Solva Community Council

Cyngor Cymuned Solfach

Minutes of the meeting held on 20th July 2016 at

6:30pm in the Memorial Hall

Attended by:

Community Councillors,

Mollie Roach, Sandra Young,

Ifor Thomas (Vice Chair), John Price, Joe Griffin, Tomos Waters.

County Councillor Lyn Jenkins

Clerk: Bruce Payne

1.  Welcome and Introduction. The Vice Chair welcomed:

a. Rob Scourfield PCNPA Buildings Conservation Officer (Agenda Item 5a)

b. Barry Cooke PCC Head of Property Division and David Rogers-Davies PCC Senior Chartered Surveyor (Agenda Item 5b)

2.  Apologies. Community Councillor Josh Phillips

3.  Declarations of interest. None

4.  Agree the Minutes of the meeting held on 1st June 2016. Agreed and signed.

5.  Matters Arising

a.  PCNPA Planning – Proposed Article 4(2) Rob Scourfied briefed members on details taken at a recent National Park Authority meeting where it was resolved to make an Article 4(2) Direction re removing permitted development rights in respect of windows, doors, hard-standings and boundary walls with regards to unlisted dwelling houses within the conservation area of Solva. This followed Directions already made and confirmed for St Davids, Newport, Tenby and Little Haven. SCC members supported the proposed article 4(2). Rob’s presentation is attached to these Minutes together with:

i.  Solva Conservation Map.

ii.  Owner / Occupier Letter.

The Q&A session also allowed members to raise concerns about two properties in Solva that had become empty and neglected and were now seen by many as blots on the village landscape. SCC was invited to formally write to PCNPA re Section 215 action (Clerk action)

The question of Cogging and their removal was also raised by members. Rob later clarified by email that the term Cogging or “sawtooth” were angled bricks that resemble the teeth of a cog or saw. For listed buildings, there was always a presumption to retain/replace like-for-like. For non-listed buildings subject to a planning application, the Authority could impose a condition to retain if they suspected the feature was under threat.

For non-listed buildings, in the absence of any application to ‘hang’ a condition on, removal of the cogging would usually be permitted development.

b.  PCC Land Upper Solva. Barry and David from PCC updated members on the land in Upper Solva adjacent to the Bay View Stores. The land is currently leased from PCC and used as recreational space by local groups/clubs. PCC intend to develop the land for residential use. Number of houses TBC, but 20% would be affordable housing. SCC requested that any developing plans consider space for a full size adult football pitch. The loss of recreational space was raised as a concern by members and Barry and David informed everyone this was be in line with the PCNPA Open Space Assessment (OSA) which previously concluded that Solva had more Open Space than the recommended 6 acres per 1000 of population (OSA includes foreshore, play parks and other green spaces). The biggest concern raised by members was sewage infrastructure, or the lack of it. The sewage treatment plant had not been upgraded to solve existing problems and a Planning Application (NP/14/0618) to help achieve this was withdrawn in January 2015. It was acknowledged by all present that sewage was a key issue and had to be solved with robust and affordable plans prior to any planning application. PCC had no timeframe to develop the land for residential use but would remain engaged with SCC on the topic.

c.  Disabled Toilets & Radar Key Scheme. The National Key Scheme (NKS), sometimes known as the RADAR Scheme offers access to disabled toilet facilities with anyone experiencing ill health, injury or disability. The scheme was developed because some public toilets designed for disabled people had to be locked to prevent damage and misuse. The scheme aims to provide disabled key holders with independent access to the toilets and increase the likelihood of the facilities being in a useable state. PCC have adopted the scheme and fitted RADAR locks to their disabled toilets, including the one in lower Solva car park. SCC are concerned that PCC have not been successful in communicating information about the scheme and how keys can be purchased by people with disabilities, in particular those living in communities such as Solva. SCC would write to PCC about how they can raise accessibility to the scheme. (Vice Chair action)

d.  Solva AFC – Refurbishment & Regeneration Project

i.  Terms of Reference for the Project Steering Group were reviewed – Proposed by Community Councillor Sandra Young, seconded by Community Councillor Joe Griffin that TOR were accepted and the inaugural meeting set for Monday 12th September 2016. All members agreed. TOR are attached to these Minutes. (Clerk action)

ii.  SCC had met the cost of the recent Planning Application[1] which was £380. Members agreed this would be recovered at a later date from funds accrued by the newly formed Steering Group.

iii.  A Public Meeting was held on Monday 4th July 2016 at 6.30pm in the Football Club. Attendees included representatives from Solva Care, SCC, Solva Craft Club, Solva Art Group, AFC, PCC, Solva Luncheon Club, Solva WI, Parochial Church Council and the local community. Community Councillor Ifor Thomas (Chair) spoke about the full planning application to refurbish the AFC clubhouse including ground floor and upper extensions. Public consultation would end on 7th July and the Planning Authority determination date was 28th July 2016. All comments received by those attending were positive and support for the Project was unanimous. Ifor informed everyone that an Expression of Interest had been submitted for a grant of £128,000 from the Welsh Government Rural Communities programme – Planning approval was a pre-requisite to the application. A Project Steering Group would now be formed to take the project forward with the inaugural meeting set for September; membership as per draft TOR.

e.  Solva AFC & PCC Rent Invoice. The PCC invoice (see PV043 – invoice no P0000076228) for annual rent for period 1st April 2016 to 31st March 2017 had been paid by SCC and would be recovered from Solva AFC. The outstanding rental sum of £1050 for period 25 March 2008 to 24 March 2015 would be paid, as agreed with PCC, and recovered annually from Solva AFC.

f.  PCC/SCC SLA for Youth Services 2016/17. All members agreed the terms set out in the SLA – Service cost was £3155. The SLA was signed by Community Councillor Ifor Thomas (Vice Chair) and subsequently returned to PCC.

g.  Community October Forum. Community Councillor’s Sandra Young and Ifor Thomas were leading on the Forum. The main output of the forum in partnership with Planed would be a revised Solva Action Plan[2]. Both would liaise with Planed (Liz Thomas) re possible dates. There needs to be a six-week lead in time for the workshops to allow for flyers and all the planning (venue, caterers, attendees etc.).Topic to be Standing Agenda Item TFN. (Sandra and Ifor action)

h.  Community Speed Watch. Community Councilor Joe Griffin updated members on the Community Speed Watch. Local volunteers who together with support from the local Neighbourhood Policing Team would monitor speeds of vehicles in Solva. Vehicles exceeding the speed limit would be referred to the Police with the aim of educating drivers rather than prosecuting. No volunteers had yet come forward – this would remain a standing agenda item until the scheme was up and running. A notice asking for volunteers would be placed in the newsletter (every month TFN). (Joe action)

i.  Gamlin Play Park. Repair action was underway.

j.  Sale of one Marquee. Proposed by Community Councillor Sandra Young; Seconded by Community Councillor Tomos Waters that one marquee is sold for £300 to St Davids Care in the Community. All members agreed the proposal. This decision followed a purchase offer on 24 Jun 2016. Both marquees need to be checked (September date to be agreed) following summer usage and repair action taken as necessary. (All – action)

k.  Newgale Adaptation Plan. Ongoing Community Engagement by PCC continues. The latest update was issued on 24 June 2016. Community Councillor Joe Griffin represents SCC on the Newgale Steering Group and will report progress as appropriate – Information to be available in Solva Newsletter. (Joe – action)

l.  Local Community Requests/Issues/Complaints.

i.  High Street Bus Stop Bench. Community Councillor Tomos Waters updated members on the bench incident. The recommendation to remove the bench was agreed by all and Tom would speak to the owners. (Tom – action)

ii.  Pengraig path & handrail attached to Gwadan bridge. Following local concern bothfootbridges in the Gwadn valley, (the one by the beach and the one by the sewage works) have been inspected by PCNPA. Both are reported solid and safe.

iii.  Lewis Terrace Adoption by PCC. NTR

iv.  Maes y Mor Adoption by PCC. NTR

v.  Maes y Mor Adoption by PCC. NTR

m.  Postponed - SCC Summer Function. The function planned for Wednesday 10th August 2016 at 6:30p.m. Venue: Café on the Quay was postponed. A new date would be discussed at the September meeting. (Chair – action)

6.  Clerk’s actions.

a.  Approval of Annual Return for year ended 31 March 2016, accounting statements and Annual Governance Statement at special meeting on 29th June 2016. The Chair and all members approved the Annual Return.

b.  SCC Bank Balance at end of June. The balance at 30th June 2016 was £62,856.62. Income & Expenditure (actual) for June was presented and agreed by Councillors.

c.  Budget Review 2016/17. Expenditure was reviewed against the agreed budget.

d.  SCC Vacancy – Formal Notice and Petition. Notice and petition were complete. PCC to be notified and election date set. (Clerk action)

e.  SLCC Membership. Members reviewed decision to cease 2016/17 membership. Future membership and benefits would be considered for 2017/18.

f.  Correspondence. All correspondence had been distributed to members by email and where appropriate had been circulated in the SCC Box.

7.  Planning: Rees Richards & Partners are acting as Land Agents representing Natural Resources Wales (NRW).NRW proposes to undertake some improvement works adjacent to Solva Bridge re Flood alerts .Rees Richards are now discussing a planning application with PCNPA. The following planning applications have been reviewed by the SCC Planning Committee. No planning concerns were raised to the Authority:

a.  Applications received:

i. NP/16/0229/ADV The Harbour Inn, 31-33, Main Street, Solva, "Installation of illuminated double legged post sign"

ii. NP/16/0308/FUL Solva AFC Clubhouse, Glanhafan, Solva, Refurbishment & extension of existing clubhouse"

iii. NP/16/0310/FUL 21, Anchor Down, Solva,

"Replacement detached two storey dwelling"

iv. NP/16/0357/FUL Plot adjacent to 14, Anchor Down, Solva, "One semi-detached dwelling & one holiday unit"

b.  Outcomes:

i.  NP/16/0158/FUL Fairholme, 43, Prendergast, Solva,
"Addition of a new storm porch to the front elevation" Approved

ii.  NP/0190/CLE Ty Gwair, Whitchurch Road, Solva,
"Certificate of Lawfulness application for use of land as garden area" Approved

iii.  NP/16/0223/FUL Ty Gwair, Whitchurch Road, Solva,
"New front entrance hall & rear dining room extensions together with revised..." Approved

8.  Newsletter

a.  Review local content

b.  Review SCC content

9.  Report from PCC Councillor.

10.  Reports from SCC Councillors

a.  Community Councillor Mollie Roach invited County Councillor Lyn Jenkins to address the following questions on Education.

i.  Following an adverse Estyn report on Sir Thomas Picton School, the Cabinet member for Education was sacked and Cllr David Lloyd appointed in her place.She was then allowed to remain in the Cabinet and retain her responsibility for Safeguarding; why?

ii.  Mollie asked why she was allowed to continue in the safeguarding role if her performance in Education was deemed so poor as to result in her sacking from that role?

iii.  Would this decision result in another £24k salary for another Cabinet member?

iv.  Mollie also asked what confidence people would have in David Lloyd becoming responsible for all the schools in the County when there would seem to be a clear conflict of interest, given his recent support of the YDS case and the refusal to acknowledge the implications of that decision for other schools in the County.

v.  Welsh Medium School in Haverfordwest The Council, in accord with its desire to support the development of the Welsh Language, has agreed to build a Welsh Medium 3-16 school in Haverfordwest, by September 2018, using 21st Century money. Mollie asked what recognition had been given to the probability that Ysgol Preseli, currently a very successful school, would suffer a loss of pupils, funding and staff.

vi.  Mollie pressed her main question as to why PCC didn’t seem to plan strategically and why PCC always didshort term fixes which result in long term difficulties. Why was there no coherent plan for Education 3-18 across the county as a whole? Why are they doing it in bits, when it is clear that changes in one part of the County have spin offs in another part?

vii.  Narberth old school site – The PCC Cabinet agreed, in closed session, that firms interested in developing this site be offered a £2million loan. The decision was called inon the grounds that Cabinet had insufficient information on which to take such a decision. The PCC Scrutiny Committee met again in closed session and upheld the Cabinet decision. Mollie asked why such decisions are taken inclosed session especially when large sums of public money are involved. The Council has a policy on transparency and accountability and decisions taken in secret are not in accord with such a policy. Please explain this failure?

b.  Lyn would investigate and respond at the September SCC meeting.

11.  Public Open Forum. NTR

12.  Date of next meeting

a.  Wednesday 7th September 2016

Compiled by:

Bruce Payne (Clerk) 16th August 2016

Signed by: Josh Phillips (Chair)


[1] NP/16/0308/FUL

[2] See Solva Action Plan 2008