SOM Steering Committee on ECOTECH (SCE)
Ref: SCE/IA/2014
Independent Assessment of the
Human Resources Development Working Group (HRDWG)
Further assistance regarding this Request for Proposal may be obtained from:
Mr Andrew O’Sullivan
Project Overseer and Program Director
Address: 35 Heng Mui Keng Terrace Singapore 119616
Tel: +65 6891 9607 | Fax: +65 6891 9690
E-mail: (cc: )
Lodgment of bids to:Mr Andrew O’Sullivan / Ms Daphney Chew
APEC Secretariat,
35 Heng Mui Keng Terrace,
Singapore 119616
Closing time and date: 5:00pm Singapore time,
Monday,9thDecember 2013
Ref: SCE/IA/2014
Independent Assessment of the Human Resources Development Working Group (HRDWG)
The Senior Officials Steering Committee on ECOTECH (SCE) has a requirementfor an independent consultant to review the operations and structure ofAPEC working groups to ensure economic and technical cooperation (ECOTECH) activities are targeted, effective, efficient, and make the best use of scarce resources. The output of the independent assessments is a report providing recommendations designed to ensure that the working group is responsive to APEC’s current priorities and contributes to the achievement of APEC’s overall vision and objectives.
To continue with the program of regular reviews, the SCE hasdecided to undertake an independent assessment of the HRDWG. This independent assessment will address a wide range of needs of HRDWGin order to strengthen its work processes. The recommendations of the assessment will be provided to the SCE in 2014.
Consultancy Terms of Reference (ToR)
The Contractor will be engaged by the APEC Secretariat to provide the following consultancy services:
- Work cooperatively with the HRDWG Lead Shepherd and members, the SCE, and the APEC Secretariat to provide a robust analysis of the work and operations of the group and recommendations for ways to ensure the overall goals and objectives of APEC are met. In undertaking the tasks the consultant will:
- Review key APEC policy documents, including Leaders’ and Ministers statements,HRDWGrecords of meetings, key project documentation and activities toassess the outcomes and how HRDWGsupports the main objectives/goals of APEC and their impacts in APEC member economies;
- Evaluate whether HRDWGis operating effectively and efficiently;
- Whether the group’s Terms of Reference, strategic plan or operationscould be modified tobetter respond to APEC ECOTECH priorities and contribute to the achievement ofAPEC goals;
- Identify ways to strengthen HRDWG’sstrategic priorities and direction for future work;
- Provide recommendations on how the forum can better focus and more efficiently and effectively manage its tasks and assure that its capacity building activities are providing benefits according to Leaders’ and Ministers’ priorities;
- Identify ways to develop synergies among the work ofthe forumand other relevant APEC groups;
- Identify opportunities and provide recommendations for greater collaboration with non-APEC parties, including the private sector, civil society and other international organizations; identify ways for HRDWGto tap resources for programs;
- Explore how HRDWG can better take into account the APEC commitment to give gender greater considerationin accordance withdirections outlined by the Policy Partnership on Women and the Economy;
- Finalize an array of recommendations on the above-mentioned areas. Recommendations are to be provided in two lists: the first list containing a maximum of 5 decision points for consideration by SCE to provide further instruction to the group, and the second list covering those recommended actions that can be further discussed for implementation by the HRDWGitself.
- Provide a draft report on initial findings, of no more than 30 pages, written clearly and containing robust analysis to be conveyed to the APEC Secretariat, members of SCEand HRDWG.
- Analyze member economies’ responses to the draft report on initial findings;
- Produce and present the final report employing a clear and diplomatic style of presentation. Final reports are expected to be delivered to the second SCE meeting of 2014 (date is still to be determined but is anticipated for May 2014) unless the first meeting of the HRDWG is held less than 4 weeks prior to SCE2 in which case the timelines will be agreed between contractor and the SCE Program Director.
To prepare the assessment report, the contractorwill:
- Submit a detailed work plan and timelines to be agreed with the SCE Program Director;
- Work closely with APEC Secretariat staff;
- Become familiar with APEC key documents, APEC goals/objectives and procedures, other official and non-official assessments of APEC sectoral work;
- Review and evaluate previous and current goals, objectives, relevant workplans and documents, and activities;
- Attend relevant forum meetings and activities to gain a deeper understanding of the group’s operation;
- Conduct a surveyofAPEC member economies participating in the HRDWG;
- Quantify the number of people affected, directly and indirectly, by relevant APEC programs; evaluate the cost effectiveness of select programs; estimate the sustainability and replicability of relevant programs.
In the preparation, presentation and dissemination of the report, the consultant must keep the focus on the following criteria:
- Intended audience:
- APEC Fora: Delegates to the SCE, HRDWGand other APEC fora; and
- High level decision makers: APEC Senior Officials.
2. Form and content:
The report must follow the format and contents as set out in Annex, contents will include:
- Background information on the study and the methodologies employed;
- Assessment of efficiency and effectiveness the group, and the impact of work of the group on the sector in member economies;
- Identification of best practices in ECOTECH in the relevant area;
- Recommendations for improving the forum’s project formulation, management and coordination to ensure APEC’s ECOTECH programs have the greatest impact possible; and
- Recommendations for improving strategic priorities and direction; recommendation for improving the operation of the group, including the improvement in coordination with other APEC fora, private sector, civil society and other international organizations.
Recommendations are to be provided in two lists: the first list containing a maximum of 5 decision points for consideration by SCE to provide further instruction to the group, and the second list covering those recommended actions that can be further discussed for implementation by the group itself.
3. Reporting Requirements:
The report must:
- be accurate and not misleading in any respect;
- be written in a manner that will be easily accessible to the targeted audience;
- be prepared in accordance with APEC Guidelines;
- be provided at the time specified in this Request For Proposal; and
- be provided in Microsoft Word Format
The Contractor must provide the following reports by the date, in the format and the number of copies indicated:
- A draft report on findings, of no more than 30 pages, including an Executive Summary (maximum of 3 pages) and a summary of the recommendations. The reportwill be provided in MS Word format;
- Following the HRDWG and SCE’s comments, a final report on survey findings of no more than 30 pages, including an Executive Summary (maximum of 3 pages) and a summary of the recommendations;
- If requested by the SCE, the report will be presented in a SCE or HRDWGmeeting in 2014, in a clear, concise and diplomatic style.
- The electronic copy will be uploaded to the APEC Secretariat website and be accessible by the SCE and members of the relevantfora.
Bidders are invited to provide a quotation for the work outlined in this Request for Proposal; bids shall meet the following criteria:
- Bids shall be made in US dollars and shall not exceed $15,000; bids exceeding this amount will not be accepted;
- Bids may contain a maximum of three (3) milestone payments (signing of the contract; acceptance of the draft report; acceptance of the final report).
- A maximum of 20% of the contract value may be paid upon signing of the contract; and
- A minimum of 60% of the contract value is to be paid upon acceptance of the final report.
Travel Arrangements
A separate agreement between the Contractor and APEC shall cover the contractor’s travel, accommodation and daily expenses (as per APEC rules for attending such events) to participate in a HRDWG meeting to undertake the contracted work tasks. The contractor may also need to present the final report to a SCE or HRDWG meeting in 2014, depending on SCE decisions.
February 2014 / Disbursement of airfare and per diem for the expert to attend theHRDWGmeetingin February (location TBD).2014 / If requested by the SCE, disbursement of airfare and per diem for the expert to attend a SCE or HRDWG meeting,in 2014, to present the findings of the assessment(date TBD).
Length of Contract:from January to September 2014
Terms of Payment:The total contracted value will be paid to the contractor for the tasks as specified in this TOR. All necessary expenses of the consultant and expenses for telephone, fax and general postage have been included in this sum.
Specifications of the Consultant
One consultant is required for this task. The consultant should have the following skills and experience:
- Sound understanding of APEC’s goals and structure;
- Excellent oral and written communication skills in English;
- Proven analytical, research and presentation skills;
- Experience in a sector related to the work of the HRDWG;
In addition, it would be an advantage if the consultant had:
- A good understanding of the gender implications of APEC’s work.
Selection Process of the Consultant
The Bidder must provide a Proposal describing the process that will be used to meet the Terms of Reference along with a detailed description of how the Bidder meets the specifications of the consultant.
A preferred Biddermay be identified by a Selection Panel, formed within the Secretariat. The Selection Panel shall identify the Bidder that it believes represents “best value for money”.
Fitting with APEC principles of consensus building, transparency and openness a vetting process will be undertaken prior to the selection being made. After identification of the preferred Bidder, the Secretariat will share information on, up to, the top three qualified applicants with the HRDWGLead Shepherd. The Lead Shepherd may share this information with forum member economies and ask for comments. Comments of theLead Shepherd and members will be reported to the Secretariat. The Lead Shepherd will have the authority to veto an applicant.
Following the above process, the Secretariat will recommend the preferred Bidder to the SCE for approval. After approval the Secretariat will seek to enter into a contract with the preferred Bidder. The contract will be based on the standard terms and conditions attached and the Terms of Reference outlined above. The contracted consultant will then be required to report directly to and be responsive to the needs and directions of the SCE Program Director within the APEC Secretariat.
Submission of Proposals
The Bidder shall lodge one original and three copies of its detailed Proposal. An electronic version should also be submitted at the same time. Decisions will be taken on the basis of the original hard copy written Proposal. In the event of any discrepancy between the original and copy thereof, information contained in the original shall be accepted as correct and shall prevail over any statements contained in the copies. Proposals shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope or package, clearly labelled and lodged via registered mail or courier by the closing timeat the following address –
APEC Secretariat,
35 Heng Mui Keng Terrace,
Singapore, 119616
(Attention: Mr Andrew O’Sullivan / Ms Daphney Chew)
Conditions of any Contract resulting from this Request for Proposals
1.1.The Parties to this contract are the APEC Secretariat and the Contractor.
2.1.Subject to the satisfactory completion of the Work, the APEC Secretariat will pay the Contractor up to US$[Bid amount in figures to be inserted by bidder] (United States Dollars [Insert amount in words]). Any payment is inclusive of any Goods and Services Tax (GST) and bank charges levied by the Contractor’s agent and/or beneficiary banks for remittances made to the Contractor’s bank account.
2.2.The APEC Secretariat shallmake payment on Consultancy Fees according to the following schedule and/or as soon as practicable after approving the milestone and receiving the appropriate invoices and accompanying supporting documentation from the Contractor:
(US$ inclusive of tax)
1 / Upon signing of contract / January 2014 / Submission of signed contract / US$______
(maximum 20% of the contract value)
2 / Upon submission and acceptance of draft report on initial findings / (TBD) / Project Overseer’s acceptance of the draft report / US$______
3 / Upon completion and acceptance of the final report of the assessment / September 2014 / Project Overseer’s acceptance of the final report / US$______
(minimum 60% of the contract value)
Total Value (including Tax) / US$______
(Total contract value shall not exceed US$15,000)
- The Contractor must submit invoices to the APEC Secretariat to claim payment for Milestones and approved Reimbursement cost items. Original or electronic copies of the invoices may be submitted. The invoices must be accompanied by all supporting documentation as set forth in the Guidebook on APEC Projects (the Guidebook) as varied from time to time.
- Invoices shall include the following information:
(a)full name and number of project;
(b)name of Contractor;
(c)invoice date and invoice number;
(d)description of services provided and associated dates;
(e)charges and payments for previous invoices;
(f)charges for billing period;
(g)detailed banking instruction which includes the bank name, branch name, bank address, bank SWIFT code, account holder’s name and number;
(h)billing by company/organisation rather than individual requires the official letter
head of the company/organization;
(i)a signed statement by the Contractor that the services have been performed in
accordance with the terms and conditions of this contract, and the costs being billed
are true and correct and have not been previously paid.
3.3.Requirements for seeking reimbursement of approved reimbursable items include:
3.3.1.Providing APEC Secretariat with airfare invoice and e-ticket receipt.
3.3.2.Per Diem costs do not need to be supported by receipts however it is expected that the Contractor will attend the HRDWG meetings for all agreed days.
4.1.The Contractor must complete the Work by September 2014.
5.1.The APEC Secretariat authorisesthe SCE Program Director, or designee, to instruct and provide clarification to the Contractor in performing the Work.
- The Contractor will complete the Works in accordance with the requirements of the APEC Publication Guidelines and APEC Logo Guidelines, as found in the Policies and Procedures section on the APEC website.
7.1.Upon request, the Contractor must provide the APEC Secretariat or its designated representative with access to materials relevant to the Contract, including the following:
7.1.1.electronic documents;
7.1.4.papers; and
7.1.5.other records which document transactions related to the Contract.
7.2.The Contractor’s obligation to provide access commences from the date on which the Contract is made and continues for a period of three (3) years following the completion of the Work.
8.1.The Contract is intended to cover a relationship between the Parties only. The Contractor must not transfer (i.e. assign) the Contract or any interest or benefit arising out of, or in connection with, the Contract to another person or company without the prior written approval of the APEC Secretariat.
9.1.The APEC Secretariat and the Contractor may change (i.e. vary) the terms of the Contract by written agreement only.
10.1.If the Contractor, its employees, agents or contractors directly or indirectly causes any loss or damage to person or property during the performance of the Contract, the Contractor will bear all liability on behalf of the APEC Secretariat. If someone makes a claim against the APEC Secretariat (whether during or after the completion and/or termination of the Contract) for any loss or damage to person or property directly or indirectly caused by the Contractor, its employees, agents or contractors during the performance of the Contract, the Contractor must indemnify and hold the APEC Secretariat harmless from and against any and all loss, damage or liability, whether criminal or civil, suffered by the APEC Secretariat in connection therewith and reimburse the APEC Secretariat for any costs it has incurred in connection therewith (including actual legal costs on a full indemnity basis) whether during or after the completion and/or termination of the Contract.
10.2.For the purpose of clause 10.1, “claim” shall mean all demands, claims and liabilities (whether criminal or civil, in contract, tort or otherwise) for losses, damages, legal costs and other expenses of any nature whatsoever and all costs and expenses (including without limitation legal costs) incurred in connection therewith.
11.1.A Default is anything the APEC Secretariat considers to be a significant breach of the Contract including:
11.1.1.failure to perform an obligation under the Contract within the agreed time; or
11.1.2.failure to deliver outputs of satisfactory capability, quality or reliability.
11.2.In the event of a Default by the Contractor, the APEC Secretariat may write to the Contractor setting out the Default and the time by when the Contractor must fix it. If the Contractor fails to fix the Default within the time specified, the APEC Secretariat may immediately terminate the Contract by issuing a written Notice of Termination to the Contractor.
11.3.Termination under this clause does not affect the rights and/or remedies either party may have accumulated up to the date of termination including the rights and/or remedies the APEC Secretariat may have in relation to the Default.