Text Rendering Protocol
Purpose: To collaboratively construct meaning, clarify and expand our thinking about a text.
· A facilitator to guide the process
· A scribe to track the phrases and words that are shared
Take a few minutes to review the text and mark the sentence, the phrase, and the word that you think is particularly important for our work.
1. First round: Each person shares a sentence from the document that s/he feels is particularly significant. The scribe records each sentence on chart paper.
2. Second round: Each person shares a phrase that s/he feels is particularly significant. The scribe records each phrase on chart paper.
3. Third round: Each person shares a word that s/he feels is particularly significant. The scribe records each word on chart paper.
4. The group reviews the chart(s) and discusses what they heard and how it affects their thinking about the text.
5. The group debriefs the process.