“Some may say that people come into our lives for a reason, bringing something we must learn.” –Wicked

Teachers are a perfect example of this. Many teachers merely teach the curriculum that the district requires them to teach, but every now and then one comes along that goes above and beyond their job description. Mrs. Lotz, my chorus teacher for three years, was one of these teachers.

Entering my freshman year of high school, I can honestly say I was terrified of what was in store. I was extremely nervous about what might go wrong, for example, wearing the wrong clothes or not styling my hair correctly; Mrs. Lotz taught me to be myself. Without her guidance over the years I would not have the courage to openly express myself today.

Mrs. Lotz was a chorus teacher, choir director, and a mother figure to all of the students that crossed her path. She made it known to her students that she was there to listen to all of us if we ever had a problem. She taught me much more than key signatures and scales. This woman offered advice on life and taught me the things that are most important. I now know that life is not about what clique I was a part of in high school; life is about the friendship I have made that will last a lifetime.

My sophomore and junior years of high school were a little rough. I was going through a large amount of things inside and outside of school; Mrs. Lotz helped me through all of it. She motivated me to stay in school and do my best, regardless of the situation. I will never be able to thank her enough for all of her support. I stopped going to school for a couple weeks and she called my house to lecture me about how school needs to be my top priority. As much as I hated it then, I appreciate her harsh words now. I would not be where I am today with school if it was not for her.

Musically, she also helped me quite a bit; she inspired me to push myself, no matter how challenging the piece seemed. Only offering constructive criticism, she was never afraid to tell me if I was not trying hard enough or working to my potential. At times, I felt that she was overworking me, but I know that she only wanted the best for me. With her encouragement and guidance, I have discovered myself in a sense. I am now certain of who I am and what I want in life.

Mrs. Lotz did not return to teach this year, so I decided not to engage in anything to do with the choir at my school. I have not lost my passion or drive, but I simply cannot allow myself to be taught by any other chorus teacher; no one compares to her.