Solent Forum Members Meeting Minutes

Royal Naval Club and Royal Albert Yacht Club, Old Portsmouth

Wednesday 11th October 2017

1 Chairman’swelcomeandopeningremarks

Peter Barham (PB) welcomed Membersto the meeting. Referring to interesting times posed by the Brexit negotiations, PB said that the Forum will keep working hard and planning for the future.

The minutes of the last meeting have been updated and are on the Forum's website, where all papers can be found. Some large presentations are only available on request as there is a maximum file size.

The list of delegates and apologies received can be found at the end of these minutes. Details of the presentationsand dates of future meetings can be found on the Solent Forum website at

2 SolentForumUpdate-KarenMcHugh and Kate Ansell, Solent Forum

KarenMcHugh (KM) gaveanupdateontheForum’sprogressoncore activities, sub-groups and projects. KM mentioned improvements to the Forum's monthly eNews, applications for the Professor Mike Clark Award, a potential Marine Planning Implementation project with the MMO and progress with Phase 1 of the 'BUDS' project. The latter will bring about beneficial use of dredging within one or more Solent sites, using an incrementally phased approach to scope and cost sediment sourcing and sediment receiver sites, building a system of protocols and guidance; there will be four phases in all.

Dates of forthcoming meetings can be found on the Forum website at some key dates are as follows:

Solent Forum Steering Group Meeting8th November 2017 in Portsmouth

Solent Forum Members' Meeting15th March 2018 in Cowes

Natural Environment Group Meeting22nd November 2017 in Southampton

Solent European Marine Sites Meeting19th September 2018 in Southampton

Kate Ansell (KA) launched the Forum's new coastal consents guide which can be found at KA also outlined the work she has done on the Solent Information Database (SID), a metadatabase of material of coastal interest to members and others. SID includes issues relating to the Solent as well as from a wider area, for example national government marine reports. SID can be found at

In answer to questions about the coastal consents guide, KA said there are no major changes from the previous version, the framework remains unchanged and the guide is available to all including non-members. The coastal consents guide and SID were praised. Malcolm Hudson (MH) said the University of Southampton encourages use of open access for publications and has free publication on its web site; MH offered to speak separately to Forum staff about this.

Presentation on the Forum website

3 Solent Oyster Restoration Project - Morven Robertson, Blue Marine Foundation

Morven Robertson(MR) described recent progress made with the Blue Marine’s Solent oyster regeneration project which aims to restore oysters to a self-sustaining population following recent declines in the population. The Forum has contributed to some elements of the project.

Presentation on the Forum website

Asked by the Chairman if water quality issues such as hormones and heavy metals may have contributed to the decline in oyster numbers, MR said Lina Zapata Restrepohad looked at how the sex ratio in the population had changed with temperature; warmer water was correlated with a greater proportion of males, thereby reducing fertility. Lina is also looking at the effects of temperature, hormones and different pollutants on various reproductive parameters.

Alison Fowler (AF) mentioned studies by the River Hamble Harbour Authority looking at salinity, copper and anti-fouling agents; MR invited anyone with such data to come to the Blue Marine meetings and inform them of the data.

Rob Clark pointed out that plankton trawls are showing where the oyster larvae are settling. He said that spatial management would be important as the whole life cycle is crucial and areas of seabed may need preparation for larval settlement.

No sites have been selected on the Isle of Wight and MR asked anyone knowing of suitable sites to let her or the Blue Marine know of these.

Derek Russell (DR) asked about water quality data and pointed out the diffuse origin of nutrients in Chichester Harbour. MR said Blue are making their own measurements as well as using water quality data from the Environment Agency and universities.

4 Regional Management of Marine Aggregate Activities in the Solent Forum Area - Joe Holcroft, CEMEX UK Marine

Joe Holcroft(JH) showed the need for construction aggregates, the marine contribution to these and the value and important role of local supplies and wharves. He described BMAPA's new regional approach to monitoring & management. JH was standing in for Mark Russell of BMAPA who was unable to attend.

Presentation on the Forum website.

In light of significant reserves off the Isle of Wight, JH was sked aboutthe future of the aggregate fleet as offshore sites get deeper. JH replied that in shallow areas the fleet can still access smaller wharves, but he could not comment on larger vessels.

Noting that regional management demonstrates good practice for the sector, the Chairmanasked if this methodology could be rolled out for other sectors to help with 'in combination' assessments. JH said the consistent approach has the benefit that there is only one report incorporating all aspects.

Regarding aggregate imports, JH said the UK imports some, such as Norwegian crushed rock, and granite for flood defences, but the UK is a net exporter.

KM mentioned the River Itchen and JH said there could be an issue as the wharf may require compulsory purchase.

Russell Gadbury (RG) said that the South Marine Plans support the aggregate sector, and the MMO try to clarify the needs of one sector such as minerals to other sectors such as planning. The Chairman pointed out the need for care with what developments are permitted in ports, noting potential conflicts with housing, noise and other issues.

Asked about accessibility of the data, JH said BMAPA and the Crown Estate hope to put it online; ownership of data from other sources may be an issue however. The regional association has web sites and the regional assessments are online.

5 Restoration of HMS Victory – Arabella Roberts, The National Museum of the Royal Navy (NMRN)

Arabella Roberts (AR) said the NMRN has a number of sites in the UK and the largest fleet of historic vessels in the world. Outlining some of the ships and projects, AR went on to describe the restoration of HMS Victory in Portsmouth in detail.

Presentation on the Forum website

Asked what proportion of original timber had been preserved in HMS Victory, AR explained that ships were built to last around 40 years. Much timber has had to be replaced historically and NMRN shipwrights try to strike a balance. The keel and much of the lower timbers are original, whereas the upper deck has been replaced. Old sections which must be removed are documented and archived.

AR said Chatham is a separate dockyard, the NMRN work closely with them on mason techniques, communicating and a long term overview.

Tim Ash said the NMRN are building a new heritage centre which they hope will open in 2020.

6 Dockyard Port of Portsmouth Update – Gideon Sherwood, QHM and Dr Stuart Otway, Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO)

Stuart Otway (SO) described four work areas being undertaken by the DIO, which is part of the MOD. These are theQEC carrier capital dredge and infrastructure, maintenance dredge licensing & baseline document, Gosport oil fuel depot & jetty and other MOD estate initiatives.

Gideon Sherwood (GS) outlined some of the major works in Portsmouth last year including removal of munitions, ordnance and other objects found during the channel widening, and new structures required for the carriers.

Presentation on the Forum website

A Member commented on the industrial look of the new navigation aids. GS pointed out the need to balance function with availability and said the structures were smaller than had originally been proposed; SO added that they also have less environmental impact.

GS said that traffic management in Portsmouth Harbour has changed significantly. The new lights all go on at the same time, only when needed for QEC which takes a different route from other vessels, therefore other mariners are alerted to this.

7 Hot Topics Updates on current issues around the Solent

7.1Marine licensing – Neil Amos and Frances Edwards, MMO

Neil Amos introduced himself to members as a recent member of the MMO in Portsmouth.

Frances Edwards from the MMO's Newcastle office described how the MMO deals with licence applications and how they publicise and liaise with local communities.

Presentation on the Forum website

Solent Forum Professor Mike Clark Award Winner 2017

7.2Microplastics in Solent Oysters –Katie Bawden, University of Southampton

Katie Bawden was awarded the Solent Forum Professor Mike Clark Award in 2016.

Presentation on the Forum website

7.3Natural England & Public Engagement: A renewed focus- Sandra Unterhollenberg, Natural England

Presentation on the Forum website

7.4Secrets of the Solent - Rayner Piper, Hampshire and Wight Wildlife Trust

Presentation on the Forum website

Drawing the meeting to a close, PB remarked on the wide range of talks, and thanked Kate Ansell and Forum staff for organising it. He also thanked Members for their support and invited the MMO to speak at the next meeting on the South Marine Plans and implementing them, if they are available by March 2018.

The Chairman invited suggestions for future meetings which should be sent to Kate Ansell at .

8 Date of Next Meeting

The next Solent Forum Members’ Meeting will take place on 15th March 2018 on the Isle of Wight. The venue will be Northwood House in Cowes.

The meeting concluded with a networking lunch.

Tracey / Hewett / ABPmer
Vicky / Inglis / Bird Aware Solent
Anna / Parry / Bird Aware Solent
Morven / Robertson / Blue Marine
David / Roberts / BP Hamble
Joseph / Holcroft / CEMEX UK Marine
Derek / Russell / Chichester Harbour Conservancy
Dr Stuart / Otway / Defence Infrastructure Organisation
Peter / Taylor / Environment Agency
Kate / Buckle / Fugro GB Marine Limited
Rayner / Piper / Hants & IOW Wildlife Trust
Cllr. Ken / Smith / Havant Borough Council
Chris / Mills / Isle of Wight Council
Sue / Hawley / Isle of Wight Estuaries
Nigel / Jardine / Langstone Harbour Board
Jane / Cunningham / Manhood Peninsula Partnership
Neil / Amos / Marine Management Organisation
Frances / Edwards / Marine Management Organisation
Russell / Gadbury / Marine Management Organisation
Arabella / Roberts / National Museum Royal Navy
Tim / Ash / National Museum Royal Navy
Chloe / Smith / Natural England
Sandra / Unterhollenberg / Natural England
Peter / Ferguson / New Forest District Council
Gideon / Sherwood / QHM, Portsmouth
Dave / Barter / QHM, Portsmouth
Kim / Moore / Ramboll
Alison / Fowler / River Hamble Harbour Authority
Jason / Scott / River Hamble Harbour Authority
Dora / Querido / RSPB
Mike / Samuelson / RYA
Kate / Ansell / Solent Forum
Peter / Barham / Solent Forum
Carolyn / Francis / Solent Forum
Karen / McHugh / Solent Forum
Bob / Comlay / Solent Protection Society
Rob / Clark / Southern IFCA
Paul / Linwood / Southern Water
Nick / Rogers / Sussex IFCA
Malcolm / Hudson / University of Southampton
Katie / Bawden / University of Southampton
Tim / Dyer / West Sussex County Council


Sue / Simmonite / ABP Southampton
Alan / Deeming / Angling Trust (IoW)
Wendy / Stowe / Beaulieu River
Malcolm / Thorpe / Bembridge Harbour Authority
Mark / Russell / BMAPA
Tom / Day / Chichester District Council
Richard / Austin / Chichester Harbour Conservancy
Debbie / Salmon / Eastleigh Borough Council
Jackie / Mellan / Environment Agency
Richard / O’Callaghan / Environment Agency
Cllr Trevor / Cartwright / Fareham Borough Council
Jason / Grygiel / Gosport Borough Council
Cllr Jackie / Branson / Hampshire County Council
Tim / Ferrero / Hants & IOW Wildlife Trust
David / Rumble / Hants & IOW Wildlife Trust
Julie / Boschi / Havant Borough Council
Grace / Booth / Isle of Wight Council
Louise / McCallum / Langstone Harbour Board
Richard / Morgan / Natural England
Ian / Barker / New Forest National Park Authority
Cllr Donna / Jones / Portsmouth City Council
Emma / Barton / RYA
Jonathan / Peel / Solent Cruising and Racing Association
Bill / Pimlott / Solent Protection Society
Lindsay / McCulloch / Southampton City Council
Anthony / Gallagher / Southampton Solent University
Kathryn / Nelson / Sussex IFCA

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