Developments 12(2), 5-9
Bovill, C, Aitken, G, Hutchisonc, J, Morrisond, F, Roseweire, K, Scott, A and Sotanndeg , S (2010) Experiences of learning through collaborative evaluation from a masters programme in professional education, International Journal for Academic Development. 15(2), 143–154
* Bovill, Cand Bulley, C (2011)A model of active student participation in curriculum design: exploring desirability and possibility. In Rust, C (ed) Improving Student Learning, Proceedings of the ISSOTL/ISL Conference, October 2010. Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development
Bovill, C, Bulley, C and Morss, K (2011) Engaging and empowering first year students through curriculum design: perspectives from the literature, Teaching in Higher Education 16(2), 197-209
Bovill, C, Morss, K and Bulley, C (2009) Should students participate in curriculum design? Discussion arising from a first year curriculum design project and a literature review. Pedagogic Research in Maximizing Education 3(2) 17-26.
* Bovill, C, Cook-Sather, A, and Felten, P (2011) Students as co-creators of teaching approaches, course design, and curricula: implications for academic developers, International Journal for Academic Development 16(2), 133-145
Campbell, F, Beasley, L, Eland, J & Rumpus, A (2007) Hearing the student voice: promoting andencouraging the effective use of the student voice to enhance professional development in learning,teaching and assessment within higher education. Project Report for Escalate
Campbell, F, Eland, J, Rumpus, A and Shacklock, R (2009)Hearing the student voice: involving students in curriculum design and delivery
Clifford, V (2008) Hearing and responding to student voices,The Brookes eJournal of Learning and Teaching2(3)
Cook-Sather, A. (2002)Authorizing students’ perspectives: toward trust, dialogue, and change in education,Educational Researcher, 31(4), 3-14
Cook-Sather, A. (2006) Sound, presence, and power: exploring ‘student voice’ in educational research and reform, Curriculum Inquiry 36(4), 359-390
Cook-Sather, A. (2009). Learning from the student’s perspective: a sourcebook for effective teaching. Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers
Cook-Sather, A. (2010) Students as learners and teachers: taking responsibility, transforming education, and redefining accountability,Curriculum Inquiry, 40 (4), 555-575
Cook-Sather, A. (2011). Layered learning: student consultants deepening classroom and life lessons, Educational Action Research, 9(1), 41–57
* Cook-Sather, A. (2011) Students as learners and teachers: college faculty and undergraduates co-create a professional development model,To Improve the Academy, 29, 219-232
Cook-Sather, A, and Alter, Z (2011) What is and what can be: how a liminal position can change learning and teaching in higher education,Anthropology Education Quarterly 42(1)
* Coppola, B P (2007) The most beautiful theories, 2006 James Flack Norris Award Address, Journal of Chemical Education84, 1902-1911
Council on Undergraduate Research Quarterly 33(1)Fall Special Issue (2012): Students as change agents
Crawford, K (2012)Rethinking the student/teacher nexus: students as consultants on teaching in higher education, in Neary, M, Stevenson, H and Bell, L (eds) (2012) Towards teaching in public reshaping the modern university.London: Continuum
Delpish, A, Darby, A, Holmes, A, Knight-McKenna, M, Mihans, R, King, C and Felten, P (2010) Equalizing voices: student faculty partnership in course design, in Werder, C and Otis, M M (2010) (Eds.) Engaging student voices in the study of teaching and learning. Virginia: Stylus 96-114
Dexter, B (2012) Co-creation of assessments: principles and practice, workshop presented at SEDA Spring Teaching Learning and Assessment Conference 2012: The Student Journey, 17-18 May
Dunne, E and Owen, D (2012) Students as researchers, paper presented at SEDA Spring Teaching Learning and Assessment Conference 2012: The Student Journey, 17-18 May
* Dunne, E and Zandstra, R (2011) Students as change agents - new ways of engaging with learning and teaching in higher education. Bristol: A joint University of Exeter/ESCalate/Higher Education Academy Publication.
Fielding, M and Rudduck, J (2002) The transformative potential of student voice: confronting the power issues, paper presented at the Annual Conference of the British Educational Research Association, Exeter, UK, 12–14 September. Available online at:
Fielding, M (2004) Transformative approaches to student voice: theoretical underpinnings, recalcitrant realities, British Educational Research Journal 30(2), 295-313
* Flint, A, and Oxley, A (2009) Learning from internal ChangeAcademy processes: final report. Sheffield: SheffieldHallamUniversity, Learning and Teaching Institute.
Freire, P (2003) From pedagogy of the oppressed, In Darder, A, Baltodano, M andTorres, RD (Eds) The critical pedagogy reader, New York: RoutledgeFalmer
Furedi, F (2009) Now is the age of the discontented,Times Higher Education
Healey, M (2005) Linking research and teaching: exploring disciplinary spaces and the role of inquiry-based learning, in Barnett, R (ed) Reshaping the university: new relationships between research, scholarship and teaching Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill/Open University Press, pp.67-78
Healey, M, Bradford, M, Roberts, C and Knight, Y (2010) Bringing about change in teaching and learning at department Level.Plymouth: National Subject Centre for Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences
* Healey, M, Bradford, M, Roberts, C and Knight, Y (2013) Collaborative discipline-based curriculum change: applying ChangeAcademy processes at department level, International Journal for Academic Development 18(1) (forthcoming) published on i-FirstDec 2011
* Healey, M and Jenkins, A (2009) Developing undergraduate research and inquiry. York: HE Academy
* Healey M, Mason O’Connor, K and Broadfoot, P (2010) Reflecting on engaging students in the process and product of strategy development for learning, teaching and assessment: an institutional example, International Journal for Academic Development 15(1) 19-32
Hilliard, M, Strube, G and Gooch, J (2012) Catching the bug: an opportunity for students to engage in SOTL, The International Commons 7.1,5
Hornsby, K and Simkin, S (2011) Engaging student voices in institutional assessment and inquiry, Preconference Workshop presented at International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Milwaukee, WI, 20 October
Huber, M T and Hutchings, P (2008) An action agenda for the scholarship of teaching and learning, in The Advancement of Learning: Building the Teaching Commons. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. 111-132
Hutchings, P (2005) Building pedagogical intelligence, Carnegie Perspectives
Honan, A and Curran,R (2012) Students informing the curriculum through participation in revalidation, workshop presented at SEDA Spring Teaching Learning and Assessment Conference 2012: The Student Journey, 17-18 May
* Kay, J, Dunne, E and Hutchinson, J (2010) Rethinking the values of higher education - students as change agents?Gloucester: QAA and University of Exeter
Karkowski, A M and Fournier, J S (2011) Undergraduate research as a catalyst for institutional change, paper in submission CUR Quarterly
Kavadlo, J, Nicoloff, A,Burgess, J,Coplen, A and Olson, K (2012) Magic words: students learning and teaching writing in first year seminar, Teaching and Learning Together in Higher Education5(1) Special Issue: Discovering the importance of student voice and active participation through the scholarship of teaching and learning
Kearns S E, Miller R K and Kerns D V (2004) Designing from a blank slate: the development of the initial Olin College Curriculum, In Committee on the Engineer of 2020, Phase II, Committee on Engineering Education, National Academy of Engineering Educating the Engineer of 2020: Adapting Engineering Education to the New Century (pp 98- 113)
Lambert, C (2009) Pedagogies of participation in higher education: a case for research-based learning, Pedagogy, Culture and Society 17(3), 295-309
Larsen, C, Walsh, C and Parry, D (2009) The role of students as change agents in identifying perceived barriers and gateways to achieving sustainability at a UK university,
Lewis, D (2011) Enhancing student employability through ethics-based outreach activities and open educational resources, Bioscience Education 18 (7)
Lewis, D and Morris, N (2012)
Little, B, Locke, W, Scesa, A Williams, R (2009) Report to HEFCE on student engagement
* Little, S (ed) (2011) Staff-student partnerships in higher educationLondon: Continuum
McCulloch, A (2009) The student as co-producer: learning from public administration about the student-university relationshipStudies in Higher Education34(2), 171-183
* Mihans, R, Long, D, and Felten, P (2008) Power and expertise: student-faculty collaboration in course design and the scholarship of teaching and learning,International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 2(2)
Morgan, B, and Porter, A (2011) Student researchers exploring teaching and learning: processes and issues. In G Czerniawski and W Kidd (Eds.)The student voice handbook: bridging the academic/practitioner divide.Bingley: Emerald
Neary, M (2010)Student as producer: Research engaged teaching and learning at the University of Lincoln User’s Guide 2010-11 Lincoln: University of Lincoln
Neary, M (2011) Student as producer: reinventing HE through undergraduate research, The Guardian Professional Higher Education Network 22 September
* Neary, M with Winn, J (2009) Student as producer: reinventing the undergraduate curriculum, in M Neary, H Stevenson, and L Bell (eds) (2009) The future of higher education: policy, pedagogy and the student experience. London: Continuum pp.192-210
Oldfather, P., (1995) Songs ‘come back most to them’: students’ experiences as researchers,Theory into Practice, 34(2), 131
Otis, M M (2010) Listening to students,Change:The Magazine of Higher Learning, 42(3), 51,July 8
Pawlow, L A and Retzlaff, W (2011) How undergraduate researchers at SIUE have become change agents for sustainability issues, paper in submission CUR Quarterly
* Partridge,L and Sandover,S (2010)Beyond ‘listening’ to the student voice: the undergraduate researcher’s contribution to the enhancement of teaching & learning,Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice 7(2)
Porter, A., (2008) The importance of the learner voice,The Brookes eJournal of Learning and Teaching2(3)
Ramsden, P (2008) The future of higher education teaching and the student experience
* Sandover, S, Partridge, L, Dunne E and Burkill, S (2011) Undergraduate researchers as change agents in learning and teaching: a case study of two universities in Australia and the UK, paper in submission CUR Quarterly
Snell, E, Dagman, O, and Tutton, C with Kadi-Hanifi, K, Wright, T and Peters J (2012) The student voice in staff development through student-led appreciative inquiry for inclusion, workshop presented at SEDA Spring Teaching Learning and Assessment Conference 2012:The Student Journey, 17-18 May
Sorenson, D L and Cox, M (2004) Student collaboration on faculty development: connecting directly to the learning revolution, To Improve the Academy 18, 97-127
Sorenson, D. L. (2001) College teachers and student consultants collaborating about teaching and learning, in Miller, J, Groccia, J and Miller, M (Eds)Student-assisted teaching: aguide to faculty-student teamwork. Bolton, MA: Anker Pubs. 179-183.
Sorenson, D. L. (1994) Valuing the student Voice: student observer/consultant programs, To Improve the Academy 13, 97-108
Taylor, C. and Robinson, C. (2009) Student voice: theorising power and participation, Pedagogy, Culture and Society 17(2),161–175
Taylor, P and Wilding, D (2009) Rethinking the values of higher education - the student as collaborator and producer? Undergraduate research as a case study.Gloucester: QAA
Teaching and Learning Together in Higher Education5(1) Special Issue(2012): Discovering the importance of student voice and active participation through the scholarship of teaching and learning
Timmis, S and Williams, J (2010) Towards authenticity and inclusivity in scholarship: staff–student partnerships in the research and practice of e learning, paper presented Society for Research into Higher Education Annual Conference, Newport, December,
Trowler, V. (2010) Student engagement literature review. Available at Accessed 9/12/10
* Werder, C and Otis, M M (2010) (Eds.) Engaging student voices in the study of teaching and learning. Virginia: Stylus
Werder, C, Ware, L, Thomas, C and Skogsberg, E (2010) Students in parlor talk on teaching and learning: conversational scholarship, in Werder, C and Otis, M M (2010) (Eds.) Engaging student voices in the study of teaching and learning. Virginia: Stylus pp.16-31
Willliams, J, Alder, D, Cook, J, Whinney, M, O’Connell, R, Duffin, W and King, P (2011) Students and staff as educational partners in the development of quality assured online resources for medical education, in Little, S (ed) (2011) Staff-student partnerships in higher education London: Continuum pp.76-91
Wintrup, J (2010) Embedding student and employer engagement in curriculum innovation: a collaborative project, Paper presented with students at Society for Research into Higher Education Annual Conference, Newport, December
Zahorski, K J (1993) Involving students in faculty [educational] development: A matter of value and values. Paper presented at the 18th Annual Conference of the Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network in Higher Education, Rochester, MN, October