Mgt211 gdb idea

Sole proprietorship is a business fad own by one. This is the simplest form of business. Small businesses or small business, or we can say that the new company, and I mean there is a new company is a company or a business (in which there is not a lot of competitors exist) so that the new company can control a sole proprietorship. Because as the business grows. This requires changes; the owner may need improved security of personal belongings and other features of his work. However, it is not an easy way to convert individual ownership in the partnership because it involves many risks and many other factors have many advantages as well as many of the defects even Mr Aryan that have to take into account all aspects of the conversion process from sole ownership of the partnership.
DIS- advantages
1) Mr El-Erin is the sole owner of the business or company so that he will have to control all responsibilities, including the management, control, check and so on of his company so it will put a lot of burden on Mr El-Erin and.
2) Has a small investment in the market for Lmnavsh should need more capital to expand its activities even a sole proprietorship is a business investment limited or small.
3) Mr El-Erin is responsible for all liabilities of his own and he is responsible for any loss.
4) Should take away his partner, the company's assets and even his house to also defect from a sole proprietorship.
5) A sole proprietorship is the kind of work, which is with the life of the owner in the event of the death of the owner of the company, will be completed.
1) Should Mr El-Erin have full control over all his business there any interference from others taking all the decisions himself?
2) It is the owner completely alone of all the profits of the company.
3) Should all activities and all the company's scenario under the eye be, he can take all decisions on the type of your decision.
4) A director of the company or entrepreneur, we can say that it is the sole owner of all the resources of human and non-human.
5) He does not have the tension of the tax.
So I would suggest that Mr. El-Erian to transform the partnership company if he wants to stay in the same business for Lmnavsh in the market should have been more capital and more resources to gain customer attention and customer satisfaction, and I can say that sometimes one plus one becomes one of ten so while live in the world of business or alive in the market and business borders must take risks.