Some of the Chapter Topics That Will Be Covered on the Exam Include

Some of the Chapter Topics That Will Be Covered on the Exam Include



Some of the chapter topics that will be covered on the exam include:

General Terms and Vocabulary







Cultural Diffusion


Barter system

Golden Age


Traditional Societies


Chapter One (Before History):

The Leakeys

Donald Johansen





Technology of Early Humans

Paleolithic Age

Nomadic Role of Women

Cave Paintings

Neolithic Revolution

Subsistence Agriculture

Gender & Agriculture

Technology of Agriculture

Population Growth



Chapter Two (Early Societies in SW Asia):

Tigris & Euphrates




Epic of Gilgamesh



Hammurabi’s Code



New Babylonians


Role of Women

  • Veils






  • Alphabet

Indo-European Migration

  • Language
  • Horses
  • Hittites
  • Iron Metallurgy
  • War Chariots

Trade Networks


Chapter Three (Early African Societies):

Nile River




Ancient Egypt

“Gift of the Nile”






Cult of Osiris


Role of Women

Meroitic Writing



Trade Networks

Bantu Migration

Chapter Four (Early Societies in South Asia):

Indus River

Hindu-Kush Mtns

Ganges River




Early Aryan Migration


Caste & Varna


Rig Veda







Chapter Five (Early Societies in East Asia):

Yellow River





Bronze Metallurgy

Decentralized gov’t

Mandate of Heaven

Iron Metallurgy’s impact

Role of merchants

Veneration of ancestors


Oracle Bones

Chinese Writing

Book of Songs

Warring States Period

Steppe Nomads

Yangzi River

Terraced farming

Chapter Six (Early Societies in the Americas & Oceania):



Ceremonial centers

Jade & obsidian

Yucatan Peninsula


Mayan terraced farming



Chichen Itza



Ball game

Maya calendar

Maya writing


Pyramids of the Moon & Sun

Andes Mtns


Terraced farming


Alpacas & llamas



Australian hunting & gathering societies

Austronesian migrations

Agriculture in New Guinea


Lapita peoples

Chapter Seven (Empires of Persia):






Lydian coins

Persian Royal Road

Qanat system

Persian Wars

Seleucid/Parthains/ Sasanids

Free peasants


Ahura Mazda

Influence of Zoroastrianism

Chapter Eight (The Unification of China):







Han Feizi


Shi Huangdi

Book burning


The Great Wall

1st Emperor’s Tomb



Liu Bang

Han Wudi

Confucian education


Ban Zhao

Silk, Paper, Crossbow

Yellow Turban Uprising

Chapter Nine (State, Society, and the Quest for Salvation in India):

Mauryan Dynasty


Rock & Pillar Edicts

Regional Kingdoms

Gupta Dynasty

Arabic Numerals

Gupta Golden Age

Indian Ocean Trade


Caste system




Siddhartha Gautama

Mahayana Buddhism


Bhagavad Gita

Popular Hinduism

Chapter Ten (Mediterranean Society: The Greek Phase):


Mycenaean Society

City-States (Polis)


Military Society






Direct Democracy

Greek colonies

Mediterranean Trade

Olympic Games


Socrates, Plato & Aristotle


Greek Deities

Cult of Dionysus

Comedy & Tragedy

Persian Wars

Delian League

Peloponnesian War

Philip of Macedon

Alexander the Great


Chapter Eleven (Mediterranean Society: The Roman Phase):


Roman Republic

Law (12 Tables)

Patricians & plebeians

Punic Wars

Roman Expansion

Julius Caesar



Roman roads

Commercial agric.

Meditrn. trade


“Bread & Circus”



Roman Deities

Cicero & Stoicism

Mithras & Isis cults



Jesus of Nazareth

Paul of Tarsus

Chapter Twelve (Cross-Cultural Exchanges on the Silk Roads):

Monsoon System

Hellenistic Trade

Silk Roads

Mare Nostrum

Spread of…

  • Buddhism
  • Hinduism
  • Christianity
  • Manichaeism

Spread of Disease

Fall of the Han

Sinicization of nomads

Fall of W. Rome



Germanic Invasions

The Huns

St. Augustine

Orthodox Christianity


Chapter Thirteen (The Expansive Realm of Islam):

Arabian Peninsula


Islamic Golden Age

Expansion & policies



The Five Pillars






Umayyad Dynasty

Abbasid Dynasty


Dar al-Islam

Spread of new crops

Hemispheric trading zone

Camels & caravans


Veiling of women


Influences on Islam (Persian, Indian, Greek)

Chapter Fourteen (The Resurgence of Empire in East Asia):

Sui Dynasty

Grand Canal

Tang Dynasty

Li Bo


Equal-Field System

Tributary states

Buddhist Influence


Chan/Zen Buddhism

Song Dynasties


Fast-Ripening Rice

Internal trade

Population & urbanization

Foot binding



Block printing & moveable type

Naval technology

Paper money

Silla Dynasty

Chinese influence on Korea, Vietnam & Japan

Nara Japan

Heian Japan


The Tale of Genji

Feudal Japan



Code of Bushido

Chapter Fifteen (India and the Indian Ocean Basin):

Mahmud of Ghazni

Delhi Sultanate


Monsoons & irrigation advances

Temples as community centers

Internal trade

Indian Ocean trade

Dhows & junks


Specialized production


Expansion of the caste system

Hindu cults


Indian influence in SE Asia

Angkor Wat

Chapter Sixteen (The Two World of Christendom):




Justinian & Theodora

Justinian Code

Hagia Sophia


Theme System

Byzantine trade

Greek fire

The Franks



Heavy plow



Population decrease & recovery





Cyril & Methodius


Black Sea-Baltic trade


Kiev & Vladimir

Onion domes

Chapter Seventeen (Nomadic Empires & Eurasian Integration):

Nomadic pastoralism


Saljuq/Seljik Turks

  • Persia (Abbasid)
  • Anatolia (Byzantine)
  • India


  • Genghis
  • Society
  • Conquest

Mongol impacts

  • Persia
  • China (Kublai)
  • Russia (Golden Horde)


Silk Road travel

  • Trade
  • Missionaries
  • Diplomats
  • Bubonic plague



Chapter Eighteen (States and Societies of Sub-Saharan Africa):


Early Africa

Kin-based society



Role of women

Zanj revolts



  • Gold & Salt
  • Islam


  • Mansa Musa
  • Jenne & Timbuktu

 Swahili Coast

  • KilwaSofala

Great Zimbabwe



  • King Lalibela
  • Rock churches

Chapter Nineteen (The Increasing Influence of Europe):

Holy Roman Empire

William the Conqueror

Agricultural growth

Development of towns & cities

Early Commercial Rev.

  • Guilds
  • Urban women

Meditrn. Trade

Hanseatic League

Three Estates



St. Thomas Aquinas

Lay Investiture


Religious orders





Spanish Inquisition (chapter 23)

Chapter Twenty (Worlds Apart: The Americas & Oceania):


The Mexica/Aztec

  • Tribute
  • Trade
  • Chinampas

Pueblo/Navajo/ Iroquois


  • Empire
  • Roads/Bridges
  • Terraces
  • Quipu
  • Trade

Australian foragers

Pacific islanders

  • Long-distance voyages
  • Maori & sweet potatoes
  • Society
  • Religion

Chapter Twenty-one (Reaching Out: Expanding Horizons of Cross-Cultural Interaction):


  • Marco Polo
  • Ibn Battuta


  • Sufis
  • John of Montecorvino


  • RabbanSauma


  • Sugarcane
  • Gunpowder
  • Plague

Italian city-states

The Renaissance

  • Leonardo da Vinci
  • Humanism
  • Machiavelli

Hundred Years War


Ivan the Great


  • Neo-Confucianism
  • Zheng He

Chapter Twenty-two (Transoceanic Encounters and Global Connections):

Portuguese est. of Medit. sugar plantations


Maritime technology

Volto do mar

Prince Henry the Navigator

Vasco da Gama

Christopher Columbus

Ferdinand Magellan

James Cook

Portuguese trading posts

Trading Companies

Conquest of the Philippines

  • Manila Galleons

Conquest of Java

Seven Year’s War

Columbian Exchange

  • Impacts on areas

Environmental impacts of trade

Chapter Twenty-four (The Americas and Oceania):





  • Cortes
  • Pizarro

Council of the Indies


Las Castas

Silver Mining




Settler colonies in N. America

Fur trade



Indentured labor

Impact of Catholicism


BASIC CORE (competence) 0–7 Points

1. Hasacceptable thesis. 1 Point

•The thesis correctly specifies BOTH continuity and change.

•The thesis must be explicitly stated in the introduction or the conclusion of the essay.

•The thesis may appear as one sentence or as multiple sentences.

2. Addresses all parts of the question, though not necessarily evenly or thoroughly. 2 Points

For 2 points:

•Essay addresses BOTH continuity AND change with historically relevant specificity.

For 1 point:

•Addresses EITHER continuity OR change with historically relevant specificity.

3. Substantiates thesis with appropriate historical evidence. 2 Points

For 2 points:

•Provides at least five pieces of accurate evidence of continuity AND change.

  • Each piece of evidence must be a supporting example of continuity OR change.

For 1 point:

•Partially substantiates thesis with appropriate historical evidence.

•Provides at least four pieces of accurate evidence of continuity AND/OR change.

  • Each piece of evidence must be a supporting example of continuity OR change.

4. Uses relevant world historical context to explain continuity and change over time.1 Point

•The essay relates or describes an extra-regional connection or a global process to explain a continuity OR change.

•Using “relevant world historical context” CANNOT count for the analysis point (#5).

5. Analyzes the process of continuity and change over time. 1 Point

•Accurately explains reason for or impact of a continuity OR change.

•“Analyzes …” CANNOT count for “uses relevant world historical context” (#4).

EXPANDED CORE (excellence) 0–2 Points

A student must earn 7 points in the basic core area before earning points in the expanded core area.


  • Has a clear, analytical, and comprehensive thesis.
  • Analyzes all issues of the question (as relevant): global context, chronology, causation, change, continuity, effects, content.
  • Provides ample historical evidence to substantiate thesis.
  • Provides links with relevant ideas, events, and trends in an innovative way.
  • Provides a clear and concrete chronology of change.

Name ______Total Raw Score ______


(Gender Roles & Relations, Family & Kinship, Racial & Ethnic Constructions, Social & Economic Classes) / Political
(Political Structures & Forms of Governance, Empires, Nations & Nationalism, Revolts & Revolutions, Regional/Transregional/Global Structures & Organizations) / Interactions
(Demography, Disease, Migration, Patterns of Settlement, & Technology) / Cultural
(Religions/Belief Systems, Philosophies, Ideologies, Science & Technology, Arts and Architecture) / Economic
(Agricultural & Pastoral Production, Trade & Commerce, Labor Systems, Industrialization, Capitalism & Socialism)
North America
Latin America
Western Europe
Eastern Europe
Middle East /
North Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa
Central Asia
South Asia
Southeast Asia
East Asia

Major continuities, changes and interactions throughout the time period 600 C.E. – 1450 C.E.

Continuities / Changes / Interactions

Major continuities, changes and interactions throughout the time period 600 B.C.E. – 600 C.E.

Continuities / Changes / Interactions

Major continuities, changes and interactions throughout the time period pre-history – 600 B.C.E.

Continuities / Changes / Interactions