Thursday 23rdNovember 2017

Dear Parents/ Carers,

Some dates and details for the next few weeks.

Wednesday 29thNovember:Lantern Festival– as you will be aware from previous newsletters the Lantern Festival will take place on Wednesday 29th November at 6pm.

Arrangements for the Lantern Festival Years 1-6

Drop off and clothing: The children will need to be in their classrooms at 5.45pm. They do not need to be in school uniform but will need to be wrapped up warm and either wearing their wellies or other suitable footwear. They may also attire themselves with antlers, tinsel and Christmas decorations if they wish.

The Audience: Parents and other audience members are free to stand either in the Dell or on the playground above, where you will still be able to hear the children singing and will get the impact of the lanterns as the children walk down and back. Please access the Dell from the left hand side where the slope is less steep. Please make sure that you are all warmly dressed and wearing the appropriate footwear too as it will be muddy underfoot. Please bring your own torch or lantern with you and join in with any of the songs you know too!

Picking up: The children must all return to their classes with their teachers after the festival to make sure they all go home with the correct adults. They can be collected from their classroom doors as usual and please make sure your class teacher has seen you before taking your child.

Wet weather: We will let you know on the morning of the 29th, by text, whether we will be going ahead so please make sure that the office has the correct main text number for your family.

Collection: We will be taking a collection after the Y1-6 Lantern festival with the proceeds being split between Macmillan Cancer and Crisis at Christmas.

Thursday 30thNovember:FOMS Non uniform Day– Bring a bottle or a raffle prize

Friday 1stDecember:Year 3 Christingle Service at Beechwood details already circulated.

Saturday 2ndDecember: FOMS Xmas Fair- 11am – 2pm

Tuesday5th/ Wednesday 6thDecember:EYFS Christmas Production – A King is Born

This year Nursery and Reception will be performing their Christmas play to parents on Tuesday 5th/ Wednesday 6th December at 9.45am. We estimate that this will be finished by 10.30am. We will be sending each family 2 tickets, 1 for each performance, and you are free to give to grandparents, swap with friends etc. Due to our fire risk assessment we only have a limited number of tickets available. We will have some additional tickets available in the office which will be distributed on a first come, first served basis upon request from the office (1 additional ticket per family). Please contact the office to put your name on the list. Should you have any spare tickets please return them to the office so that we can re-allocate them.These tickets will be sent to you in the week before the performance.

We would ask that, where possible, you do not bring pre-school children to either performance as this is a distraction to the children performing. If you are unable to make alternative arrangements for younger children please speak to Mr Armoogum.

Collection: we will be taking a collection after the EYFS production with all proceeds going to the NSPCC.

Wednesday 13thDecember:Christmas lunch

Friday 15thDecember: Christmas Jumper Day –bring a donation for Save the Children UK.

Monday 18thDecember:Christmas Parties

Morning – EYFS/ KS1

Afternoon – KS2

Children can bring a change of party clothes if they wish.

Nursery children should come in to school already dressed in their party clothes. Nursery children are all invited to stay to lunch after the party. If your child would like to stay please send them to school with a healthy packed lunch (no nut products please) and collect them at 12.50pm. If they are not staying for lunch please collect them at 11.50am.

Tuesday 19thDecember: End of Term at 1.15pm

If you have any questions please contact your class teacher or phase leader in the first instance.

Yours sincerely

Darren Armoogum
